Jumping pictures at sunset! |
July 26 through August 1:
What a great week spent with Jed and Luke and Kady in Newport and Bandon! Refreshing cool weather after hot days in Baker City and time spent enjoying family!!
Bandon dunes sunset |
Rick and I left Baker on Thursday as soon as my BMCC class was over at 11am. Smooth drive to Portland along the gorge internet, marveling at the additional wind turbines we see near Boardman. We find Jed in Southeast Portland around 4:30 at the home of James Duckworth, who picked Jed up at the airport from New Mexico. Jed had spent the day visiting with Chanel Parke for lunch and a trip to Powell's Bookstore afterwards. A trip to Portland is worthless to Jed if it doesn't include a visit to Powell's!
On to Tigard to stop at the T-Mobile store for Ginger to purchase her new cell phone!!! We get a good deal that includes free activation and a $60 phone with a full QWERTY keyboard. Now to figure our how to use it!
We arrive in Newport around 9:30 pm. A long day, but a good one! We set up the tent trailer in the driveway. Jed will be sleeping inside in the little backroom, so Rick and I have the trailer to ourselves. It will work out great. Evening spent until 11:30 or so visiting and talking. Time to go to bed so Luke can get up and go to work in the morning!

Up in a lazy fashion for most of us. Luke has left for work at 7:15 ish. We spend the morning visiting with Kady and then walk up to Wal-Mart to pick up a few items, plus grab a sandwich at Subway. We stop by Luke's summer group at the park enroute home and see his clubhouse place. Luke will be able to leave sooner than we expected, so we get back quickly, shower, and we are ready to roll by 2:30 or so.

An absolutely GORGEOUS day heading down the coast to Bandon. Flowers, clear blue skies, rolling surfs. We stop in CooBay to visit the Big 5 Sporting Goods store - Luke needs racket strings and Jed some toe socks. Success for Jed, but not for Luke!

Arrive in Bandon around 5:30 - time for dinner! Grandma has prepared spaghetti. After dinner the boys and I head down to the beach to fly the kites and take "jumping" pictures. Games until midnight. Grandma can't keep this up for long! Nor I!!
Luke leaps from dunes. |
Bandon Beach walk |
Luke applies wax to Grandma's car |
Luke, Grandma, and I head down to the church around 11 to the rummage sale. We pick up a few "treasures" and help Grandma get the money. Afternoon spent watching the Olympics, washing and waxing Grandma's car, sewing the curtains for Luke and Kady, and in general getting our list accomplished! Late afternoon, Rick and I take a walk north on the beach to the Seal Rocks, while Jed and Luke play beach bocce ball. More jumping pictures, and I am amazed as Jed walks back on the beach juggling three bocce balls! Wow!
Dinner then games again! Only we stop sooner cause we have church in the morning!
Sleep later today! Mom and I leave for church around 9:15 as Mom is in charge of coffee hour. We made mini muffins yesterday morning to take. A long service it seemed, but at least I made a scribble from the children's sermon. Following worship, Jed and I took Mom to Radio Shack to purchase a new keyboard for her computer - a full size one with some shortcut keys that are going to make life happier for her! Luke and Rick stopped by the fish market and picked up two large containers of clam chowder for lunch/dinner!
We finish up some chores for Mom, enjoy our meal, and then a final game of Dix-it - the "apples to apples -pictionary - luck of the draw" Game that Jed bought at Powells! A fun one!
Smooth drive back up to Newport - absolutely beautiful clear skies, but a good north wind. Jed drives to Florence and Rick the rest of the way. Luke and I immediately leave for youth group while Rick and Jed head to Papa Murphys for a pizza. Late night watching the Olympics!
Backyard fire! |
Foggy morning in Newport! Kady and I got out the sourdough starter last night and are trying to bring it "back to life"! Our goal is to make some bread today from the packages of Sourdough Tomato I have prepared for them. We don't have any eggs, but we'll manage without!
Big news of today is our 'fishing' trip! Rick and I went down to the bay front late morning to check out the possibility of tuna from the Chelse Rose, the boat we bought from last September. We are in luck! Two completely filleted tunas and $91 later, we are headed back to the house to package and freeze! We end up with about 20 packages, plus enough tuna for everyone to have a sizable chunk this evening.
Later afternoon Rick and I head back down to poke through the shops of the Bay front while the boys and Kady are playing tennis.
Evening of Olympics and games - plenty of games! AND a fire in the backyard with s'mores!
Yaquina Old Lighthouse |
Fog burns off earlier today and Rick takes off to check out furniture possibilities for the kitchen. We'd like to give a little housewarming gift and they can use a little more storage. Kady has to work today - her last day for Americorp for this past year. She'll start back up in September for the next session. I do a little work on BMCC class and worship for next Sunday in Baker City.
Sunstar at Hatfield |
Afternoon is beautiful again! Jed, Rick, and I head down to the Mark Hatfield Marine Science Center - interesting and interactive without the cost of the Aquarium! We poke buttons, watch videos, etc. for nearly two hours. Then a quick trip out to the Old Yaquina Lighthouse, where we run into Borden and Sandy Granger working as volunteers! Good visit with them, and Luke comes to pick Jed up as they are all going down to the beach for a little volleyball before dinner.
The sourdough is still bubbling and we make pancakes for dinner! We head out to Fred Meyer after dinner to purchase the wall unit Luke and Kady decided on. Then....more games and Olympics!!!
Our trailer tucked in front of Luke's house. |
Up early to see Luke off and be on our way eastward to Baker City. Kady has to go back in to work today - she didn't get everything cleaned out yesterday! Luke is off by 7:25a. And we have the trailer packed up, hitched up, and pulling out just 15 minutes later! Coffee and we are off!
Rick drives to Prineville, Jed to John Day, and Rick home. I got off lucky this trip! Smokey, hazy skies in some areas, but overall a smooth trip home, arriving just before 5 in time for Ging to pick up the mail.
Birdfeeder on pole...with guests! |
Cactus bloom |
Great trip, just too short! Too short in Bandon, too short in Newport!
Backyard from tether ball pole. |
Couple addendums..... Luke and Kady have a really cute little backyard with fuchsias and two raised bed gardens. Since it was previously used by a child psychologist, there is also a tether-ball pole and a basketball hoop with concrete pad in the backyard! Great toys for Luke! Kady is growing a number of little cactus inside and several of them were blooming - gorgeous colors! Luke brought a driftwood pole back from Bandon to put into the bush out front for a bird-feeder. The birds came flocking right away!
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