Quiet evening
visiting, talking football (Rick and Mike!), catching up on pictures. We are into bed shortly after 10. Tired!!!
TUESDAY, October 22, 2013
Museum of Modern Art
View all of today's picture HERE
sure I can keep this kind of pace up for much longer!! I am too tired at night to get my journal
written. Last night we talked with Wyatt
as soon as we got home and had to check on campsite options; a little visiting
with Mike, and we were all in bed at 10!!
I had been nodding off for the previous 30 minutes!
Our 'Monumental Hike' |
was a busy and full day! Rick and I
headed out right around 9:20, caught the blue line into the Smithsonian stop,
which landed us right in the middle of the National Mall near the Washington
Monument. The day was overcast with a
chance of rain, so we wanted to do our walking tour of the Memorials first
thing, BEFORE the weather moves in.
Pictures will NOT be bluesky background, however!
I grab
a map from the National Park information booth (now open!) and we head out
toward the Tidal Basin for our 4.5 mile circle.
First stop is the Jefferson Memorial.
The approach from the Tidal Basin is beautiful as we walk under the many
cherry trees that line the edge.
Beautiful in springtime, but not yet turning colors in the fall. The trees are a hundred years old and showing
their age. Gnarled and rotted trunks for
some, branches that extend way out over the water.
Jefferson Memorial from across Tidal Basin |
We climb the
many steps of the Jefferson Memorial. I
had forgotten just how tall some of these places are – and how massive!! Got a few good reflections pictures from the
area as well.
Sam Mason Memorial |
From the
Jefferson we continued around the tidal pool, but before we crossed over the
narrow bridge, we veered off to the Sam Mason Memorial. It was built like his plantation garden, but
the flowers were in a transition stage (government shut-down!). There were some great quotes around the
central part of the memorial. Mason was
especially brave to refuse to sign the constitution because there were no
anti-slavery clauses. .
Ginger at FDR waterfalls |
Over bridge
to the FDR Memorial which we approached from the ‘wrong’ side – hence, went
through his life backwards. Waterfalls,
statues, quotes, all through the four terms of his presidency. I have always like this particular memorial
with its many waterfalls, the noise and silence combined of each section of
water. Some awesome copper statues, of
both FDR and Eleanor, as well as representations of the food lines of the
Depression, the nightly radio broadcast, and more.
Rick stops to ponder the MLKJr stone |
From FDR, we
continue to circle the tidal basin to the 2010 opened Martin Luther King Junior
Memorial. It is impressive with white
stones, lots of good quotes. A split
mountain of white marble reveals a wedge with King overlooking the basin. You can see across directly to Jefferson on
the other side. Many quotes of King's speeches line the walkway leading up to the statues themselves.
Our next stop
was the DC War Memorial for those killed in WW1 who lived in DC. (Many other states have memorials and include
the names of those killed or injured with them.)
We are
now on the National Mall itself, that 2 mile stretch from the Capitol Building
down past the Washington Monument to the Reflection Pond and Abraham Lincoln on
the far end. The crowds are much heavier
here. Busloads are parked along the edge
of the road. It is starting to lightly
sprinkle, but not enough to sense ‘getting wet’!
Figures of the Korean War Memorial |
Veterans group reflected in Korean pool |
To one
side of the Lincoln Memorial is the 1996 Korean Memorial, It was just completed the last time we
visited. The juniper like shrubs have
now filled in the ground cover, the granite ‘barriers’ now partially hidden in
the green. I don’t remember the
reflecting pool from before. It sits in
a circular grove of trees at the apex of the triangular ‘war field’. These statues, which number about 20, are so
realistic, like a moment in time has been captured from the war. They represent all nationalities and races;
all ranks of war. Fall colors are
mirrored in the pool. While a busload
(or more!) of Illinois vets come in to visit, Rick and I ate a bite of lunch in
the shelter of the trees. One wall along
the triangle has individual photos etched into the wall. I read later they are taken from actual war
photos, but with all identifying labels, numbers, etc. removed to render them
‘everyman’. Very effective.
On steps of Lincoln Memorial is the marker of
location of MLKJr I Have a Dream speech |
Closeup of Lincoln |
can you say about the Lincoln Memorial?
