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Monday, August 13, 2012
Click HERE for all of today's pictures
It cooled right
off last night! We used the sleeping
bags instead of just a sheet and blanket.
Felt great and slept well.
Up leisurely to
read, I caught up on some scribbles and journaling, breakfast. Then we packed a light lunch and took off for
Wolf Creek Pass area. Nothing too
strenuous today – it is a rest day, but we wanted to explore a little! We passed who I think is our group leader
driving in – he was blocking the road out!
Pagosa Valley from pass overlook |
This is one
gorgeous valley. A series of small
lakes, wide open grassy meadows filled with sunflowers, horses, and cows. Old fashioned wooden fences add to the
charm. Wolf Creek Pass is only 17 miles
from the campground. The first 9 are
gradual uphill, and then the road steepens dramatically for the windy climb to
the summit. There is an overlook at the
two mile mark that provides a wonderful view to the west of the valley. We stop for a couple quick pictures, and I
realize I have left my camera battery charger in the trailer, and the light is
blinking. This will cut down on the
picture taking this trip!
View northwest from Lobo Overlook. |
On up to the pass
and a road that cuts up to the top of Lobo Overlook and a radio transmitter
station. What a great view in all
directions. An array of wildflowers AND
a cold wind! We put on our windbreakers,
but even then it is chilly!! We find some
dwarf fireweed, white daisy like flowers, pussytoes, and on the way back down….gentians
and harebells and paintbrush! Plus lots
of hellebore and goldenrod. Rick makes a
cell call to his mom – we have coverage from the top! I left a message with mine – she was probably
at the church!
From the pass we
drove down to the Wolf Creek Ski Area, and found a road that wound down through
the ski runs to a large meadow and lift, and then down to Albert
Reservoir. Mt. Albert is one of the
hikes we will take. It sits to the
southeast of the ski area. Grab a snack
for lunch at the boat dock at the reservoir.
Treasure Falls |
Back over the
pass and down to the base of the mountain and the trail to Treasure Falls. A great legend about lost gold buried
somewhere here, but now you find an interpretive trail on the geology and
change, including an 1985 blow down during a very wet spring when the mountain
basically just collapsed in one area and washed out over the freeway. The falls itself didn’t have a great deal of
water in it – misty! We spotted mountain
ash bushes, wild geraniums, some fireweed, and lots more pussytoes.
The sun has come
out and it is warm, unlike this morning when the skies were pretty cloud
filled. You can tell the afternoon
storms will still arrive, but for the moment in the sun….it is hot! (Probably all of 85 maybe!) Good news! The camera battery has been blinking all day, but it hasn't given out on me!
Back to the
trailer around 2 to find most of the group has checked in. I meet Mark and he gives us our name
tags. Must remember to wear them
now! We are scheduled to meet around 4
pm as a group before the 5pm dinner down at the shelter.
Group introductions as we await dinner. |
One of the single
gals in the group (Peggy from north of Denver) has had motor home problems and
won’t be making it until next weekend.
She can’t get her rig repaired until Thursday. But….another couple has come in who missed
another build due to a family emergency.
We have room, so they will be joining us. So…a net gain! Our group includes team leader Mark from
Texas, Jim also from Texas (they are both full time RVers), Lori and Jerry McHugh
from Boulder City, NV (right by Vegas), Mike and Barb from Arizona near
Phoenix, and Jim and Jo Ann from Yuma, AZ, who are the latecomers to join
us. Jim and JoAnn are also former middle
school teachers. Mike and Barb have only
done one other build – here in Pagosa last year. The McHughs are on their 15th. Everyone else somewhere in between. Rick and I and Peggy are the only first
timers….the rookies!
Cindy (in green) Habitat director goes over a few details. |
Rick visits with Jim |
We will be
carpooling to the job site tomorrow, located about 5 miles on the other side of
town. Rick and I have offered to drive
the Honda. An exciting day ahead!
Back to the trailer to relax, catch up,
and go to bed early!!! G’night
Tuesday, August 14:
Click HERE to see all of today's pictures
Jim Smith's home |
"Walk About" to learn our jobs. |
Down comes antennae! |
I was
working in the sun all morning and it was warm!
