Thursday, June 27 Insulation Begins!
Rick went out to the property early this morning to return the garbage can (we've been emptying them into our trash pickup) and to take a walk along Brown Lane. He found Four Season Insulation hard at work!! (Our nice clean floors did not stay that way long!) But Rick didn't have the camera! :(
So....after I got done with a Tie Dye Extravaganza with the XC and Track teams, we drove out around sunset (nothing spectacular today) to check out the inside of the house! By the time we get back from Bandon, the sheetrockers will have been hard at work and it will be too late to see any insulation.
Still water overflowing from the neighboring pond! |
I'd say we found about 2/3 of the job done. A certain kind of batt insulation is used between the garage and the main house, the rest is a blow-in that adhers to the wall. Lots of gray fluff everywhere! What a difference in the sound deadening!! No more huge echos!
Before leaving I had to wander to the back edge of the property to see if our creek was still flowing....and it was! Only about 2" of water now, but still water! Considering last year we NEVER saw any water in it, this must be a good water year!
Standing by kitchen wall, view across Great Room, with insulation 'snakes' winding across floor. |
The gray fluff packs in pretty well! |
We didn't expect to find the windows and doors all 'plastic'd off' |
Big truck with all the machinery inside waits to resume tomorrow. |
View toward kitchen - you can barely see the difference type of firewall insulation used for garage separation near right side. |
During my walk to back property line, I found our one lupine plant in full bloom! |
Monday, July 22 (Yes! Nearly a MONTH later!!)
Whew! What a whirlwind time with little opportunity to do anything other than stay ahead of my devotions and entertain company! So much happening, so perhaps I'll just go picture by picture and try to get up up to date. I titled this blog looking inside, but in reality, there is still alot of OUTSIDE work happening at the same time as the inside! So maybe I'll change the title to Inside AND Outside!
July 7: Home from Bandon and we immediately drive out with Luke to check out the progress! The sheetrock is up. Our house is now VERY white on the interior! |
Sheetrock in the master wing of the house. 7.07 |
Rick explains a few things from the bay window opening while Luke takes in the view. 7.07 |
Sheetrockers use scaffolding to access the upper reaches of the Great Room! Our new neighbors on Broadway, Kenyon Damschen, is one of the owners of the company doing the sheetrock and the painting. 7.11 |
Nolan works to install the Bay Window. 7.11 |
We stopped by during the High Country Party to check out the finished installation. 7.11 |
View out the bay window! 7.11
July 15-19 Tom and Diane Hinkle come help! |
Lunch break with the Hinkles. 7.15 |
Tom works to install the backer and mesh for the rock work. We spent all day Monday in PREP!!! 7.15 |
....but we are ready to go...although the front door hasn't arrived yet so there are limitations! |
Rick and Tom installed a base plate for me. Later we will fill in that bottom section with a cut slice of rock. |
Diane starts mixing the mortar for me!! 7.16 |
Rick captures of shot of me putting up the rock! |
By day's end on Tuesday, we had rocked the south side of the porch around my studio door and gotten started on the west wall! 7.16 |
Look what arrived at the end of the day on Tuesday! Skip had it installed and trimmed by the time Diane and I arrived around 10 Wednesday morning. Better look quick because they are about to be boarded over! |
That isn't plastic you see making the wavy lines - that's part of the glass! 7.17 |
Skip and crew worked on the board and batten on the back of the house...looking good! |
End of Wednesday the 17th. Since the windows haven't arrived yet, I can't go up the 5 layers of rock as I did on the south wall. And yes, I have used a level and it isn't as crooked as it looks! 7.17 |
Diane had a few phone interruptions because her son was busy getting a new job and trying to buy a house (job yes, house no :( 7.18 |
Rick and Tom work side by side to install the last of the siding on the east side! |
Up the ladder, down the ladder. That was pretty much Tom and Rick's day! 7.18 |
Skip had the enviable task of trimming out the bay window. Not easy! 7.19 |
Board and batten done on gable, and by noon Rick and Tom had the siding done on the garage! 7.19 |
Diane grabbed my camera and took LOTS of rockin' pictures! |
in the meantime....although I don't have many photos, the sheetrockers have been playing country music and putting layer upon layer of tape and mud and making a major mess in the inside of the house! They began texturing the ceilings on Friday the 19th!
