17 to September 1
August 17
Country to Noxon, MT
are off early, shortly after 6am, partly to be sure we are gone
before Rebecca comes to take Spur for his walk. (He won’t go with
her if we are still here!) Plus we have nearly 400 miles ahead of us
and a time change!
drive the first leg of the trip – which is mostly freeway – up to
Milton-Freewater. A stop for gas at the Sinclair station,
conveniently on the east side of the highway! No coffee, but we
still have some in our glasses.
drives the REST of the trip! Our usual route up through Dayton and
Colfax, and over to Plummer via Tokea. Another stop for gas (at
$3.37!!) at the Benewah Station in Plummer. On up Hwy 95 to Couer d’
Alene. And then? New road! Instead of heading East on I-90, we
continue north on 95. We discover the section just north of town is
one mall after another, one stop light after another. It is slow
going! But eventually we break out and enjoy the forested road up to
Lake Pend Oreille and Sandpoint, ID. The boys and I took this route
last summer, but we cut north at Post Falls and then over to 95, so
we didn’t experience the mall stretch. A wise choice on our part!
Bull River Cafe was a tasty option!
hoped to find some place to grab a bite in Sandpoint, but found
ourselves on Hwy 200 heading east along the north side of the lake
and eventually along the Clark Fork and into Montana! We did find a
gas station to fill up, not knowing what we might find in Noxon!
Happily into Montana as the road condition changed for the better!
Pretty country on the south side of the Cabinet Mountains and along
the river. Into Two Rivers RV Park just west of Noxon around 2:45,
which is now 3:45 Mountain Time!
get set up and then walk back up to the highway to the Bull River
Cafe to get something to eat!! A neat little place where we enjoy
some Bacon Avocado Turkey Sandwiches and lots of water! We ate
outside in the breeze (out of the sun!) until the bees drove us
to the RV Park and we find the trail that leads down to the river.
Rick finds a bench in the shade and we just enjoy some time relaxing
and watching the water go by!
spent in trailer mostly with the AC running! It is still 80+ degrees
outside! Expected low tonight is just 64.
View of Clark Fork from campground path. |
Rick finds a relaxation bench. |
to Kalispell via Libby
140 miles
Ah we had
a good thunder and lightning storm last night, but thankfully (for
the sake of wildfires!) it was followed by a good little rain storm!
And since I forgot to reset the
alarm from its midnight default, we got awoken then as well! Oh
well, still a good night’s sleep!
We leave
Noxon around 9am and head north toward Libby, past the Cabinet Mts on
our right and Bull River winding back and forth toward Bull Lake and
Hwy 2 just outside the town of Troy. A beautiful drive of wide green
meadows and mountain peaks in the distance.
Heading up towards Troy and Cabinet Mts. |
Great mountain views along the way. |
Then east
on Hwy 2 toward Kalispell. We gas up in Libby just to make sure we
can get to Kali – the next hour and half winding through forests,
past a chain of lakes including 3 different Thompson Lakes. It is a
beautiful drive. We pull into the ReStore parking lot just past noon
and…. The gate is locked and no one here!
A few
emails/text to Hilary and Garrett and after a half hour I get a text
from Garrett with the code to the key holder that has the keys we
need to open the gate! Just after we pull in, the Franks follow with
their big rig (they are full timers!)
Over the
course of the afternoon, Jim from Olympia and Jason from Colorado
show up and get settled. Franks have been to Kalispell before, on a
build in 2019 (we missed that year!) and on a drop in basis. Jim has
extensive building experience and 5 builds under his belt. Jason is
a newbie, who is taking a ‘gap’ year from his counselor/teaching
New CAV campground - Tartaglino christened! |
We gather
for Opening Meeting/Happy Hour at 5 and spend over 2 hours visiting
and sharing stories. Then Rick and I sit with Jason and answer more
stopped by during the afternoon to visit with us and share the plans
for the week. First surprise? We aren’t working until Wednesday!
Two days to play! (Well, maybe one – we have shopping to do!)
It was a
warm day, but hopefully it will hit the predicted 55 tonight!
August 19
Day – Shopping Kalispell!
We have a
whole day to hit the stores and get some needed shopping done! And
it is a warm day – in the 90’s! But first a bit of a lazy
morning with nothing pressing to get us moving. Joyce and Cliff end
up doing the same, while Jim and Jason join up on a trip to the park,
taking the shuttle up to Logan Pass and hiking the Hidden Lake trail.
