Wow! Life has been so crazy since our return from New Mexico nearly two weeks ago, that I am just now getting started on the final chapter of our High Country Journey! Now to play catch up with photos and what's happening!
The shop/barn had seen a little work while we were gone, although the roof still is waiting! But the stairs got put in, and the windows flipped front and back (Luschens preferred a smaller one on the back) - which was fine because the stairs are longer than we anticipated and cover much of the back side also! |
Cabinet installation began on the 26th and there are ALOT OF THEM! Here Rick peeks into the laundry/pantry. |
Freshly painted walls and trim and cardboard everywhere! |
Nolan worked on the hearth in our absence - the mantle is still to come. |
Quick peek into the kitchen, altho the trash bin to left of sink is being replaced with one that will allow sink to be centered on window. |
The front door has been painted and does it look sharp!! |
The roof of the barn is getting finished and the barn is completely wrapped, so once roof is done we will be weather tight. Doors and windows are in, although the garage door is still pending! Rick and I are going to put up the insulation as soon as Brandon is done wiring electric. Then the crew will OSB the ceiling and lower walls. Ready for paint!
Barn windows are all in now! |
A quick peek at the 'entry hall' |
Skip puts the the final coat of paint on the gables and soffits of the barn. Painting the trim around that window could be a challenge! |
Had to take this picture of Nolan enjoying his lunch in a chair of cardboard boxes! |
And look! The property is ALL dried up grass! The rabbitbush is blooming! |
David invited us out to Glen's 'sawmill' to watch out juniper get milled for the mantle. That is it on the ground. |
David inspects his handiwork temporarily. The juniper still needs to be lacquered and finished. |
The septic man has returned to lower the tank and the back 'lawn area' is all leveled off and covered. Rick marked poles to keep the trucks from driving back there.
The septic system is finally filled in! |
September 5 Neighbours Come to Help!
We had a surprise text from Gary and Karen Neighbours on Tuesday asking for a visit as they drive through heading over to see Tom and Diane. They were enroute home after a two month sojourn across country. Habitat friends we met up in Kalispell two springs ago! They boondocked out at the property and lent a hand on Friday before taking off Saturday morning (after sourdough pancakes at the Rembold Cafe!)
Karen helped me paint in the guest bathroom - aqua colored wainscoat and darker trim. |
Gary and Rick did alot of 'figuring' up in the bonus room in addition to pounding a few nails. Gary's expertise was helpful! |
The newly painted bathroom....still need to put the border up. |
Friday evening we enjoyed dinner out at the site and a beautiful sunset. (Rick is NOT asleep in this picture!) |
TUESDAY, September 17 A Little of This n' That!
Nearly two weeks later! I have been so remiss in getting updates posted. We have been busy, but the work has seemed slow in some regards. The crew has been getting the framing done at Mitchells, and some of them have been on vacation (It is hunting season afterall!) Step by step progress is made!
Barn bathroom is framed in (mostly) but awaiting electrical work. |
Barn is now completely wrapped, windowed, and roofed. Weathertight once the big door is in! |
Bathroom shower tile is carefully laid by Glenn and an occasional Clay. Not a fast process. |
Glenn got started on the floor! |
Cherrie came out to help me with my 'antiquing experiment'. Rick and I weren't happy with the color of the wood trim throughout the house. I found an Antique Medium downstairs in my workroom and tried it out. Success - the trim now looks more like wood. A big job to do on all the installed trim, but....worth it! |
We had to antique the boards already installed in both bedrooms as well. |
The mantle has been finished and installed. It is beeautiful! Now to get the rockwork under it done! |
My first 'MOVE' of things from Broadway - the Recycled Flowers in the Garden add a touch of class to the front of the new house! |
Master bath is ready for grout! Plus I got the wainscoat painted. |
Rick got the barn all cleaned out and ready to install that insulation that we ordered. |
I scrubbed half of the front rockwork prepping to spray with the sealant. |
Zach from Next Step worked this week to lay the floors in my room and the guest bathroom. |
Saturday, September 21
Update: Barn Insulation, Garage Door, Closets and More!
It was a busy week, especially in the beginning as we saw the electricians on Monday and Tuesday, Next Step was out to install the flooring in both my studio and the guest bathroom, Ne-Hi arrived Thursday to install the correct garage door on the right side - all painted now with the Incognito.