Weather was supposed to be real warm on Friday, so we put up the tent for Diane, but she was in the wind and thought it was cool! Mortar got mixed though! |
I cruised on Friday morning and finished a major chunk of the 'nook' wall and even got a few rows of the north wall done! 7.19 |
Should be able to finish up on Monday, so Skip and crew can start working on the ceiling soffit on front porch! |
Our set up for Friday the 19th. |
Rock is happening!! 7.19 |
Happy crew ready to call it a week! THANK YOU TOM and DIANE!! |
Front of garage is done!! Just the little piece of man-door needs to be finished. |
Tuesday, July 23 Rockin' and Caulkin'
Yesterday, Rick and I went out AFTER an hour with Next Step finalizing the tile selection. We switched to a different shower and bathroom floor tile that will really brighten the room up. We wanted to finish up the rockwork on the porch area (as much as possible pending window installation!) so that Skip and crew could move from the back porch to the front this week - they will be installing the ceiling soffit and the board and batten above the siding level.
Porch all cleaned up after rock done...up to a point! |
Windows were covered as sheetrockers were doing ceiling and I didn't want mud on my rock! |
Inside the great are covered up, as is the front door - don't want mud all over our pretty door glass! |
Ceiling soffit on back porch area. Siding between those windows is going to be challenging! |
Porch all hosed off and clean, ready for the crew to get to work. Waiting for caprock and windows before Rick can put up the siding on the lower part. Side door goes into my studio. |
Skip and Andrew are ready to start on the front porch ceiling soffit and board and batten. Tough to angle the fork lift bucket into place! But you gotta have it - the ceiling is WAY UP THERE! |
Rick spent at least 4 hours and I spent 2 caulking the south side siding. It was ONLY 90 degrees when we finished! HOT with no breeze if you were right in the middle of the wall. Caulk was drying so fast when it hit that warm siding! |
Phil Luschen came over to chat and while he was there THE WINDOWS ARRIVED!! Finally! Skip called me over to verify they were correct, as the openings on them are different from all the rest. Yes, they are! He was planning to install them after lunch, but Rick and I were gone by then!
Friday, July 26 Siding, Siding, and More Caulking!
Three more days of siding work to finish up the west outer wall! Whew!
Wednesday Rick went out to 'figure' the wall, as portions of the siding had been removed to install the bay window. We had to 'marry' new siding in with the old, not an easy task when the top layer extends beyond the lower layer! I ran a few errands and then joined him to find the 'figuring' was still going on, but he was about to install a board! :) The weather Wednesday was MUCH cooler (high of only 82) and we worked into the early afternoon.
Looking out from inside, texturing all done, floor cleaned up, windows installed! |
Andrew and Skip work off the lift and scaffolding to put up the porch ceiling soffit. |
You feel the scope of the size of the porch area when you see Andrew way up there! |
Our progress at day's end. Fussy business, but now we are back on track after all the 'repair' work. |
Front of house at days' end. |
I had to capture another image of our front door! So beautiful! |
Thursday's challenge was going up and around the flashing and metal parts of the bay window roof. Fortunately Nolan was working with Skip and Andrew on the front porch and he came around and spent nearly an hour helping us out with the fine tuning of those cuts. After lunch we were able to move on upward towards the top of the bay roof. We got a late start on thursday as we waited for Chris to come assess the crack in our current countertop - and eventually I called and made arrangements for AFTER we come home. He had gotten tied up at the store.
Board and batten was already going up and ceiling finished when we arrived on Thursday morning! |
The view is still just as beautiful! |
Nolan lends a hand! |
Rick makes a cut with the grinder. |
Rick and his reflection friend adjust the gecko to install another board! |
The front looks awesome! |
At the end of Thursday we are up to the top of the bay! That next layer of siding will take us ALL of Friday morning! |
Friday? Time to finish this wall!! And it was tricky as we wanted the piece of siding to extend completely over the top of the bay. After Rick made a template and we cut and adjusted it, he cut the actual siding and we got it in. Hmmmm....About 2 1/2 hours later! I worked on caulking while Rick figured, lending a hand when necessary. By days' end, I had caulked all of the wall except the last section where Rick had been working, plus the lower section of the north wall (guest room area) It took us time to get 3 boards in place, but then we hummed and worked our way up to the top of the peak. I knew Rick wasn't going to stop today until that wall was DONE!! We were heading home shortly after 3pm!
