december daykus
A final month of a daily haiku summary and photograph highlights (at least if I remembered to take pictures!)
And that, folks, wraps up 2023!! Happy New Year!
december daykus
A final month of a daily haiku summary and photograph highlights (at least if I remembered to take pictures!)
And that, folks, wraps up 2023!! Happy New Year!
a beautiful sunny day, but the snow is supposed to start this
evening. The 10’ tree is all decorated and the 100 plus nativities
are all in glorious display. The woodstove is hot and the mountains
in view, for
awhile yet. It’s Christmas time!
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A windy spot outside Las Cruces |
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Rick at work on the miter saw |
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We had time for a little exploring up in Montana! |
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Ginger and fellow CAVs just hanging out on the roof top! |
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Official CAVs with their safety helmets! |
Summer found us at home: Ginger tending her vegetable garden, and Rick constructing a new driveway island and moving gravel around the driveway plus planting a few trees for a windbreak. We enjoyed a wonderful week long visit from Ginger’s Sacramento sister and family. As mentioned, we were back in Kalispell in October helping to finish the three homes and setting footer boards for the fourth house. The home dedications took place in early December for the three homes!
One view of the garden abundance come August! Rick moved alot of dirt and gravel for our now planted island!
Otherwise, with processing the abundance of garden produce, other outdoor projects, church, and doctor appointments we have kept busy! Rick is getting a new right knee in January, so we’ll be tied up with that for awhile.
Jed is still teaching at the Willamette University School of Digital Science. The school has provided the job security that allowed him to buy a house this summer! We spent a week in Salem helping with projects. He also hosted us for Thanksgiving and a TSO concert in Portland.
Luke and Kady are busy in Albuquerque. Luke is working to take the Young Adult Volunteer program from church sponsored to an independent entity. He does not have young adults this year in order to stabilize a program that has been dying. Huge job! Kady is teaching a K/First class this year. She has finished her teaching program as well as fitting in a couple trips to WA to visit family. She and Luke took one of those trips at Thanksgiving and surprised us with a two day visit at Jed’s. What a great present!
Luke and Kady take opportunities to explore the SW treasures.
We continue to relish our home, property, view, and neighbors. We volunteer with the Backpack program and deliver Meals on Wheels on Thursdays. We love time with our ‘adopted’ grandkids here in town. We are blessed!
We are excited to have both boys home for the holidays and family time together. Our best wishes go out to all of you for a safe, healthy, and happy new year. May the newborn Christ be alive in each of us as we strive to bring peace and hope to our hurting world.
Ginger: 541-656-9622
Rick: 503-560-3269
15844 High Country Lane
Baker City, OR 97814
november 2023 daykus
A few photos and a simple haiku summary of the high points of the day - moments of praise, blessing, or happiness.