Massive? Overwhelming? Spiritual?
It rings with the silence of freedom achieved and freedom to come. The steps of Lincoln have been the site of
most major Civil Rights protests and rallies. The words of the Gettsburg
Address are etched on one side panel, the 2nd Inaugural Address on
the other. Signs to be respectfully
quiet remind guests of the nature of memorials.
There is a sense of awe present.
With hazy and cloudy skies, it is difficult to make out the outline of the
capitol building just two miles away.
We seem to be moving in mass with the Illinois
vets: wheelchairs and attendants, green, yellow, blue, and red shirts
identifying vet or assistant (the red are EMTs!) They move with us to the Vietnam Memorial
which stands opposite the Korean on the flanks of Lincoln.
Rick checks
the register books posted at either end of the Vietnam Wall of Names to find
where his high school friend, John Loponchonsky, is recorded. I remember from 1998 that he is way down by
the center. Sure enough, Panel 3W, Line
109. So many names, so many men and
women. We find ‘Lopo’s name and take a
moment to remember.
Tribute to Lopo |
Relaxing with Al.... |
On across
Constitution Street and a short backtrack to the national sciences buildings
where Albert Einstein is sitting on the steps in front - huge
statue with wore spots on Al’s lap and nose (many children pick his nose!) A map of the stars is embedded in the
courtyard, but we had trouble making sense of it. I have always liked the ‘rough texture’
nature of this sculpture style.
John Witherspoon signs
the Declaration |
next stop on our ‘Monumental Walk’ (which is beginning to feel like a
monumental HIKE!) is the Constitution Pond and Gardens with it’s small memorial
on an island to the remember the 52 signers of the Declaration of
Independence. The ponds are filled with
geese and ducks, the trees beginning to show signs of color change. I find the stones for Jefferson and John
Witherspoon, the Presbyterian pastor who was instrumental in the Declaration
Fountain, pool, and Pacific end of WW2 Memorial |
The WW2
Memorial was just dedicated a few years ago (before MLKJ and has been the site
for many vets to return for recognition.
We lucked out as the military colors arrived just after we did – we
witnessed the ceremony of thanks and gratitude, signing of star spangled and
playing of taps on trumpet. I couldn’t
tell if our busload of Illinois vets were the targeted recipients, but it was
exciting to be a part of that service.
The design of the memorial is outstanding with a huge pool directly in
line with Lincoln and Capital, many small fountains, and two large fountains
and pillars on either side representing the two realms of the war: Atlantic and
Pacific. All the states and territories
who fought are represented by pillars on the outside and bronze wreaths. There is a wall on the Cost of Freedom –
bronze stars representing 100 deaths each – that spans one side from Atlantic
to Pacific.
Honor guard for veteran ceremony |
Washington Monument
under repair |
Cost of Freedom stars |
We loop up to
the outside of the Washington again, reading signs about the restoration after
the 2011 earthquake. Most of the damage
was to the very top, but to do those repairs, scaffolding had to be erected the
entire height. Makes the monument look
massive and rather formidable. An
elevator runs men and materials up and down one side.
Smithsonian turret |
Smithsonian Castle |
On to the
Smithsonian Castle and the legacy of James Smithson to the US. Smithson was from England and left his
financial estate to the US for the advancement of knowledge. Typically, in the early 1800’s, the
government didn’t quite know what to do with it! The castle building is a magnificent piece of
architecture and well maintained.
(Actually we thought often during our three days, that for a government
which shut down with monetary woes, there sure is a lot of money being spent in
Washington DC on building remodels!) We
purchase a $3.60 cup of coffee to share and sit down for a chance to rest our
feet! Wander through a ‘souvenir’
display at one end of the lobby.
Washington himself was the first to produce souvenirs when people kept
taking pieces of Mt. Vernon. Early
promoters at Plymouth Rock actually gave visitors a hammer to take home a piece
of the rock! (It is now protected by
glass….what’s left of it!) Other
interesting tidbits on the history and variety of souvenir collecting.