All board and batten and ceiling on front porch done....I can resume rocking next week! Crew spent morning caulking! |
I am fascinated with the lines our timber create - actual, shadows, and reflections! |
Rick proudly shows off the siding atop the bay window! |
Whew! This wall is done, and 75% caulked! |
Back of house to date...we still have a big chunk of siding to do in back, but some of it should go a little faster. |
Saturday, July 27 We Get Help! Tour Time! Jed arrived last night and we immediately put him to work early this morning! Also, in the process of inviting the Allens to a game night Sunday evening, I mentioned we were working this morning. So Jess and Zach showed up at 9 ready to have a go at it. Of course, they told Zach and Savanah who then ALSO came to lend a hand! The neighbors all suddenly descended as well for quick tours! It took awhile to get started, but I put the Eggers and Jess on caulk duty while Jed and Zach A helped Rick begin the bottom boards on the back porch wall. It was a fun time with friends and family!!
While Rick gave Phil and Cheryl a tour, I trained Zach in the use of guillotine for cutting the siding boards. |
Jess quickly got the rest of the caulking done around the French doors in back. |
Zach and Savanah tackled the high parts of the guest room north wall and window. |
Zach and Jed test out a cut for the siding wall. |
All our young helpers as we wind up, hungry and hot! |
Sometimes the cuts aren't QUITE right, so you take a hammer and MAKE them right!! Fussy work around a light switch. |
Not as high as Rick might have wished, but with all the tours, the back wall is started! |
Jed went out to Balm Creek with the young gang to paddle board, BBQ, and in general have fun! Rick and I went home and collapsed for the afternoon! :)
Monday, July 29
The BARN Begins! R2D2 and More Siding and Caulking!!
Sunday afternoon Rick and Jed drove out to the property so Jed could set up R2D2 in the field south of the house. The little camera unit looked rather lonely when seen Monday morning.
Little R2D2 sits on a platform among the weeds! |
Later, Mary Tomlinson came by and wanted a picture of Jed with his pal, so I clicked one too! |
The really exciting part of the day (besides the delicious cookies Mary brought!) was the crew began work on framing up the walls of the barn! Four guys worked all day building the two side walls and then sheathing them, cutting out the windows, etc. By day's end, they weren't lifted into place, but ready!!
A flurry of activity begins at the barn site. |
Two walls ready to flip up into place!! |
In the meantime, Rick and Jed worked all day and made great progress on the rest of the back porch wall with siding. Jed now operates a nail gun with ease! I spent the early morning time caulking what I could and cutting as many boards as possible for Rick and Jed, and then mortared the rocks in place under the windows, filling in my gap. Cleaned off the porch so it is ready to finish up the rock! We worked a long day, so we could take Tuesday off and go hiking!!!
Nailing up the siding!! |
Gap all filled in under the windows....ready for one cut layer and capstone! |
Jed hammers in by hand a reluctant finish nail. |
Good progress for the day!! |
Wednesday, July 31 Siding, Barn Walls, and Paint OOPS!!!!
We put Jed back to work this morning, as he wasn't planning on leaving for Salem until late afternoon! He and Rick figured and measured, made templates and did math, to get the cuts right to work up the slanted siding between roof and windows. Slow work! I caulked everything as they finished!
Shortly before lunch, Skip started spray painting the soffit by the guest room north window. I came around the side of the house to get a tool from the truck, and went, "Please tell me that is primer!" No, it wasn't! The house was becoming a minty lime green. GAG!! I don't know how we could have messed up our colors that badly, but we did. Rick didn't check it out until after lunch when they had half of the garage gable painted. I thought he was going to puke. Time out! Conversation with Dave (who was fortunately still there!) to talk paint colors. Skip painted our darker green next to the soffit and some trim, so we could check them out. Not happy. Our fault! After getting Jed home and on his way, we drove back out and made a couple samples on siding boards and picked up two much lighter, grayer samples from Ace. Sent our ideas to Dave. was another evening like the barn misplacement on property lines....spent saying "How did we go so wrong?"