Went through two complete water bottles!
Used muscles I will feel in the morning – including hammering more
screws through the board to be able to remove from the opposite side because
the threads were stripped. When possible
I had a power drill to reverse the screw with, but most of the time the wood
was so rotten it didn’t work. Then we
took a heavy mallet and “split” the board into two sections for firewood.
Rick is on demolition of this porch section! |
By the time lunch
was over, the clouds had moved in. We worked
the afternoon in much cooler temperatures, and even a rainstorm or two! Basically the garage is completely done, the
firewood done, the antennae done. Still
need to repair the soffits and porch.
Painting should be able to begin tomorrow. We stopped work around 3:30 pm.
Quick stop at City Market to pick up some
dish detergent, then back to Elk Meadows.
The skies almost look like smoke, but I think it is just rain. The mountain outline to the northeast is
stellar – nice and jagged.
The Habitat Tool Trailer |
I will be early
to bed tonight. I am going to be
sore! And another day of work ahead
tomorrow. But rewarding. Homeowner Jim’s neighbor was over during the
afternoon to tell us how much everyone appreciated our help and how good it was
for Jim. Evidently he has really “come
out” of a recluse shell in the past couple years since Habitat has started
working with him. That's job satisfaction too!
Wednesday, August 15:
Click HERE to see today's pictures
It got down in the mid-40's last night and I slept well! (and HARD!) By 8 we are enroute to pick up the ice (The Rose Restaurant downtown donates whatever ice we need daily as long as we bring a bag or two to put it in!) Another couple of hot air balloons are in the sky as we drive west to the homesite. We split into three groups basically today. Mark and Rick are still working on the porch, Colbs, Jo, Mike, and Jerry on the eave soffits, and Barb, Lori, and I remove the shutters, scrap, and caulk all day! I think I went through about 5 tubes of caulking. I learned to cut my tip a little smaller which helped. Jimmy provided the truck to help make a few runs to the lumber yard, etc., so he was running errands alot. Probably good....Jimmy is 76 and worked a little too hard in the sun yesterday. As it didn't end up being a real good day for him. He lost some keys, damaged his canoe. Said he picked up some lotto tickets enroute home so he could have a better day tomorrow.
We are starting to get into a rhythm as a team. Everyone went to work today - share tools and ladders when necessary. We didn't get as far as we had hoped because the power nail gun couldn't get enough electricity for compression to work. That would have made life easier on both the soffit and porch teams. We three gals nearly finished all the caulking, scraping, etc. Tomorrow will definitely be the start of painting!
Lunch was a special treat - a full dinner meal of chicken, rice, beans and tater sauce, salad, and Tres Leches cake for dessert (with strawberries on top) The Catholic Church has been providing all week.
We stop enroute home at a fruit stand and Lori and Jerry pick up a watermelon for "Happy Hour". Rick and I get our showers and then start some laundry prior to that. I cut up the loaf of sourdough tomato bread I have left, Rick lights the pilot in the oven, and we brown it up with Johnny's. It needed to get eaten. For the same reason, I contribute tossed salad tonight!
I moved my colorful table cloth to the "community" table, which is between our trailer and Jimmy's and is under the biggest tree in our area. That shall be our happy hour table. Others brought dried apples, nuts, cheese and crackers. Everyone brings their own drink in a glass. Tonights discussion centered on family roots for several in the group, traveling, and then a bit of politics. That got a little more controversial as one might expect!
A pretty sunset - mostly a pinkish glow to the clouds and then a couple of little cloudbursts as we prepared for bed. A good day. Looking forward to another good night's sleep!
Rick heard from
Mike’s relatives that the storm that came into town dropped a little snow up on
the pass! Winter already? It is cooler tonight – will be in the 40’s
this evening for sure! I am doing devotions in the morning, so glad it is here at the campground. I can just bring my laptop out. I have a scribble drawn and ready to go! G’night!