The crowds were crazy they said!
We hit the
Shoe Depot and picked up a new pair of shoes for me (this was the
store we visited last fall and I got FOUR pairs! Then to Home Depot
to purchase a new faucet for my workroom – five years with no cold
water and I hit my limit! A stop at Wal-Mart to pick up groceries
then back to the trailer to grab a bite. After abit we drove up to
Evergreen and hit the Goodwill Store and Rocky Mt. RV to check on the
laundry. A stop at the Salvation Army thrift store south of town
rounded out the day. All in all? We contributed about $300 to the
Kalispell economy! (, pants, shirts, puzzles, books,
food...and more!)
organized Happy Hour tonight.
One of many beautiful sunsets from campground |
August 20
Lake Drive
It feels
strange to have Tuesday off as well, but we take the opportunity to
explore a new place...Ashley Lake, which is west of Kalispell off
Highway 2. We head out around 10:30, miss the first Ashley Lake Road
sign (probably because it said Baclavia Rd!) so head further west to
catch the other end! Then a drive UP and over a ridge and along a
vast valley of grasslands and trees and big ranches.
The lake
itself is known for his 4 mile length and 200’ depth, which
produces some BIG rainbow and cutthroat trout. Fishing is its main
claim to fame. However, the lake is rimmed by private cabins and
mansions – the gamut of primitive to pristine. Through the trees
we are able to see the incredible turquoise blue of the shallow
waters against the deep blue of the rest. At the end of the lake we
find the primitive 6 site tent only campground, but at least it gives
us a chance to access the lake shore itself. I go down to the
shoreline and listen to the sound of the waters lapping along the
Back down
the much steeper section of road to Hwy 2 and back into town. A
quick stop at a T-mobile affiliated shop, but no help on my voice
mail issue. Then we swing by the duplex site (having the correct
address this time!) just to check things out for tomorrow.
Had time
this afternoon to work on my sermon for the service on the 15th.
Just about done – liturgy still to work out!
with MaryBeth and Isabella in the afternoon as they came out to see
who was in the park!
Another 2
hour Happy Hour to end the day!
Quick view of Ashley Lake |
Turquoise waters near the shoreline |
August 21
Build Day 1: Kalispell Duplex
We GET to work today! We were to meet Garrett here at the ReStore,
but he got delayed so instructed us to head up to the duplex site.
We carpooled, so only two more rigs to add to all the local
volunteers already there. We had until 10am to finish getting the
footer forms ready for the concrete truck to roll in. Fun greeting
so many familiar faces and there must have been at least 13 locals
present today – with the CAVs and HfH staff a total of 21 bodies!!
Jason and I worked with Rick and Don (local) to cut and bend 110
pieces of rebar...only to be told we needed 50 more...and then 5
more!! Jim, Joyce, and Cliff helped fill dirt and rocks along the
forms at the base. When the concrete truck came (2 truck loads) we
hit the ground running and in and hour and 15 minutes, the footers
were poured, leveled, rebarred, and ready to set! Whew!
brought lunch from Rosauers (chicken plus) and shortly after noon the
locals headed home and the CAVs headed back to the ReStore to help
Isabella in the upstairs remodel for new offices. She had been
worked to second coat mud since yesterday, so we had 5 small offices
to sand and prep for texturing. But, with 6 people working, we
sanded, wiped, vaccuumed, and in general are ready for texturing
tomorrow! And by that time, we were covered in sheetrock mud dust
and ready for the showers!
Our campsite |
Rick and Jason wait for concrete pour to begin |
And the made a team! |
Lunch time chatting after concrete is done |
Everyone had a job to do! |
An hour
long Happy time together and we brought up some of our highlights of
the day…
and cleaning up! (The first thing mentioned!)
No falls
or trips with lots of people and footer hazards
smoothness of the pour with many hands
among all the workers
weather to work concrete – cooler!
I think I
will ask that question at the end of every day! (Memo...forgot to do it again!)
Had a
quick text from Kathy Norrell about Carl’s memorial service date,
and sent a text back with a report from the build! (Mostly gossip!)
Our wet, but finished footers |
August 22
Office Remodel
A cool
brisk morning! But temps are forecast to be back up in the 80’s
today, so I should warm up!