I didn't get this picture until afternoon so the gable was in the shade. It looked even worse in the sunlight! |
Working off two high ladders, Rick and Jed put up tough to cut siding above great room windows. |
Beginning work on the kitchen wall of porch around the high window....they needed to work up this wall to make sure the two lines of siding matched up at the corner! |
In the meantime, the barn crew just kept going! They brought the front gable truss around from it's winter storage on the grass and worked much of the day to sheath and wrap it, plus attach the outlooks. It should be lifted into place on Thursday!
Front walls are built and the side walls lifted into place. |
The front gable is forklifted over and set down on sawhorses so it can be sheathed, wrapped, and 'outlooked' |
The inside of the barn is a beehive of activity. |
THURSDAY, August 1 Paint Resolution and Barn Trusses!
Rick went out early today to finish up the porch siding, only to find that Skip and crew had used the fork lift and gotten the job done! What a blessing! They had also caulked all that really high stuff at the same time. When I got to the site after teaching a class, the trusses for the barn were going up and Rick was busy handling the guide lines for the trusses. He spent the rest of the day picking up trash piles and getting the site cleaned up for the septic crews to arrive on Monday.
By the time I got there, the trusses were nearly all installed! |
Rick spent the morning in the weeds hooking the truss lines up. |
Sometimes he had to pull really hard to move things into place! |
End of day - trusses in, front wall sheathed. The barn is taking shape!! The front window in gable will be cut out later. |
In the meantime, David had brought out about 10 cans of paint samples, as we have decided to just 'bite the bullet' on the 15 gallons we have and start over with our GREEN choices. The trim color and the blue for the ceilings (while very blue and bright) we will use. David and I painted siding scraps and finally I selected my favorite combination and Rick concurred. Decision made. Relief! Why didn't we do it this way in the first place?? This is a learning process! Dave did say he would have wall samples for us before the interior begins!
Our final selection of paint colors: Incognito, Muted Safe, Grizzled Gray, and Bluebells. |
After confirming the paint, I grabbed a caulk gun and ladder and caulked the gaps around the kitchen window, and the spots BETWEEN where I left off on Wednesday and where the guys went down to Thursday morning. Back porch totally caulked!
Everything caulked and ready for paint! |
Saturday, August 3
Yes, believe it or not, we took yesterday off!! The crew was going to be painting the soffits and gables with the new color and we really had no place to work - plus the break was well received! Today Rick had promised a little help to Zach and Jess as they tried to put their garden fence up. The deer have invaded the thin bird fencing they had erected. so.....I drove over to the house for a couple hours to finish up some caulking on the bay window and the lower sections of the east side outer walls. I HIGHLY approved of the new color that went up on Friday!
I took a picture of the house as I drove up High Country Lane. So pretty nestled under Elkhorn Peak! |
Quick shot of the front Board and Batten gable with new muted sage color. |
Back side of house with bay window completely framed in now and new colors. |
SUNDAY, August 4 Beginning of the End for Rock!
No such thing as a day of rest when the house has to get done! We head out after church with the express plan to finish all the bottom edge rock. It means alot of measuring and cutting. Rick set up the wet tile saw and deliver the rocks to me for placement. It took us 4 plus hours, but we got it done!
Lower edge installed and porch hosed down. |
We are getting there! |
MONDAY, August 5 South Side Cap Rock
Once again, we are very focused on rock today! We have to put down a cut layer of stone about 2.5 inches thick, and then the caprock. We discover the latter is NOT level on top, but bevels toward the ends, and is NOT a uniform thickness. ARGH! But we get a rhythm going, and even manage to hide some major cuts and Rick makes a perfect beveled 45 angle for the corner!
While we worked, Skip and Andrew were painting in the back, and then had us select the color of stain we wanted for the front timbers.
Caprock done on half of the porch!! |
Not bad for a first attempt at caprocks. |
The back porch ceiling gets its two coats of blue paint today! |
TUESDAY, August 6 The Rock Is Done!!
Today we went out at 11am, giving Skip and crew time to work on the front porch and time for the shade to move around to the north side of the porch! Cherrie came out around 1 with huge Arnold Palmer Ice Teas and red licorice. She sat and visited with us, taking a couple of pictures for me! By 4:30 WE WERE DONE!!!
