View from our back porch following the Thanksgiving snowfall |
the beginning of December and here we are, fire in the woodstove
making our new home very cozy as we gaze out huge windows at the
snowy peaks on both sides. To say it has been a wild year would be a
huge understatement!
Mom with Luke and Rick - August |
the last half of 2018, we purchased a five acre parcel ten miles NE
of Baker City, had a well dug, and lined up our septic permits. As
we began thinking of house designs, we received word that Mom R’s
health had taken a dramatic downturn. Trips to Albuquerque ensued,
providing support, finding an assisted living arrangement, and
cleaning out her apartment of nearly ten years. Cancer was
diagnosed, but she celebrated her 89th
birthday in August and currently rests comfortably in hospice care.
View from road as we broke ground in April |
we came up with a house design and ground was broken April 17.
Building a home wasn’t on our ‘to do’ list in life. Our
Habitat for Humanity stints had given us some idea of what to expect,
and where we might participate. But, oh my! We had no idea of the
number of decisions that had to be made during the process! Luckily,
we had known our contractor since he was an apprentice. He patiently
guided us through the process and built us a wonderful home. Add to
that, we knew most of the crew through school and coaching. They
were very kind and allowed the ‘old guy’ to hang around trying to
help. We did the front rock work and the lap siding on the exterior
walls, caulked, and painted. We
enjoyed the help of Habitat friends three times during the summer as
well! We also had a
shop built at the same time, so that additionally involved design and
decisions along with installing all the insulation in it. And
finally? We received
a certificate of
Finished home October 2019 |
occupancy on October 11! With incredible help from
friends, 24 years worth of ‘stuff’ was moved, tossed, or given
away! Four trips with a big U-haul plus countless pickup loads got
us out of the old house in time to clean and close on it. We were
thrilled to sell it to young friends. After a month of emptying
boxes we actually parked both the car and truck in the garage right
before the Thanksgiving storm dropped 8-10” of snow! Unpacking,
decorating, and learning all the ins and outs of our new home will
continue through the winter, but we are very happy…..and broke!
Luke at Leavenworth WA Octoberfest! |
Jed helped with siding in July! |
was home for turkey and will return at Christmas. He is in his fifth
year of teaching at Willamette University in Salem, OR. As is the
case with most small colleges, enrollment has dropped and positions
along with it. He has made himself more valuable by not only
teaching physics, but also statistics for the math department and
Intro to Python for the computer science department. Unfortunately,
being a ‘jack of all departments’ doesn’t lead to a tenured
position! But he is happy teaching there and playing volleyball all
over town.
is in his third year of leading the YAV (Young Adult Volunteer)
program for the
Presbytery of Santa Fe. He is located in the center of Albuquerque,
enjoying all it has to offer, plus he hikes throughout the Southwest.
He visits G’ma R regularly as well as Rick’s brother Randy and
family. He has a cadre of close friends and seems to always have
something going on. We look forward to seeing him at Christmas.
Anniversary night at a High Country Lane party |
continues teaching classes at the local art center along with church
work. The latter has been a busy year of finding pulpit supply as we
have been without a pastor since the first of May! (Hurray!
Interim hired!) Rick
is looking to get back on a hiking/snowshoeing schedule. We hope to
return to our ‘volunteer traveling’ lifestyle after doing our own
habitat this past year!
highlight of the summer (while contractors were painting!) was the
McLean Family gathering in Bandon, OR. We celebrated the 100th
year of both Mom and Dad, while interring Mom’s ashes in Grants
Pass the day after the Fourth of July. Relatives from Southern California
and New England were able to join us! The
party also marked the
transition of ownership of the Bandon home to Ginger’s niece,
Kirsten. We are thrilled the home will stay ‘in the family’ so
to speak!
Can you tell we had a tie dye party during the week??? |
have a guest room with an incredible view if you are in the Northwest
and can catch us at home!
the world seems to spin in the negative around us, may we all focus
on God’s Gift of Peace during this Christmas season and the year
ahead. May we all work to be the change of tolerance and love
witnessed in the life of the Christ child born in a humble manger.
Rick and Ginger
High Country Lane
City, OR 97814
cell: 503-560-3269
cell: 541-656-9622