We are at
the ReStore today with the task of priming and painting the five new
offices, storeroom wall, and hallway. Isabella and Stetson (two
young supervisors in training!) had textured the walls yesterday
after we left, so the walls are ready to go! After Rick’s opening
devotion and Garrett’s words of wisdom, Isabella was finishing up
the dry wall in one office, so the rest of us broke into groups and
pulled out the primer! Joyce, Rick and I mostly ‘cut’ corners
while the others grabbed the rollers. By 10:30 or shortly after we
were done! Primer needs to dry for two hours, so we took an extended
Happy Lunch until 1pm!! Joyce had made a chocolate baklava that
morning so we gathered together from 11 to noon around our table in
the shade!
At noon I
took my laptop over to the office where Hilary gave me the password
for the internet and I was able to move a few pictures from my phone
to the laptop. (Later I tried to access after hours from the back of
the luck, but WAS successful when I sat on the couch in
the front of the ReStore – right under the main office!)
And then,
we are back to paint! Semi-gloss white everywhere! And in another
2+ hours we are done! The final office was to get textured later
afternoon and next Tuesday we will install flooring.
A quiet
afternoon/evening. We had already ‘Happied’, so Jason went
fishing, I started a new book, and in general folks relaxed.
Did find
an email from Mark Kachlein that Sabra’s surgery went well this
morning. Good news.
Sunset skies through the back of the ReStore |
Break time discussion?? |
Rick doing his paint thing! |
Time for lunch yet?? |
August 23
Up in Somers House 1
Up and
ready to roll by 7:45 as we carpool down to Somers to ‘clean up’
the last two houses. I give my tie dye habitat devotion and we get
started. The new ‘supervisor in training’ Stetson is our ‘boss’
for the day.
I wish I
had taken ‘before’ and ‘after’ pictures. The place was a
mess with appliances in the middle of the floor, blue tape on the
walls marking touch up places, torn and ragged floor papering that
needed to be removed. We washed windows, swept, vaccumed, touched up
paint (both flat and semi-gloss), pulled up paper, cleaned sinks and
counters – all while Stetson and Cliff installed the appliances.
Ran into a major problem with the fridge. It fits so tightly into
the space, that you can’t open the doors without hitting the door
trim. I think they could open it about an inch or so!! Garrett will
have to solve that problem tomorrow!
Rick did a
lot of touch up painting, while I started on the windows
unsuccessfully – ok on the inside, but the outside was NOT coming
clean. Some sort of tacky waterspots that would not come off. I
ended up taking the semigloss and touching up on the trim, doors, and
bathroom. Overall, the house looked good by day’s end. Jim even
mowed the lawn (which was 6-7 inches long in places), Rick raked, and
we cleaned up the ‘hay’ (that’s what it looked like!)
Lunch was
Subway sandwiches, chips, and Hilary put some ice cream sandwiches in
the freezer that we enjoyed at days’ end!
we moved to the second house and discovered that one of our flat
paint touch-up folks got the wrong paint can and every spot is
touched up with semigloss on the flat surface. ARGH! It doesn’t
sand off enough to paint over with flat. Not sure what Garrett is
going to suggest, but we may have to prime and repaint the whole
house. (I would rather just bite the bullet and paint the whole
house with semi-gloss!) We will be back tomorrow to finish
Jason, Rick and I left at 3:45 to drive up Hwy 2 toward Columbia
Falls and check out the brewery Sacred Waters. (Cliff and Joyce were
busy installing a new toilet in their home!) An informal place
filled with young families and kids! Off to the side is Sacred Eats
which serves a limited menu of foods. Rick and I enjoyed a fish and
chips. Good conversations.
We drove
home to the lightning show of the incoming thunderstorm. Sprinkles
of rain just as we arrived back at the RV park. And then? The wind
howled for the next hour or so and the rain came down!
