Journey to the Cross - Day 22
LENT DAY 22: Saturday, March 17
Psalm 19:1-4 "A Shout-Out to God"
"God's glory is on tour in the skies,
God's craft on exhibit across the horizons....
Their words aren't heard, their voices aren't recorded.
But their silence fills the earth, Unspoken truth is spoken everywhere."
(The Message 1, 3-4) author Julie Pennington-Russell used the term "shout out" in her devotion this morning. Not being up on city vernacular, I had to google the term on the "Urban Dictionary" website. A shout-out, used as a noun, is an acknowledgment of high respect and regard. I think the key words here are acknowledgment and respect: unspoken and silent, yet an ever present witness to the presence of our God in the world He has created. Unrecorded music is sung in the heavens. Are we listening in silence? In awe? In worship? Stop in busy pursuit of daily activities. Take time to wonder - to stand in awe of God's handiwork - and to return the "Shout Out" to God. That is and can be a form of worship.
Pennington-Russell closed each devotion this week with the following benediction from Hebrews 12 (28-29). I'll use it to close out this week.
Since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken,
Let us give thanks,
Which we offer to God in acceptable worship
With reverence and awe.
For indeed our God is a consuming fire.
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