Rose in garden- SO PRETTY! |
Angel's trumpet flower |
We find the
gardens in back of the Smithsonian Castle with formal hedges, stars of a bright
purple shrub, and an unusual yellow trumpet flowered tree.
Outside the Hirshorn Art Museum |
I wanted to
visit the Hirshorn Museum of Modern Art and the sculpture gardens outside. A quick visit, so Rick was patient and went
in with me. (Modern art is NOT his cup
of tea on a regular basis!) There was
definitely some weird stuff, but I was excited to see a room dedicated to
Alexander Calder’s works, plus I could pick out the Mondrian, Miro, and Louise
Nevelson stuff before I read the titles!
The basement section, in addition to the gift shop, was walled with red,
white, and black graphic quotes. HUGE
letters everywhere,
Alexander Calder! |
A room of huge letters in red, white, and black! |
Here comes the Yellow Line! |
including the sides of the escalors! The building is built in a circular with open
center, so it is easy to circle the exhibits on an inner and outer ring.
St. Mary's Catholic Church |
It is
a short block walk from the art museum down to L’Enfant Plaza and the Yellow
Line metro station to head back south to Alexandria. We talked with Mike and have arranged to meet
him down in oldtown for his birthday celebration. Once at King Street station, we hop on the
trolley for the free ride down toward the waterfront. We hop off a few blocks early and walk over
to see an Episcopal Church (pretty ho hum architecture), and then to St. Mary's Catholic
Church with an cool steeple and bell tower, which happened to back up to the Old
Presbyterian Meeting House, to which Mike has transferred his church
Presbyterian Meeting House |
Box pews at Meeting House |
The cemetery in the back was
amazing with its 300 some graves, many unidentified, including the remains of
an unknown Revolutionary War soldier who was unearthed during a Catholic church
remodel. The cemetery seems to be
co-joined with the back of the Catholic Church.
I could peek inside the windows on one side of the building to see the
boxed pews, the raised and ornate central pulpit, bare walls and plain
colors. It is a classic colonial design
church. But Mike is pretty sure that
membership exceeds that of Eastern Oregon Presbytery!! He
describes a very educated and active congregation which a full slate of classes
integrating religion with the life situation.
Mike is now singing in the choir, along with the ‘professional’ choir
King Street Market Square |
walk down to King Street again and find the Alexandria Market Square with its
central fountain and the steeple/clocktower of City Hall in the
background. A nice spot to SIT and
peruse the tourist stuff available seeking good restaurant suggestions! Mike arrives around 5:45 via the trolley and
we opt for a Bilbo Baggins restaurant about two blocks away.
Happy Birthday Michael Braymen! |
was happy with the choice! It seemed
Happy Hour lasts until 7pm, so we were able to get drinks and pizzas for half
price. That made our menu decisions
easy! We all order a different pizza
(Shire, Frodo, or Green Dragon) and swap.
I also got a small salad. Fun
place. Mike said he will come back!!
We wander briefly down to see the lights
of the riverfront, the huge art center which was now closed, and then trolley
back to the Metro station for the walk home, arriving about 8:30 pm. A good 50th for Michael! A FULL day for us!!
WEDNESDAY, October 23, 2013
with Susie and Chris!
View today's pictures HERE
wonderful day in DC! Cooler, but no
raindrops fell! By day’s end, we came
home to a brisk sky, but clearing! Could
be cooler tonight and especially tomorrow as we camp once again in the trailer!
At the King Street Station looking across to the
Embassy Hotel |
is out of here before 7am today. Hope we
haven’t thrown his schedule totally out of whack. I’m not even sure he stopped long enough to
eat much breakfast. He had a
presentation to give today.
and I are on our way a bit more leisurely….but early enough today that we had
to pay the ‘prime time’ prices for the Metro!
Oh well! We took the Yellow line
today directly into L’Enfant plaza, past the Hirshorn and down the mall toward
the Museum of American History. We
arrived just 5 minutes after the 10am opening.