Dinner at Sacred Waters |
A cleaned up house ready for dedication! |
Jim mows the very long lawn! |
Realizing the fridge isn't going to fit |
August 24
Up in Somers House 2
day down in Somers – the final day! Dedication is scheduled for
the first week in September. Our goal is to get the second house
cleaned up as well. The full crew of leadership is on hand –
Garrett, Stetson, and Isabella. We met Andrea, the homeowner of
house #4, who is present and given the job of washing windows! Joyce
leads us in prayer and we get started. Three of our team (including
Rick) tackle the flat paint touch ups while I grabbed some semigloss
to do more trim and bathrooms. Eventually I just end up in the
bathrooms, stripping tub and shower paper, cleaning sinks and tubs,
sweeping and mopping the floors. The rest of the day I am sweeping
and mopping! Rick shifts to install door jams, and then helps load
the trailers to move to the new site up in Kalispell. We work
late, but we get done!!
A moment
to give a blessings to the homes since we won’t be present for the
dedication, and we are done for the week!
No Happy
Hour tonight as everyone just heads to their respective trailers/RVs
and relaxes!!
Will be a
cooler evening as the skies have cleared!
Ah –
forgot to mention! The refrigerators will be swapped out by the
company who sent the wrong size!! Problem solved!
Clouds over the eastern range |
Packing up the trailer to move to new site |
Bathroom cleanup! |
August 25
and Grocery Shopping
Let it be
said that in lieu of worship this morning, I did work on the liturgy
for my service in September AND we visited with Luke as he drove to
Las Vegas NM to serve as pulpit supply!
we headed to Rocky Mt Hi RV park in Evergreen to do laundry (we like
their laundramat!) and I made a trip to JoAnn’s to pick up some
fabric and sundries! Then a jaunt over to WalMart for bathroom
supplies for the RV park facility (tp, paper towels, hooks for your
clothes, a broom, shower scrubby, cleaners, toilet bowl cleaner,
etc.) I had told Garrett that it wasn’t the responsibility of the
affiliate to keep the bathrooms stocked and clean – they built it,
we can maintain it!
I spent a
little bit of the afternoon out front downloading some pictures, a
dinner of hamburgers and fresh corn. We had to call Al to figure out
how to start his truck, but never double checked the confirmation
that MaryBeth sent us other than time. Well….we both drove out to
the airport, Rick driving Al’s truck, and waited. Finally a text
from Al, “You do realize the flight is tomorrow right?” Uh, no.
MaryBeth said Sunday night! She is home on Monday and can pick him
up herself! Well, at least it was a nice evening for a drive and a
pretty sunset, even if I didn’t get a picture of it!
Quick sunset shot while waiting at airport |
August 26
Donation Day & Errands
Ah, a
morning to sleep in and relax! For awhile, anyway! Shortly before 10
we take off for Rick’s short list of errands...first stop, the
leather shop to fix his toolbelt. The young leatherworker made short
work of the job while Rick played with his lively dogs. What do I
owe? No charge! Bless him!
We then
mail a birthday letter, then gas up the truck and stop at Honda to
pick up a new head light. A stop at Home Depot to pick up some door
stops for the RV park bathhouse. Quick stop at T-Mobile to verify
that I need to set up a new voice mail password. Down to Bish’s RV
to purchase a new CO/Propane Monitor for trailer (apparently we
should have replaced the old in 2015!) Back to trailer to install
stops and hooks in bathhouse.
Then we
are off to Red Cross on Meridian to give some blood. A positive
experience and we are done in a half hour!
A drive up
to Whitefish to wander around for a couple hours – until I got a
little lightheaded (my blood pressure had been relatively low at the
blood draw). So we grab some water and sustenance at Sweet Peaks in
the form of ice cream! We head back to the trailer and I rest for
abit before dinner.
Text from
Al and visit from MaryBeth regarding the mis-communication on the
airport pickup. We are still a go for the pickup tonight. She is a
little distracted by the ebbing condition of her dog, Lucky.
Rick and I
take off again for the airport around 7:30 and find the short term
row much less crowded. We both back in and people watch for a half
hour or so until Al emerges from the Baggage Claim area. I had
forgotten that he had grown a beard – lots like Santa Claus. Al
takes off for MaryBeth’s and Rick and I head back to the ReStore.
Good night!!
Whitefish Train Depot |
Beautiful quilling art |
We loved this stage built out of an airstream trailer! |
August 27
Office Flooring
We are
back at the ReStore today to finish the paint job on the first office
and then begin flooring. But first, a devotion by Cliff and we have
to scrap, sweep, and vaccum all the offices and hallway from the
abundance of sheetrock mud splattered throughout.
