Baker City to South Salem,
358 miles
I am off on a great solo adventure, pulling out of our driveway at 7:30 am and inserting my first book on CD as I entered the free way on-ramp! Temperatures dipped below freezing last night and the Elkhorn mountains are lit up with a dazzling white of fresh snow in the morning light. A great day for a drive, I thought, and then entered the fog five miles later!! But overall, my drive to a lunch date with Judy Marshall in The Dalles went smoothly. No major ice or snow issues over the passes. I stopped at the Space Age to top off the gas and then listened away until my 11:15 arrival at Casa El Mirador in The Dalles. Judy arrived just minutes later.
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Julie's gorgeous cactus in bloom |
I pulled into Rodgers driveway just a few minutes after 4pm, not quite to the end of my longer book. Will have to finish on the drive in the morning! I didn't stop at Liz's to drop off a Christmas box as I was 'in the flow' of the 205 traffic and didn't want to mess that up! She'll have room to take it back up!
Jerry and Julie have a beautiful three story home on a few acres that are heavily forested and 'green' in the hilly area south of Salem. Jed arrived around 6 to join us for dinner. Wonderful time talking and visiting and Jed left shortly after 9. He has class in the morning!
Quick check in with Rick as I crawled into bed for a good sleep!
FRIDAY, November 13
Salem to Bandon, 197 miles
Bandon to Yreka, CA 220 miles
Up early to read a bit, clean up and shower, and then out just before 7 to enjoy a cup of coffee with Jerry. Julie joined us for some breakfast and I got away a little after 8am, bound for Bandon. Taking the fast route today down I-5. Finished the one book and started the shorter one, which I basically ended when I got to Moms just minutes before noon. We had a very quick 'turn-around' and by 12:20 were pulling back out of the driveway headed south for Yreka! I continued driving until GrantsPass, and Liz took the wheel the rest of the way. We got to Yreka just four hours later, stopping at the Motel 6 for the night. Shasta was a beautiful sight in the lowering sunshine! I haven't driven this section of road in years.

We crashed early after a few games, a little drawing, a bit of TV (enough to see that something big happened in France), and more conversation.
SATURDAY, November 14
Yreka to Carmichael, 267 miles
Our traveling ends today! We are up early and out of the Motel shortly after 7 (that's what happens when you go to bed at 9!) Breakfast at McDonalds and we are on the road by 7:45 heading south down I-5 bound for Sacramento. I take the wheel first until Red Bluff and then Liz drives us into Sacramento. Mom has her nook in the back seat and sometimes can hear our conversation and often cannot! It is sunny, and a beautiful drive, although Lake Shasta is so low and other signs of drought are everywhere.
We arrive at Margarets around 12:15 and break open our boxes of food to grab some lunch. Always poor planning to arrive hungry and ready to eat!
Quiet afternoon....Liz and I stretched our legs with a walk with the dogs, and I spent a little time enjoying the sunshine (warmer outside than in the house!) while catching up on some phone calls to Cherrie and Rick.
SUNDAY, November 15
Worship at Northminster

Highlight today was worship at Northminster in the morning. We went over a little early and Mom thoroughly enjoyed seeing people (struggling at times to remember faces, etc.). We laughed because so many people came up and said Liz was definitely Margaret's sister (were they twins??) while apparently I don't look like the rest any more! Heard good news and sad news. The church has been recently painted white and it looks great. Yet everything seemed smaller in terms of the social hall, bathrooms, etc. The sanctuary still has the open vast feel. I still love the glass windows in the morning light. I still look around and marvel at all the woodwork Ken Collins has created. What a blessing!
Home for a quiet afternoon. After lunch Liz and I drove over to Mira Loma to look around the campus. We were amazed at the gated feel in the front of the building leading down to the quad, yet understand the need for security. We couldn't get in! But in driving around the school, we found an opening in back by student parking and the shop classes. We parked and walked in.
We enjoyed a 20 minutes or so conversation with a physics teacher who was working his Sunday afternoon to get grades inputed! He answered many of our questions about the school as it operates now with an International Baccalaureate program and open enrollment. Much of the lawn has been pulled and replaced with xeriscape gardens and courtyards. A healthy dose of concrete everywhere!