Rick handled the wet saw with aplomb, cutting the bricks to order. |
Rick and Ginger check out how to locate the capstone UNDER the electric box. |
Caprock finished!! There are a few 'waves' in the top, but it is as level as we could make it. |
Twenty seven feet of rock! Front porch still masked all off for the ceiling paint to be sprayed on. |
The other highlight of the day - Skip and Andrew finished staining the front timbers. They look AWESOME! |
The septic folks are here, coming from Cove. He will work for the next couple days to dig the drain field and install the big concrete tank.
In the meantime, Rick and I caulk and side! Rick tackles the unfinished siding on the mandoor of the garage, a job that takes longer than planned! I spend the day caulking - the unfinished parts of the east wall I didn't get done last Saturday (ladder work) and then caulking the mandoor after Rick was done. Rick got stung by two bees while throwing trash into the dumpster.....a nest was in the lumber.
After the timbers looked so good yesterday, they are all wrapped up today as prep for painting the blue ceiling out front. |
Skip works from the bucket off the fork lift painting the ceiling while Andrew operates the lift. |
THURSDAY, August 8 FINALLY - PAINT!! (Septic Done...for Now)
While Skip and Andrew worked on the front ceiling and painted doors, Rick and I finally got a chance to put a little paint on the front of the garage! Exciting to see how the colors are going to look together....and we are pleased. Plus the ceiling POPs with the timbers!
Andrew works on the window trim now that the capstone is finished. Then Rick and I can finish the siding on the front porch. |
Rick paints the darker sage (Incognito officially) on the siding. |
The front of the garage is painted the darker sage, and I get MOST of the trim done in the Grizzled Gray. |
The holding tank arrives in two sections. |
The drain field ends up closer to the house than we anticipated, but we had some issues of terrain. |
Father and young son team work on the hole for the tank. |
Lifting the tank into place. |
FRIDAY, August 9 FRONT PORCH SIDING! (And more caulking!)
We are back at it at 8am this morning, expecting a quiet day as Skip and Andrew are helping with a foundation elsewhere this morning. But in the course of getting started, we find the Insulation for the crawl space is being installed, then the plumbers show up to put in the outside water faucets. Those two SHOULD have arrived in reverse order, as Bobby Henshaw had to crawl under all the new insulation! Two boards of siding finally in place, and Kate and MarjAnn arrive for a visit! That was fun though. Kate: "Ginger, I bet you will be very happy when this is all done!" You are right, Kate!
We struggled a little getting started finding the level starting point. We finally decided the top molding should be level and we worked down from that. It was really important to get the outside corner siding to match up with the inside of the porch. But once we got it figured, I used the guilloutine and tried to keep Rick well supplied with boards! After lunch, Rick started making his own cuts while I began caulking everything we had just installed. ALMOST got it all finished, except for two strips that we had questions on. But it was 3:40 and we were tired and it was time to quit!
Mid afternoon as I was trying to finish the caulking, a thunderstorm rolled in and it rained pretty good for about 10 minutes!
The sunshine bathes the front porch in the morning! |
View of front timbers and blue ceiling standing in the middle of the front door and looking UP! |
Rick measures and figures for the next board. |
Part of the porch siding done. |
Ginger caulks nail holes, windows, and gaps between window and siding. |
End of day - front porch with MOST of the siding up. Can't wait to paint and trim! |
Highlights of today's wildlife sightings: a tiny little frog this morning and a beautiful heron that flew over and landed on neighbors shed roof as we were leaving this afternoon! (Below) |
It's a new week and we have help this morning! Zach and Jess volunteered to lend a hand for awhile (I think Zach is enjoying learning new skills! He arrived with a new toolbelt!) So Zach helped Rick finish the siding out on the front porch, while Jess and I painted - she doing the darker green on the garage mandoor entrance while I finished up the trim over the garage.... that had been left half done!
Zach installed these strips of siding himself - I had precut all the boards already! |
Jess tackles the wall by the mandoor. |
Finished garage and mandoor entrance! |
You can't tell, but the door is the soffit muted sage - a nice contrast. |
Window trim on east side of front done. |
Tuesday, August 13 PAINTING!
Tuesday we had a late start due to Rick's BandG meeting for church. The weather forecast cloud cover in the afternoon, so we decided to tackle the brutal south wall and get it done. Well, cloud cover wasted exactly as much as we wanted, but the shade does at least hit the upper part of the wall as the afternoon progresses! It was hot work! We ended the day with MT Nesters at the Taco Tuesday Golf Course, however!