Funny story on Tuesday. On Monday I had promised Cole, one of the electrician helpers, that I would leave some cookies in the cupboard over the fridge for him and Pat. Well, I forgot Tuesday morning to bring them. Evidently Cole rushed into the house on Tuesday and went straight to the cupboard, only to find it bare. He was so disappointed. I brought them Wednesday but no electricians, so I took them home on Friday because they were going to be all dried up by the time the boys come out again. I owe Cole and Pat a whole fresh batch!
Friday afternoon Mike Mitchell was 'in the neighborhood' with his OTEC work, so he stopped by to check on our progress. He is also having a house built by Dave but is just in the framing stage. We showed him around proudly! (And welcomed the break from insulation!)
It took Glen a whole day just to put all the knobs and handles on the kitchen cabinets! But look! The replacement garbage bin to the left of the sink has arrived! |
First corner of North wall finished with insulation! |
Rick worked off both ladders to reach the top of the twelve foot walls. We borrowed the tall step ladder from the church. |
On Wednesday Clay finished up the last row of rock under the beautiful juniper mantle. |
Wednesday also saw Dave at work on the valance boards at the top of the walls on each side of the Great Room....distressed hemlock with a weathering varathane applied. Came out perfect to match the floor. |
Treated to a peek of first snow on Elkhorn Peak on Thursday! |
Rick didn't come off the ladder very often to take my picture, so I had to grab a small piece of insulation to look busy here! |
We had to invent a quick way to circumvent the stairs, but this was safer than it looks! |
I just kept cutting insulation to fit, either length or width or both, and Rick hammer tacked away.... |
NeHi Enterprises showed up Thursday afternoon with our freshly painted 'Incognito' Door, this time with the correct windows! Perfect choice! |
Friday we finished the batting strips and while Rick shoved bits of insulation in around all the windows and doors, I cut all the blue foam for the header spaces above windows and door. |
We weren't happy with the INTENSELY blue master closet (I should have taken a before picture) so we took some of the White Semi-Gloss we already had and painted the insides of the built-in shelves. A BIG improvement! |
Our two dresser units, newly purchased, will go on either side of this center section of shelves. Window above. |
That's all for this week! We are getting close! David says it will be all hands at the Rembolds for the final push the next two weeks. Lots happening!
Sunday, October 6! ARGH!!!
Yesterday I spent over an hour updating two weeks worth of build and went to revert to draft and publish it and NONE OF IT HAD SAVED! I LOST IT ALL!
Monday, January 20
So apparently I was so upset over the loss of my efforts on October 5 that I just put the whole thing on a back burner. I would have forgotten I never finished this chronicle, except Rick was online and reading the post sometime in early January and said, "You never finished it!" Oh yeah, I didn't. I was mad!!
Since I probably can't remember the particulars of date and progress at this point, I will simply post with captions the sequence of final pictures (yes, those DID get taken!) And.....I will update more frequently to be sure this saves!
September 22 (Dates taken from time stamp on pictures!)
Guest bathroom border is up! Rick wanted a break from the hummingbirds, but I had such great 'stuff' I just moved it all to the guest bath! |
Master bathroom pine cone border installed - a similar border to what was in the old kitchen on Broadway, but without the 'cut-out' edge. |
"Toilet Nook" in master bath. |
September 24
A peek into the Shop/Barn - bathroom wall insulated as well as all outer walls on the north and west sides. |
I worked today to 'antique' the door frames prior to the installation of the flooring. After move-in I'll go back and get the 1/2 edge of each board. |
Granite countertops arrived to bathrooms! |
Guest bath countertop...still waiting for shower install - backordered! |
The granite countertops pieces in the kitchen numbered 6!! To keep the bay window section intact, we ended up with seams on both sides. This was NOT a fast install! |
Countertop set in place in the Reading Nook! |
September 25
First things first this morning....I had to check out my bay window!! It is going to be so awesome! |
Work to do upstairs in the Shop - more insulation to install! East window provides great view of the valley - you can see clear to Rest Area and truck rolling up and down I-84! |
You also have a great view right down onto the guest room in the house! |
Rick at work in Bonus room of shop. Looks like we were almost finished! |
Meanwhile....inside the house, the crew is busy installing the hardwood floor in the Great Room. They started in master hallway and will work north! |
Skip Suitter, however, was busy with the backsplash in the kitchen, now that the granite countertop is in place. He just kept exclaiming, "I love this tile!" |
...and, when you pull away the cardboard, it DOES look terrific! |
Progress on the floor! |
Look what got delivered today! Installation will have to wait for abit, but our Blaze King Princess woodstove has arrived! |
September 27
Sealed the south side of the porch today with one coat. Ended up brushing it all on rather than spray to be sure we got into the nooks and holes! |
This might have been a selfie on my part. You can see the 'before and after' and the difference the sealant makes to bring out the colors of the stone. |
Rick spent time while I was sealing rockwork to split and move the woodpile from front of house to a staging area along the south side - close to access in the winter, but not in our way or view. |
Nolan has made it to the north side of the Great Room with the flooring!