As soon as
possible I grab my brush and the primer paint and begin to cut the
corners of Office #1. Have to get a headstart on Rick with his
roller! We are finished with the priming by 10:15 and figure we can
start the semi-gloss finish coat around 11:15 – as long as we work
in the same direction as we did earlier. In the meantime, after a
slow floor start by Cliff and Joyce, the hallway is started! Jim and
Jason continued to clean the other offices.
I finished
cutting the semi gloss around noon, but Rick worked another half hour
to finish the final coat – staggered lunch breaks today!
By days’
end, we had flooring down in three offices and halfway down the hall.
We’ll finish on Thursday!
breaks, Rick found a new shower head for the bathhouse – one with
enough pressure to kick start the on demand hot water heater.
Hurray!!! It works! We also found a cupboard that will work for our
Little Library – and Hilary located some of the lime and turquoise
paint to spruce it up! A project to be finished, hopefully before we
I did get
the new sign up in the bathhouse reminding CAVs that maintenance is
our responsibility!
The wind
really picked up during the afternoon as the next storm blows in –
so much so that we moved our tailgate ‘party’ inside to Cliff and
Joyce’s RV. Jim has provided hamburgers for all, and the rest of
us chipped in sides. A good time.
Look at that nice flooring! |
A coat of primer for the last room |
Making flooring cuts |
Cutting the corners and edges |
A random hot air balloon floats up in morning sky! |
August 28
Duplex ICF ‘Lego’ Foundations
Oh boy did
the wind blow last night, with a few drops of rain! The forecast
isn’t great for today’s duplex work! Joyce and Cliff asked to
return to Somers to do a little more cleaning of the houses. The
rest of us head out to play in the rain (which fortunately holds off
until late morning and then just a light sprinkle. It doesn’t
start raining in earnest until after lunch)
Jim (the
ICF guy) gathers the group together – we have a full crew of locals
today, plus Stetson and Isabella. Probably 15-20 total – and goes
over the basic process of locking the foam ‘legos’ together.
They really do look like giant white LEGO blocks with the little
bumps on top! We will put down three layers to form the 4 foot stem
The group
is probably, in hindsight, a little too large. Jim can’t get to
everyone fast enough to answer questions and some blocks get put up a
little too fast. But overall, the process is effective and by day’s
end just half of the top layer remains to be completed. The locals
will finish it up on Friday and hopefully concrete will get poured
next Wednesday. CAVs will be back at the ReStore for the rest of the
Lunch was
provided today by one of the local gals who has provided lunch for
Habitat for years once a month – and it is two crock pots filled
with stew and potatoes, a huge bowl of watermelon, and cookies. The
warm tasted SO GOOD to us cold wet folks!
Rick and I
bailed around 1:30 with no real job to do and getting pretty soaked.
I think that triggered Garrett to close up shop because the other
three CAVs return shortly after!
afternoon in the trailer. No happy hour tonight. Plus I tried out
the new HOT shower tonight and it was GREAT!
ANOTHER beautiful sunset! |
Sign we made for the bathrooms |
More sunset skies |
And then? A rainbow! |
Putting up the lego like foam foundation boards |
It was fun learning to use this system |
All stacked up and ready for installation |
August 29
Office Work
We are
back to laying floor today and the group is all over – Cliff and
Joyce and Jason finish the last two rooms while Rick, Al, and Jim
start trimming doors and windows and cutting the floor trims. By
lunchtime the floor is finished!!
starts caulking everything and we move forward after lunch with the
trim, but we are short enough door boards.
has invited the team over for dinner at his house, so we all head
over for lasagna, salad, and the bread I brought with pesto. Jason
also went and bought another loaf, actually THREE more! Isabella
brought a peach crumble! It was a delightful evening with Desi and
Haddie (who is now 18 months).
Forgot to
mention my little mishap this morning. I was carrying one of the
concrete bricks Rick had located over to the bathhouse where I was
putting a coat of paint on the library. I was talking to one of the
restore guys (who offered to bring the last one as well) and tripped,
falling forward on the cinder block – scrapping myself up but more
importantly probably bruising some left side ribs pretty good. Had
to fill out an accident form. :( And answer the “How are you
feeling?” the rest of the day!