After dinner we drove back over to the church with Margaret to hear the bell choir "Christmas concert" .... or their rehearsal at least! They are doing such complicated pieces, involving the bells, chimes, percussion, etc. The three of us just planted ourselves in pews and did needlework while we listened!
MONDAY, November 16
Quilting and Family!
Today's adventures include the Monday morning Quilting group at the church. Liz has brought her sewing machine down and has lots of projects to complete for a church bazaar. From what I can tell, most of the quilters are actually talkers much of the time! There were a few who ran their machines, but many were visiting. Of course, Mom spent the first half of the time standing up and going from group to group talking! I brought my needlepoint and made great progress on the cow for Tucker and Tyler. Around noon everyone goes into the parlor and eats lunch! (We had brought the leftover soup from Saturday.) I did take some time during the morning to wander around the church and take a few pictures for memory sake.
Afternoon spent helping Marg prepare for our dinner guests! Tom, Heather, Matty, Jen, and Ken plus Ron's mother Marie are coming for dinner! The evening goes by quickly (Matty poops out around 8.) The table is entertaining as Matty and Kenny converse with 'apples!' (And Kenny teaching Matty to burp!) A fun time. Ken and Jen are obviously very happy together! PLUS a wedding date has been set for July 9. I told Jen it was a very good day, as that is Rick's and my anniversary!
TUESDAY, November 17
Perms and More
Up and on the move early today as I accompany Marg to her hairdresser appointment for a perm. Apparently I am her 'show and tell' or model for hair styling. (Heaven forbid! Doris will be excited to hear this!) Her hairdresser is a fun gal and I take a moment to call Rick to hear about the visioning meeting Monday night after working on a mandala for awhile. We are done at 10 which I thought was pretty quick!
Rest of day spent working on projects, visiting, and a trip to Joann's Fabrics!! With coupons!
Highlight today was an email I found from Carol Sowers! She had texted me yesterday but it came through as gibberish so I deleted it! We made plans to meet!
Margaret cooked up two roasted chickens for dinner (we'll eat the second one later in the week.)
WEDNESDAY, November 18
Ron and Margaret are due at Loaves and Fishes from 10 to about 2, so I take this opportunity to hit the kitchen! Sourdough cinnamon rolls, two loaves of artisan bread, a fruit salad for dinner, and 7 dryer trays of fuju persimmons! (CarolAnn gave us a bucket of persimmons from her tree on Monday!)
Mom was picked up by Opal Collins at 12:30 for an outing with the LOTA group. Alice Pyers brought her back around 3:30. A fun time for her, but she was tired coming back.
I hemmed and hawed all day about going to choir with Margaret, but finally did with the guarantee I wouldn't HAVE to sing on Sunday unless I wanted to (I thought I would want to sit with Liz and Mom for the special service). It was a good challenge as they are singing some tough stuff to just sight read. But I did ok and the tenor could use the help, altho there is one guy who is quite strong. Bryce Jope is still singing but he doesn't have the volume he once had!
THURSDAY, November 19
As I am writing this two months later now (I left off on Wednesday .... guess things got busy!) I can't remember what we did on Thursday!! I think it was a rest day as Mom's back was flaring up a little and Marg and Liz gave her some good painkillers! Memory mind is thinking this was the afternoon that we drove over to the old 'homestead' and visited Marilyn Greiner who was our next door neighbor. She looked the same as always and just as spunky. An hour visit at the most but a great addition to the trip!
FRIDAY, November 20
Highlight today was a visit from Carol Sowers! She took the day off work and drove down from Grass Valley to Margarets at 10am. Our plan was to visit with the family for awhile and then take off for a lunch date just the two of us. It was great catching up on all her life and sharing ours. She was thrilled to see Mom. We drove down to a restaurant that Marg recommended, commenting that neither of our families would have gone there when growing up (it had pub in its name!) Busy, but we found a place to sit and chat until 2 pm! Carol was heading on over to her brother's for a quick visit before driving home. Rick and Marilyn are still living in the outer reaches of Sacramento. Made plans in the afternoon to meet Clint and Kathy for a late breakfast tomorrow morning in Rocklin.