View of house from my 'SPOT' .... snow is on the peaks, still plenty of work trailers gathered 'round, but the end is in sight! |
Time to put in the front sidewalk! Framing goes in. |
Skip seals the gap at the top of the backsplash. |
Valance in place, boxes of fans and over island light waiting for Electrician! |
Baker Welding custom crafted the timber plates for front and back of house. |
The hidden, but critical, part of the home: The Utility Closet, located off the west side of the garage. Water pump installed, pan is for water heater. |
Pantry all ready for washer and dryer! |
Carpet cut and ready to be installed in guest room. |
Front of house as prep for sidewalk continues. |
October 2-3
Rick spent time sanding off the old finish from the bedframe - ready to be refinished now for new master bedroom! |
More snow on the peaks! I wonder how many pictures I will take of this range over the next year??? |
Cabinets, counter, and backsplash together. Love it. |
Cole gets the electrical job of putting together multiple ceiling fans. This one is in the master bedroom! |
Trim and carpet finished, closet doors installed in guest bedroom. |
Walk through the front doors and this is the view. Can't get any better! |
Giant 5' wide ceiling fan in Great Room. |
Kitchen fan - we removed the light fixture portion as it wasn't needed. Could always put it back on if we want it. |
Tyler installs the black brackets on the back porch timbers. |
Elkhorn Peak peeks out between Shop and Garage roof. |
Still can't past the beauty of those timbers out front. Sidewalk covered with plastic for curing. |
Going to cost us more, but we opted to have the crew install the OSB in the Shop while the equipment and scaffolding was still there. Paint all ready as they will also spray the upper coats of white. |
In the meantime, Dave's quality control says..."Dig out the sidewalk entry area!" The plastic tarp had made major marks in the concrete. Fortunately, the truck was nearby with a load and had enough to pour again that afternoon. |
While Cole wiggles around in the attic with wires, Pat makes adjustments to the island light for installation. |
The valance lights are awesome and alone throw plenty of light over the great room! |
Installed island light. Not sure about the rustic look light bulbs - they don't put out much light. |
Sidewalk, round two. |
The left garage door was delivered today - all pretty and painted the right color! |
October 5
It's a Saturday - so the crew is gone, but Rick and I continue to work to get our bedframe stained and ready for move-in day!! We set up in my studio to stain, wipe, and then varathane the pieces. |
The walnut stain brings out the grain patterns in the pine so much more than the orangey maple stain. |
Now Rick just needs to put all the pieces back together! |
Sink and faucet hardware ready to go! WATER! |
Taking no chances on the second pour of concrete - plastic framed well away from surface. Cold weather demanded protection.
October 6 |
All the pieces of the bedframe are ready for assembly in the bedroom! |
Great Room is looking clean and rather....great! |
Crew has cleaned all their tools and equipment out. We are just about DONE! |
October 7
Rick mounts a high ladder to paint the trim on the upper window of the Shop. |
Bedframe is done, now it is time to stain and finish the dresser units for the closet! |
Picture looks like I just got my hair permed again! |
Sidewalk entry much better the second time around! |
Crew moved some of the extra rocks to fill the space between sidewalk and garage foundation. (Thank you septic people for leaving all your extra!) |
I can't wait to move my mixer into its new home on the island! |
Just a little tug and it lifts up and locks into place. Strong enough to handle the professional size mixer! |
Just about ready for final inspection later this week and then a cleaning party! |
Afternoon sun lights up the whole Great Room! |
I got permission from David to start moving all the canned goods into the pantry. I've been assured the shelves will support the weight! |
Tuesday-Wednesday, October 8-9
Just about finished staining the dressers! |
Following pictures are a look back at Broadway Street and getting ready to move out!