Front porch siding as finished, but awaiting paint and trim now! |
Front walls of east side are done. |
South side DONE, except for trim on far window which I'll catch on Wednesday! |
While we painted, Skip and Andrew got started sheathing the roof of the barn! |
Rick began on the back porch this morning getting the really high stuff done and then moved to the front. I finished up trim as possible trying to stay caught up as there is ALOT of TRIM!! I was able to do alot on the front even before Rick painted because much of the upper trim bordered the gable board and batten and was already painted! Rick will also attest to the fact that our walls are very high and very long!
I did take an afternoon break as I forgot I had a Missional Meeting today. When Jim called we were already at job with just one rig. I said I wouldn't make it in, but they could meet at the house! So Jim and Mark drove out, plus Ed and Sydney and Betsy and Tatum! The latter just stayed long enough to check everything out and say hi. They left and Mark, Jim, and I sat in the garage opening in the breeze and met until 2:30. Then back to work!!
Rick grabbed the camera and took a couple shots from inside the house of me painting the upper kitchen window trim. |
Trimwork above kitchen window. |
Rick gets started on the front porch siding. You can tell I have painted whatever I could that didn't touch the siding! |
The septic system got inspected today - DEQ actually showed up! We passed, although WE know the tank must be lowered 2 inches. |
We had a cord and half of firewood delivered today on site. Another cord to come tomorrow! |
Front is almost totally least what you see is finished! Can't wait to see that dark red door! |
Skip and I discussed painting of the door panels. He'll mask off what I have done and then spray the two side lights. Door will be removed to be sprayed. |
Thursday, August 15 PAINTING and TRIMWORK!
A switch in crews today, as Skip and gang are off doing concrete, but Glenn and Clay are back to put up window and door trim. Also discuss closet ideas with Glenn. Rick gets the outer west wall finished in the morning shade, then moves back to the back porch. But we have a date with RVP to assess the crack in the countertop around 3, so we head home at 2:30. Wedding reception tonight out at the Copper Belt winery for Cody Cook! I didn't even take any pictures today!!
Friday, August 16
Everyone on site today!! Skip and Tyler are finishing the barn roof sheathing, David comes to layout, cut, and supply the closet construction (which Skip and Tyler actually execute!). Nolan joins Glenn and Clay in working on baseboards, doors, and windows. Then at 9am I get a text from Angela Leggett saying they'll be late for Lucas's tutoring. I totally forgot about it!!! AWOL the second time this week! Yikes! So....I invite them out to the house later in the day enroute home so I can check out what Lucas has done and give suggestions. An informal session (and no charge!) They arrive right after lunch.
Nearly completed front of house in morning sunshine. Just the top portions of the corner trim needs to be done, but I need Rick's help with ladder there! |
Garage is a bee-hive of activity with cutting stations everywhere (and sawdust!) |
Rick takes a cool picture of me painting the top of the belly band in back as a reflection in the upper window. He said he was holding the ladder with one hand, as it was on top of the septic dirt piles! |
Painting the trim on the bay window. |
We got those upper portions of trim done after lunch - ladder was nearly extended to top range! (Lowered in picture!) |
Finished bay window |
North side of closet design. Short hanger space for both of us and center space for a few long hanging items |
Porch cleared is so beautiful! |
Such a vast expanse of porch and lofty heights! Once doors are painted it will be a welcoming entry. |
Skip and Tyler used the forklift for final hoisting of the upper sheathing for barn! |
Saturday, August 17 CLEAN UP! The painters are coming on Monday to start the interior painting, and the house was left an absolute mess with dirt and shims and plenty of dead flies all over the place. I assured David we could come out today and clean up the house, but the garage was their mess! :) We picked up all the shim scraps to save for kindling this winter. Then Rick went outside to clean up wood piles all over the place, while I ran the magnetic wand for screws and nails, and then swept out the house. I did pluck a few more 'treasures' from the construction scraps!
Lots of DUST and dead flies once we picked up the screws and the shims! |
Two buckets on hand while I cleaned - one for my 'treasures' and the other shims! |
This concludes this blogpost...the outside of the house is relatively done and extensive work will begin on the inside. When we get back from New Mexico we'll find a very different place! And a new blog to document it!