Tonight was the gala dinner for the anniversary celebration. We got all dressed up and headed over a little early as Marg was selling her bags. Got good seats and were able to visit with folks as they arrived. Nancy Balding Clegg and sister Carol sat with us at our table which was fun. Our families did so much together growing up. Nancy is now stated clerk of both Stockton and Sacramento presbyteries! The tables were lovely with sparkles and candles. The dinner was a buffet and Liz and I filled a plate for Mom. Promptly at 7 the speakers and presentation began. They had a glitch with the slideshow and we only saw the first half. (The better half from what we could tell when we saw the rest on Sunday!) Quilt was on display, etc. Carmichael church was beautiful with a nearly full moon behind its bell towers as we entered and left.
SATURDAY, November 21
Up early to be ready to head up to Rocklin for my rendezvous with the Norrells. I find the restaurant without problem - really was only on I-80 for about 10 miles. This area has built up soooo much since I left in the early 70's. Crazy. Clint and Kathy pulled up in their matching Prius (blue, not red, though) and we had a great visit. We drove down to the nearby Costco (which was a zoo!!) and picked up some Christmas gifts. Home by 1pm.
Around 3 we drove over to see Tom and Heather's new house near the airport. It is a beautiful BIG place with a huge backyard. Ron and Marg helped Tom seed the lawn and it is coming in well. They planted a drought tolerant grass. Lots of open spaces and a kitchen counter to die for!
Home for dinner and then a 7p visit with Charlie and Shirley Duncan at their place. Shirley had been busy earlier in the day but really wanted us to come over. We stayed two hours! Terry came home and we got to talking about youth group people which led to Alan Schleiger. So we tried to contact him, but I think Terry's message went to a wrong number. Marg got a more recent address and I will send a Christmas card and see if I get a response.
SUNDAY, November 22
Sacramento to Yreka
Up and packed the Prius as we will leave directly from church. Marg won't be home until later so no sense in driving back out to Carmichael first. The worship service used much of the liturgy and scripture from the organizing service on November 20, 1955. While they didn't have Dad's sermon for that Sunday, Pastor Jack used several quotes from Dad's FINAL sermon in 1980 bidding the church to look to the future while preserving the past. They fit in very well and I was touched by the use of Dad's words. There was LOTS of music as everyone had a chance to shine - choir sang, chimes, played, orchestra played. Afterwards a reception with birthday cake, etc. Saw Craig Duncan and his wife and talked more with Brad Gunn.
At 12:30 we finally pull away....hmmm was Mom almost the last person to leave? Some things never change! We grab a bite to eat at a fast food place next to the freeway entrance and then hit the road (after a quick change of shoes, etc.) I promised Liz I would drive the 'boring' valley part today and she could have the mountains. Besides, then I would be in a position to take pictures of the mountains! Mom nestled in her cubby hole in the back seat. The Prius is PACKED with all our purchases and fabric and yarn we are bringing back. I kept stuffing things under the back as much as possible! At least yarn is squishy!
We pull into the same Motel 6 in Yreka shortly after 5pm. Good timing as it is dark now and time to stop! Ask for a different room with possible handicap access, but they don't have those rooms with two beds. So another tough night with a low toilet, but we did discover we are on the restaurant side so a shorter walk to the Bear Diner!
I did get some great views of Mount Shasta in the setting sun!!
MONDAY, November 23
Yreka, CA to Bandon, OR
Smooth drive this morning, although the road did have some frost along the edges. It was cold last night, but we are going to get over the Siskiyous just in time. Major storms are heading in later this week! Thank you God for our windows of good driving weather! I took the wheel first, reversing again our driving order from the trip down! We were watching the gas gauge carefully, but trying to get to Oregon before purchasing .... much cheaper than California gas! We exit in Medford and find gas at a Fred Meyer. It was a challenge to find as a THICK FOG was blanketing the Medford valley!
We switch drivers just before the exit for Hwy 42 near Roseburg and Liz takes us home! We arrive around noon and get all unpacked, with Liz transferring much straight to her car! Liz plans to take off Tuesday morning (after a visit to the Candy store!)
Out to Ray's around 4 to pick up Mac as he arrives on the bus. We stop at the fabric store for Liz to use her coupon and picked up a pizza for dinner. Thus ends our California Adventure....and we'll move on to a Thanksgiving celebration!
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