Rick has his desk all cleared off and ready to go! |
Living rooms walls are stripped - things are starting to look a little bare. |
The back deck, however, is another story! We just keep moving boxes out here! |
Still alot to pack up out in the carport - the headboard for the bed will get stained after we move in! |
I've already moved 75% of the pantry shelves. We are leaving these shelf units for Eggers. They are screwed into the walls and fit perfectly in the space. |
Rick's workshop is ready to move out! |
You'd never know I've been packing up this workroom of mine for months! All the cupboards are empty at least! |
Back out to High Country to find...
The main HVAC system has been installed - this is our heating system. |
Water heater finally joins the water pump. |
And the outside unit for the HVAC. |
Crew has wrapped off the Shop opening as they spray two coats of white paint inside. |
Bonus room upstairs in shop is all covered with OSB and ready for paint. |
Crew left their artwork on the masked off windows upstairs! |
Close of day on Wednesday....can't wait to watch this on a daily basis! |
Forecast for COLD sub freezing temps so we try to wrap and protect some of the plants I have already moved. |
Thursday, October 10
We get our certificate of occupancy today!! And...
Kitchen appliances are moved into place (they arrived several days ago and have been stored in the garage!) |
Microwave was put in a week ago, but now the range is installed. |
And the woodstove now adorns the hearth! Complete with directions inside! |
Friday, October 11 - Cleaning Party!
Our friends show up at 10am to help with the final cleaning of the house so we can move in!! Who came? Bill Fessell, Jim and Ed Kauth, Sharon Defrees, Candy Arledge, Rachel Respini, Carl and Benny Martell, Betsy Ferns, Zach Allen. Dale and Shirley Dodson provided Subway sandwich lunch for all and Jim Kauth led us in a house blessing!
Rick begins cleaning the outside of windows. |
Carl and Benny worked in the garage. |
Bill cleaned windows on the inside, but also spent time just gazing out of them! |
Candy had to be agile to wash the inside of the bay window! |
Sharon dusted all over the place! |
Bill lays out his cleaning tools on the window sill! |
Lunch is set up on the island and Jimmy leads the group in a house blessing. |
Folks waited patiently during the blessing, while the food stared us in the eye! |
We can't thank Dale and Shirley enough for their contribution. |
Zach had to work in the morning, but he took the afternoon off to help out. So.....we rented the truck and began the MOVE around 2pm!! |
Ed hung around a little longer to finish up some window work! |
While we were cleaning, the crew was busy out in the shop! It's all white!! Rick and I are going to paint the lower portion with a wainscoat of green. |
A discussion in the guest bath as the shower is installed! |
Big load of furniture is moved Friday afternoon as Mark Bogart lends a hand along with Zach and Rick. |
Twin bed mattresses moved in, but they will eventually go up into the bonus room. |
Dining room chairs in place, but no table yet! |
We spend one final night at the Broadway house, but no furniture to sit on! |
October 12 Second Half of Move!
Moving the freezer into place in garage! |
UHaul rental backed up to garage for unloading. |
Savannah helps out by carrying an exceptionally large load! :) |
Inside the UHaul Zach and Rick carrying in our treasures |
The garage is filled to the vehicles parking in here for awhile! |
My first morning sunrise on High Country Lane |
October 13-14 - Hinkles come to help!
Tom and Diane stopped in Baker City enroute home from the Kalispell Habitat build to lend a hand for a couple days. Such good friends!
Tom packs up at the Broadway house |
...and fills boxes! |
Diane unpacking kitchen...hooked up to her oxygen machine! |
Diane helped move everything into the kitchen...and organize! |
Tom helped Rick install the mailbox out on Brown Lane. We are now official! |
We won't talk about the piles on the front porch of Ginger's workroom treasures. |
October 15-20
Rick puts some finishing touches on the lower half of the paint in the Shop |
We are treated again to first snows on the Elkhorns from our bedroom window |
Shop is looking good! |
Rick puts up clothing hooks in the master bedroom. We used leftover baseboard! |
A perfect little coffee/reading nook! |
The kitchen island covered with Halloween cookies! |
A fitting final photo: Our THANK YOU postcard to all the workers, neighbors, family and friends who helped make our High Country home a reality. |
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