Working on our little library |
Cutting off the shims for door installation |
Discussion time?? |
August 30
Office Work
We are all
back in the office except Al who went to the duplex to help the
locals finish the ICF work. Stetson heads out to resupply our team –
boards to cover the HVAC boxes, door frame boards, etc. I spend the
morning laying tape down on the floors, Joyce caulking, guys cutting
trim. A busy place! Paint goes down gradually on all the
trimwork...we are nearing the end. Another half day should help it
Rick and I
sneak out occasionally to finish our Little Library...Rick is wearing
out – feeling his knee pain! 3pm it is assembled,
painting nearly finished, and in place along the wall. Rick leaves
to purchase the needed brackets to attach to wall.
Then it is
tie-dye time! Just Jason, but he has purchased a huge pack of
tshirts and underwear! I get the dyes mixed, station set up, and we
go to it! Considerable laughter as we do his boxer shorts – a
different experience with a peanut gallery of guys watching!! But we
get done in time to join the group at Jasons as MaryBeth is coming to
HH with booze – wine and beer. Hilary and Katie with her and one
of the ReStore guys joined us briefly.
The group
is going to split tomorrow – only working a half day – so we may
head out for home and break the trip up.
Foundation ready for concrete! |
Group photo in front of handprinted bathroom |
A final Happy Hour |
Tie dying with Jason |
Handprints! |
Finished paint job but sans words |
Last section of flooring installed |
August 31
and Duplex
Kalispell ReStore to Tucannon RV Park, WA
338 miles
I slept
late today – didn’t wake up until 6:45! But it was a restless
night in many ways...between my ribs and hot/cold I seemed to toss
and turn. We got a team photo this morning in front of the
bathhouse, including Stetson, Garrett, and Isabella. Homeowner
Andrea took the picture for us!
The Joyce
headed down to Somers with the homeowners for some last touch up
efforts, Stetson, Cliff, and I stayed at the office to continue
painting and cutting the cover boards. Rick, Jason, Jim and Al went
to the duplex site to fix a problem that arose with the ICF and level
elevations! (The transom had been broken so level was off 1.5 inches
and had to be fixed)
fluctuated between painting trim and doors and working to finish up
the Little Library – some touch up painting and sanding, lettering,
etc. Also got a few things packed away in the trailer to be ready
for when Rick returns and we want to take off! Delivered a donation
check to MaryBeth’s desk. Rick saw a set of dining room chairs and
we end up buying them for $75 – not bad for 6 chairs! The ones Liz
gave us when we got married are showing their age! So that involved
a little creative packing in the back of the truck!
goodbyes said and we are on the road by 1:20pm! Rick takes us to St.
Regis where we gas up and call Tucannon to see if there’s a chance
they have a spot for us. We are in luck! I drive from St. Regis to
a gas station in Worley ID, south of Couer d’Lene. Rick takes us
through the very dry and harvested palouse to Tucannon where we
arrive at 7:15 (thankful that clocks went back an hour at the Montana
border!) A smooth drive overall, just long at the end of a build.
And my ribs are hurting!!
We grab
the leftover hamburgers from Tuesday night for a late dinner.
Back at Tuccannon |
September 1
River RV to High Country Ln, BC
Time to
wrap this trip up! We are ready to be home!
I get up
at 6:30 and take a walk around the park. My ribs just keep getting
more and more painful to twist, bend, move, etc. Sadly, not much you
can do for them!
Rick is
rising when I get back to the trailer and within the hour I had
showered, and we’ve cleaned the bathroom and kitchen sinks, closed
things up and we are on our way shortly after 8am!!
drives the whole way home, stopping at TAJ in Milton Freewater to gas
up and at Deadman’s Pass for a potty break. I work finishing up
the two shepherds I brought to do – mission accomplished!
We are
discouraged to see the amount of smoke in both LaGrande and Baker
valleys – fires are still burning somewhere!
Home by
11:40am and quickly work to empty the trailer of most everything.
Will gradually get it ready to put away for the winter in the week
By 7pm, we
have finished 3 loads of laundry, all food put away, I’ve picked
zucchini and peppers, plus more cucumbers and eggplant. Jess had put
tomatoes and green beans in the fridge as well as 3 dozen ears of
corn, more cukes and eggplant waiting! I have my work cut out for me
this week!!
It is 95
degrees in Baker! Ouch!!
And now...APOLOGIES that photos all loaded in reverse chronologically order, so you get the sunsets first and morning last!
Plus this picture of Ashley Lake that REFUSED to load in its correct spot!