Entrance to American History |
time spent in the American stories section, visiting such relics as Archie
Bunker’s chair from All in the Family, Judy
Garland’s red slippers from Wizard of Oz,
Dizzy Gilespy’s curved horn,
Michelle Obama's
Inaugural gown |
a menorah made from Statue of Liberty
replicas, designed by a Jewish immigrant, Kermit the Frog, etc. We also saw the completely refurbished flag
from the War of 1812 – the Star Spangled flag of Fort McHenry in
Baltimore. When we were here 15 years
ago, the flag was being restored. A good
exhibit by the museum….stories of the war, the flagmaker, the song, etc.
Kermit the frog,
original made from his
mother's coat. |
highlights….the civil rights movement from pre 1863 to 1963, Lincoln to the
March on Washington. Good information,
much of which I wasn’t previously aware.
Upstairs to the Philadelphia gunboat…brought up from the depths of Lake
Champlain 200 years after the sinking
during the Revolution. It was brought
into the museum through the third floor opening prior to the completion of the
building. It will never come out! Then we went to the Presidential area, highlights
of our Presidents,the First Ladies with their gowns and more, children, etc. Interesting stuff, but we soon checked our
phones and realized it was time to head up to the Natural History museum to
make our rendezvous with Rick’s cousin, Susie.
Rick and cousin Susie |
went to the wrong lobby of the Natural History museum, but the security gals
quickly advised us to just check our bags and walk THROUGH the museum rather
than go around! Good advise! We met Susie on the other side and walked
about two blocks down to the Cosi’s Restaurant.
Good food and conversation for the next hour. I was dutifully scolded by Sue’s mom, Rick’s
Aunt Edwina, about not calling last summer when I was in Pittsburgh for General
Assembly. I’ll have to apologize in my
Christmas card! Cosi’s is a cafeteria
style place – Rick ordered a sandwich and I had an excellent salad! All flatbreads-yummy stuff!
Chris and Ginger at Air and Space |
Chris and the Dragon Eye |
1:45, we walked Susie back to work, and then took off for the Air and Space
Museum to meet Chris Bovais. Only a few
minutes late, short security check, and we meet up in front of the Apollo 11
capsule. The next three hours are a
wonderful blend of reminiscing, discussing families, and learning the inner
stories of some of the planes, spacecraft, and other exhibits at the
museum. After 2 hours and at the display
for the UAVs, Chris finally comments, “I thought I would never see something I
designed at the AandS Museum while I was still working and alive, but….do you
want to see it?” What humility to
patiently wait 2 hours to show us his pride and joy!!! The Dragon Eye! Practical, simple, and affordable. Everything Uncle Bill would have
loved!!! It has since been replaced with
a similar, but refined model, but the autonomous, portable in a backpack, UAV,
launched by bungee cord, that Chris’ team developed is pretty cool. Proven invaluable during the Gulf War and in
Air and Space Moon
Exhibit |
is living his dream in aeronautics. From
a childhood spent flying and building model planes, to a degree in aeronautical
engineering, to go straight to the Naval Research Lab and design flying
things! He has also flown the remote
advertising blimps for the Washington Wizards professional team. He has an airplane in his garage. Now married and with two young girls, they
are growing up to love the skies!! It
was GREAT to see him and visit.
rode the Yellow Line Metro up to meet us, so we all rode back down to King
Street together, gave a hug and were on our way. He another stop to get back to his car. The air was brisk as we walked back up to
Mike’s condo.
dinner of tomato soup and grilled cheese, cleaning out some of the fridge in
the process. Mike was later in arriving
home, having stopped to have a birthday beer with his boss (important
stuff!). Rick and I had everything
ready to sit down and eat! A little
World Series baseball and then the required game for the visit!!! (Set and Raj)
We played until 10 and bedtime!!!
to have been the first people to sign Mike’s new guestbook for visitors to
Washington DC!! It has been a super
THURSDAY, October 24, 2013
to Williamsburg, VA
See today's pictures HERE
Have I
mentioned often how incredible the weather has been for this trip? Praise God!
Last year Hurricane Sandy hit the East coast during October. Two years ago it was a freak October
snowstorm. Three years ago, something
else! 2013??? Untimely late Indian summer weather, temps
above normal, we seem to dodge many of the rainstorms, and I can’t count the
number of crisp fall days!! Today was
another, at least for the morning!