Saturday, August 18:
Click HERE to see today's pictures
Whew! Back at the trailer after a hot, hard day painting! Have had a well earned shower and feel human again! But, the good news is, we are basically DONE at JB Smith's house - having completely painted and trimmed, caulked EVERYTHING, cut wood for a new screen woodpile, cleaned out the garage and shed, removed an antennae, and remade the sun porch and soffits for the eaves. He was pleased.
I painted red trim ALL DAY! Basically probably painted 90% of all the trim. Rick did the upper window and the upper bar across the north and south sides, plus a little help on the back porch door. Otherwise, I did the garage, the shed, and all the rest of the house. Whew! Spent two hours or more in the morning just on the sun porch windows - alot had to be done with brush cutting into the windowpane area, etc. But I have a careful hand for that sort of painting, so God was using my talents where they lie. Maybe not what I LIKE to do, but we got 'er done!
Lunch was hot dogs with a wonderful bean mixture on top, plus an apple/blueberry cobbler type thing for dessert. And watermelon! I made a quick call to Mom Mac during lunch to find out about Kady's visit and end to her bike ride. Good visit.
Rick had made a suggestion to Terry to use the extra wood to build a screen for JB's firewood. JB jumped at the idea. Rick thought he would be doing the construction, but since he was painting at the time, Terry gave the job to Jerry and Colbs. Not sure they were happy with it, but with Rick's help painting at the end, they finished the job!
Three of the team went to Aspen Springs (about 10 miles west of town) to work on the Brown house skirting - our next project starting Tuesday. We will also be staining some out buildings there I think.
After we finished at JB Smith's, we took a group picture with JB, and then JB took one of the group with Terry Pickett, our repair coordinator. He has done a tremendous job. I really enjoy his sense of humor and willing attitude. I would work anywhere for Terry.
Then Terry suggested we all meet at the Bear Creek saloon and grill for a beer and some nachos. He found ready takers! A congenial time together and some good chicken and pork nachos.
Now back to relax at the site tonight. Two days of REST ahead of us.
Wednesday, August 15:
Click HERE to see today's pictures
Gathering for morning devotions |
Ginger caulks around the windows. |
Lunch was a special treat - a full dinner meal of chicken, rice, beans and tater sauce, salad, and Tres Leches cake for dessert (with strawberries on top) The Catholic Church has been providing all week.
No problem with the quality of the lunches! |
The soffit crew in action. |
A pretty sunset - mostly a pinkish glow to the clouds and then a couple of little cloudbursts as we prepared for bed. A good day. Looking forward to another good night's sleep!
Thursday, August 16:
Click HERE to see today's pictures
Lori paints primer over our speckled caulking! |
Good night,
although our neighbor's dog Penny decided to play with her bone at 5:30am – we weren’t
sure what it was and Rick checked to make sure a bear wasn’t outside messing
with stuff! All we heard was clunk a
thwap, zonk! With the cloth sides to our
trailer, we hear more than most people!
Penny later suffered, however, as she ran into a barbed wire fence
chasing a cat, and got some bad cuts down her back.
Bears have been a
problem around Pagosa this summer as there isn’t enough food in the mountains
for them. It will get worse as they are
trying to “stock up” for the winter. The
berry crop was hurt by the drought conditions.
Back at the
homesite to basically do the same as yesterday!
Lori is the only one to branch out today – she primed boards and trim
all day! Barb and I continued to caulk –
every place where there is a joint between two boards! We ordered more caulk once today and told the
repair coordinator to bring ANOTHER case tomorrow! I said that I am leaving an infestation of
plastic worms everywhere in the yard! My
caulk gun continues to dribble, even though I keep pushing in the lever to stop
Rick hammers in trim on the upstairs window. |
Rick worked again
in the porch for most of the day, but when it was just some finishing work he
left that to Mark and went and trimmed some windows. The soffit team is behind – but it is hard
work up on high ladders. We had a lot of
trouble today with power equipment – constantly blowing circuits, etc. Which meant difficulties in making cuts, and failure of the power nailer to work. Finally Terry went next door and asked to
plug in to their outside outlet. JB just
doesn’t have good power in his house! The power nailer really helped the soffit team pick up a little speed.
