Bandon Spring 2012 Part A
Ah! It is late Sunday night in Bandon and time to head for bed. But first a quick posting of our trip to date so far.
We arrived Friday night right around 5:30 pm following a relatively uneventful drive over from Baker City. Considerable snow in places, but the roads were clear for the most part. We left with a light sleety snow falling in Baker City, and arrived with a hint of misty rain on the coast. We went through clouds and sunshine on the drive. Highlight view for me was the snow crusted crags of Three Fingered Jack sparkling in the snow with a deep blue sky in the background. We caught just a glimpse in one curve of the highway just past Santiam Pass. The drive over Santiam is stark this time of year as the "remains" of a years past forest fire still mark the route with black sticks in a snowy ground. Rick drove most of the way (I was nodding...) as we listened to a Clive Cussler Book on Tape and I finished two shepherds for the needlepoint nativities.
Right to "work" after dinner as Mom and I got started with some games and I scanned the first few of the 4 boxes of slides I brought over to process. (Each box has about 400 slides, but I won't be scanning all of them!) More likely - I'll end up doing about 40% of the pictures.
Saturday was pretty lazy!! Scanned slides, played games, and worked on Mom's taxes! Ate leftovers for dinner. More games, more slides. Mom and I went to see the Bandon Playhouse production of "Barefoot in the Park" with Cathy Combe. Not bad, but probably not the best one I've seen in Bandon.
Sunday dawned wet and rainy. I got my scribble drawn before leaving with Mom for church at 8:30. I went with her to Sunday School class (another round of John 3:16!!) then church. Then to the store to pick up veggies for tonight's stir fry.

Afternoon spent working on slides, taxes, cleaning out files, and updating tyhe pictures on dfisplay in Mom's room. (I went on Facebook and got new pictures of the grandkids for her!) Shrimp stirfry dinner, good visit with Mac on the phone, and a walk on the beach for some awesome sunset pictures with Rick. Our barefeet were freezing, but the sky was worth it!
Monday, March 26:
I was thinking I would get up and head down to the beach this morning as the tide was low (well, lower, but not great) AND....believe it or not....the sun was temporarily shining! The forecast for later today is 90% rain! However.....I did not get up as early, then I got distracted with books Mom kept showing to me, so I didn't get my scribble finished and the blog posted until 10am!! At that point it was apparent the sun wasn't going to last much longer, so Rick and I headed out for a walk to Coquille Point and the National Wildlife Refuge that has been in construction out on the point. (Rick has walked down here often, but I had not been out to the point in years.) I wanted to walk on the road today as the cold sand was really hard on my feet last night!
Nice walking north! A little bit of sunshine still warming things up and since the wind was at our back we didn't notice it! Walked down to the point where Beach Loop Road takes its bend to the east and the path cuts down the hillside to the jetty area on beach level. Then back along the new path around Coquille Point, Table Rock, and Elephant Rock. At the 11th St. Junction we rejoined the Beach Loop to head back to Mom's. The wind was picking up steam out on the point! I was glad we were walking back along the road with its sheltered spots here and there. It was nice getting some new views of the rocks, etc.
After a lazy lunch, a few more slides scanned and games lost to Mom in S&M, Mom and I headed down to the church to work on laying out a quilt. It proved to be a futile venture: the quilt back was not as big as required. We were going to have to come back another time after adding some strips to the backing, material which Mom had at home. So .... down to the fish market for some salmon for tonight and a little clam chowder to boot. Back to the house to see Rick's accomplishments on fixing the front door so it doesn't stick anymore, and the lock in the kitchen door is loosened up and working! He is crossing off his list much faster than I!!! (Although we mailed Mom's taxes today!)
After dinner Mom and I perused washing machines on the Sears web site. Rick thinks it is time - Mom's machine is making horrible noises. We shall venture up to Coos Bay tomorrow! Quiddler and S&M follow, which give me time to FINISH scanning the slides I brought!
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