Up to
spend a little time with Michael before he left for work at 7:45; our
instructions are to pull the door tight and drive safely! We shower, clean things up and pack up the
truck and trailer, and by 9:15 we are on our way south! Glad to relieve Mike of the burden of
providing the trailer and truck a temporary home, but rejoicing over the good
visit we had.
Today's travels |
is thick but moving as we head down I-95 toward Richmond, VA. Lots of construction work on HOV lanes in the
center and the northboiund lanes are backed way up and not moving at one point. We continue past Quantico and the Marine
Base, Aquila and Stafford, where we stayed 15 years ago, and into
Fredricksburg. Rick pulls over to an
Exon Station with $3.11 gas to fill up, coffee up, and switch drivers! (We eventually see gas for as low as
route from here on is scenic and country.
We are off on the ‘road less traveled’ once again. In this case, US 17, after the first 19,
two-lane miles, is a four lane gem of a highway for the next 50 plus
miles. Often, I cannot see a car in
front or in back of me, nor on the other side of the divided highway! We travel through farms and larger
plantations, growing unknown crops.
(Peanuts? Soybeans? NOT Tobacco!)
The setting is idyllic, the driving conditions pristine! Wow!
Off on
Rte 33 toward West Point (junction of two rivers) and then onto another
‘shortcut’ route that takes us to US 60 and eventually into northern
Williamsburg. Rick was going to take
over driving again, but we never found a good spot to stop and eat lunch, so I
drove us into the campground! (Hence not many pictures of this section of highway!)
Campsite at Williamsburg |
Pottery Campground in Williamsburg is….empty.
There are 3 trailers or RVs in this campground for about 225 rigs. The guy comes up to meet us from mowing,
acknowledging that he doesn’t really know why they are still open! (Eventually we see two more rigs pull in
during the next hour!) We have our pick
of sites, so we take one down in the trees, but near the restroom! Lunch from our Wal-Mart purchases (we stopped
in Tappanhannock) and then time to explore!
We drive part of the Colonial Parkway |
John Smith statue and
Memorial Church |
decided to head out to Jamestown and visit Colonial National Historic Park,
which includes Jamestown, Williamsburg, and Yorktown on the other side of the
peninsula. In 1994 extensive archeology
digging began at the Jamestown site which has unearthed many skeletal remains,
as well as old well sites which housed thousands of artifacts. The site of the original Jamestown fort has
been excavated, even though only a single tower from the church building
remained after nearly 400 years. They
have rebuilt several replica models of buildings, giving just enough to provide
a picture of Jamestown life without comprising the history of the area. Statues of both Pocahontas and John Smith. We were approaching closing time, so we
didn’t stop to visit the Glassblowing house on our way out.
Crosses and James River in beautiful skies |
toward Williamsburg on the Colonial Parkway and under some gorgeous red brick
bridges, which are part of the distinct parkway design. The parkway connects the three sections of
the national historic park. Enter Williamsburg
itself and find a spot to park in the old town area and Market Square – lots of
quaint little shops. We are able to
waste about a half hour there before driving up to Wyatt’s apartment complex
and meeting up with Wyatt and Christine.
Merchant Square in Williamsburg |
Wyatt takes us back to the first restaurant we had just parked in front of 30
minutes earlier!! It was called a
bistro, but the prices were NOT bistro in nature!! A bit on the expensive side, but it was
Wyatt’s night to shine!! I have a
vegetable pie which was excellent, Rick some sort of chicken dish. I took pictures!! Got a good chance to hear from Christine a
little bit more of her plans, caught Wyatt up on all his ‘old’ friends from
Baker City. He is doing extremely well
at the bank (just got a promotion!) and is a remarkable young man (we always
knew that!) He reminded me to be sure to
mention that we visited BEFORE his mom and dad have made it to the east
coast!! (HINT! HINT! Midge and Cal! J)
Dinner with Wyatt and Christina |
have been tempted to stay late and watch a bit of Wyatt’s 10:15 indoor soccer
game, but Rick has been fighting off a bit of a bug and it is prudent to get
back to the trailer and get a good night’s sleep! So it is written, so let it be done!!