No rain
today! The skies did cloud over in the
afternoon which was a blessing – it diffused the sun so it wasn’t so hot. JB has been on site everyday – interacting with
us as we work. We left some of the lunch
leftovers with him today.
Not all jobs are glamorous, but necessary! Way to hold that ladder, Jo Ann! |
No happy hour
this evening. We stopped at the ice
cream shoppe enroute home and everyone enjoyed an inexpensive ice cream
cone! Yeah!!
Lazy evening of
writing, drawing, reading, etc.
Note: I have been
collecting a little souvenir everyday of my Habitat work. Day 1 was an old rusty screw from the
woodpile. Day 2 was a bolt from the
shutters we took down. Day 2 and 3 are
caulk worms! What fun!
Friday, August 17:
Click HERE for today's pictures
A light rain fell
last night, but it didn’t last long.
Just enough to make me get up to check the windows, etc. Beautiful morning with the robins again
bopping around. I haven’t seen as many
hummingbirds lately, but it has been a little cooler.
Rick finally gets to paint! |
We are on our way
shortly after 8 – Rick and I have been riding with Mark the past three days
carpooling. Cuts down on expenses,
because we don’t stop to buy anything on the way home! I do want to go to the thrift store tomorrow
to pick up an old shirt to use for staining.
We quickly get
busy today after Jim Colbs gives the devotion on Wolves! The soffit crew has the south side to finish,
Rick volunteers to go up high and caulk and prime the upper window and soffits
on the north side. The gals all set to
work painting the gray on the garage and shed.
By day’s end….the soffit is finished, the garage is totally done (I did
all the red trim work on it!) and the shed just needs the trim painted. The house needs to be painted still. We are going to split up into two groups
tomorrow after devotions at the campground.
A larger paint crew to finish the house and a smaller crew to head out
to Patty’s house to figure out the skirting.
Lunch time cleanup! And silly Mike! |
We got stopped a
little early today by a fierce thunderstorm that started dropping rain. Rick decided to get off the high aluminum
ladder, especially as the winds picked up!
I was rushing to finish the garage trim, but got it done….barely.
Twice today
neighbors have come over to say how much they appreciate the help JB is getting
from Habitat and how much nicer the place looks already. Just cleaning up the area around the house,
the garage, etc. has made a big difference.
The paint is looking pretty sharp.
I’ll get pictures tomorrow!
Happy Hour in the Rec Cabin |
Lunch was sloppy
joes, cole slaw, chips, and cupcakes. We
are certainly eating well. We left some
of the leftovers with JB and took the rest to Happy Hour. Due to the rain, HH was held in the little
rec cabin. It was just three couples
today – Mark and Jimmy didn’t join us and Mike and Barb were meeting relatives
for dinner. But Colbs had bought a
griddle at the thrift store and wanted to try it out. He grilled some onions and zucchini
squash. It was great! We ate the rest of the sloppy joe meat, cole
slaw, watermelon, crackers, and a little more jello. Seems
like all we are having to cook is our breakfast each day!

Saturday, August 18:
Click HERE to see today's pictures
![]() |
Our Pagosa Springs team with Terry Pickett, ACH4H Repair Supervisor |
JB Smith's finished home |
Lunch was hot dogs with a wonderful bean mixture on top, plus an apple/blueberry cobbler type thing for dessert. And watermelon! I made a quick call to Mom Mac during lunch to find out about Kady's visit and end to her bike ride. Good visit.
Rick had made a suggestion to Terry to use the extra wood to build a screen for JB's firewood. JB jumped at the idea. Rick thought he would be doing the construction, but since he was painting at the time, Terry gave the job to Jerry and Colbs. Not sure they were happy with it, but with Rick's help painting at the end, they finished the job!
Three of the team went to Aspen Springs (about 10 miles west of town) to work on the Brown house skirting - our next project starting Tuesday. We will also be staining some out buildings there I think.
At the outdoor tables at Bear Creek Saloon - before our order arrived! |
Then Terry suggested we all meet at the Bear Creek saloon and grill for a beer and some nachos. He found ready takers! A congenial time together and some good chicken and pork nachos.
Now back to relax at the site tonight. Two days of REST ahead of us.
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