Friday, October 25, 2013
VA to Smithfield, VA
of Tom and Betty Robson
See today's pictures HERE
Ah! What bliss!
A morning to relax, sleep in, finish my book in bed! I got up around 6:30am to make the dash up to
the bathhouse. The trailer clock
registered 44 degrees. We actually had
gotten HOT during the night somewhat. I
thought I turned the heater up and crawled back into bed to read the last
chapters of my book.
A short day!! |
When I
got up shortly after 8am, the trailer was still 44 degrees!!! I checked the heater and realized I had
turned it to fan instead of from 1 to 2, so it had just been blowing the air
around for the past hour. Quickly turn
it up so it is warm enough to sit and read, study, etc. By 10pm, it is nearly 75-80 inside, but the
sun was helping the process considerably I think!!!
warmed up our Subway sandwiches for breakfast.
We had stopped last night enroute home to buy the egg and ham breakfast
sub with the intention of a microwave warmup in the morning. Worked just fine!!
finally showered, packed up, and left the campground by 11:30am. Not even sure if we were out by check-out
time, but I don’t think anyone was around to check the details!!
Boarding the Jamestown ferry. |
trip down to Jamestown and we drive right on to the ferry waiting on the dock
at 11:55. By noon we are on our way
across the river! What great timing,
once again! This is a free ferry
service. No payment necessary. It only takes about 15 minutes to cross the
James River and land in the tiny town of Scotland on the other side. A drive up to Surrey, and then down Rt 10
toward Smithfield.
Jamestown Settlement from the ferry |
We are
still trying to figure out the identity of a crop grown along the roads. Soy beans that have lost their leaves? Peanuts? (We think not!) We do pass a cotton crop that is showing the
white fluff of cotton. It is in the
discussion of this field that I think we missed our turn-out to Tom and Betty’s
– Road 677 or Wren’s Mill Road. We drive
on in to Smithfield, find a parking lot at a small Food Mart and grab a quick
bite. I finish the crab, with cheese stick,
and a handful of cereal. Rick has a
cheese stick and some crackers, etc. Our
larder is low!! Then a call to Tom to
verify directions to the house.
arrive at 14149 Bethany Church Rd within 10 minutes of our conversation! Nothing like a few verbal directions as
well! Tom and Betty are at the end of a
long shared driveway. Across the field
is son Mark’s white house, and in between is the barn which Deb built with its
upstairs apartment. A gal and her son
are living in the apartment currently.
Tom and Betty's place in Smithfield |
and Betty’s house is basically done, with all the finish work still to be done
upstairs and in the basement. The main
floor is good! Tom has also finished
building a shop area, the yard has been seeded with grass. Still much to be done, but he is also working
to maintain the log home in North Carolina (up for sale!). Their dog, Jake, has grown a ton since we saw
him at Pop’s service 3 years ago when he was just a pup. Long and lanky!
Tom and Rick with the horses |
visit for awhile and then set up the trailer prior to taking a walk around the
grounds. Betty has a horse, as well as
three horses which belong to son Mark and wife Karen. We greet all four of them! Then around and through the trees to loop
back to their house. Betty and I then
walk the half mile down to the road to pick up the mail. Later I find a small tick crawling around my hairline - naturally I am itching and scratching the rest of the evening.
is chicken noodle soup with biscuits/bread.
Yum. Some down-home cooking! After dinner, Betty and I walk over to the
barn to feed two of the horses. My first
time to give a horse food!! Rick and Tom
drove over to Mark’s house (he and Karen are in Florida!) to feed his dog and
the horses there.
for the evening after Tom shows off the rest of the house – the empty basement
and the unfinished second floor! It will
be quite the place when they get finished.
falling asleep. Must be time to go to
bed. It will be another chilly one
tonight. We are out in the trailer…..it
was 38 according to ‘Betty as we came outside .
Brrr. Heater on low, bundled
Tom, Rick, and Ginger |
Betty, Tom and Rick |
We are
leaving Virginia tomorrow. Thus ends the 'Washington DC Plus' portion of this journal!! G’night!
It is now Sunday afternoon, the 27th, and I am finally able to wrap up this journal posting and get it along its way to the internet. Whew!
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