10-28, 2018
May 10
City, OR to Wallace, ID
we are off on another adventure, leaving BC at 6:15am. Ginger takes
the first driving shift (it will virtually be all freeway!) as we
head over the Blue Mts and to the Mission TruckStop and the road
north to Milton Freewater and Washington. Highlights? The glow of
the rising sun on the puffy white clouds to the east, and the socked
in Elkhorns to our west; a herd of horses running wild and free on
the slopes of Cabbage Hill; and our first trip all the way through
Washington WITHOUT having to purchase gas!
drove to M-F where we filled the tank (and got a free cup of coffee
because we spent over $30 – There are advantages I suppose to big
gas tanks!) Rick took over and promptly drove us into rain! Our
plan today was to get to Colfax, in the heart of the wheat and
garbonza palouse of Eastern Washington, and then cut to the east of
Steptoe State Park and over to Plummer, ID. We would miss the
traffic of Spokane AND get into Idaho sooner where gas prices are
cheaper. Most of what we saw in Washington was similar pricing to
Baker City which has gone up to $3.15 range in the past week.
palouse was gorgeous and green. Winter wheat nearly a foot tall and
spring wheat just shooting through the surface. The rolling hills
have a magic all their own, and the wind turbines were definitely
spinning. We had a tail wind all the way to Idaho which helped
mileage considerably! The rain storms were intermittent, and
sunshine lit our road the rest of the time, with big white and gray
clouds on the horizons.
‘shortcut’ took off about 10 miles north of Colfax on a
relatively windy stretch of road in chick pea land! Lots of fields
planted, but nothing showing yet. We came to the town of Oakesville
which seemed to be wall to wall grain and bean elevators and storage
on the train tracks. Definite farming community!
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Neat old building near Tekoe, WA. |
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Episcopal Church in Wallace. |
garner the first campsite of the day at Wallace RV (eg. no one else
is here when we arrive, but as I type now at least a couple more rigs
have pulled in for the night.) Price is still $30 and we get set up.
Even though North Idaho is still on Pacific time, we have already
changed our clocks, so we are working off MDT! Our meals so far
today have been rather scarce, so we walk downtown (under the
freeway) and find the Smokehouse BBQ. We haven’t tried it before,
so why not? Rick had pulled chicken sandwich and I pulled pork. BBQ
sauce on the side, so Rick took hot while I was sweet! He had
jambalaya and baked beans, I coleslaw and mac and cheese. It was all
very good! We walked around town for abit – always in respect of
the efforts Wallace has made to preserve its historical heritage.
When I-90 was being routed through, planners wanted to tear down some
of the century old buildings. Wallace rallied and had the entire
downtown declared a historical district – hands off! So the
freeway is elevated as it rolls through this narrow opening in the
hills. We like the RV park because it is located within view of the
freeway, but up a little canyon which cuts out all the noise. A
stream is raging down past the park which provides plenty of ‘white
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Methodist Church in Wallace |
again as we return to the trailer and a quiet evening.
PS. I couldn't help taking a few church pictures in Wallace, having just finished my book featuring 50 churches around the country. I just love these unique buildings!
May 11
to Kalispell
off and on during the night, and LOW clouds this morning as we packed
up and left Wallace around 8. I took the freeway shift again first,
which wasn’t the best choice perhaps, as I drove right up into the
cloud over the top of Lookout Pass. The pass is only 4700+ feet, but
it was socked in and visability wasn’t great! Then a 30 mile coast
downhill into St. Regis. We stopped for a pit stop and coffee –
saving our gas stop for Plains as it is advertized in the $2.70
drove the 35 miles into Plains along a raging and swollen Clark Fork
River. We later read in the Kalispell paper that it is causing some
major flooding down in Missoula and will probably peak later this
year at a 100 year high. Muddy and filled with trees and debris.
All the creeks have been frothy and filled with water. Western
Montana had some record snowpacks this year and it is melting faster
than desired!
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Tough to get the pictures from a moving car, but there's some syringa in the foreground and plenty of balsam root in back! |
in Plains was $2.76 – good thing because we took nearly 16 gallons!
hillsides in Plains and all the way up to the Flathead were covered
in huge spreads of arrowleaf balsam root – yellow fields
everywhere! With the deep green of the lush grasses, the combination
was gorgeous. We didn’t see any bighorn sheep this time around
(we’ve only been so lucky once!), but the wild iris in the damp
lowlands, the balsamroot, and the syringa (mock orange) on the
hillslopes made for a beautiful drive. We even got a few breaks
from the rain!
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Forsythia starting to bloom at park! |
took the bypass around Kalispell and hit the WalMart for some
groceries, arriving then at the RV park around 1:15...hungry and
ready to get set up. But first a thorough cleaning of the trailer –
we finally had water connected to be able to really scrub the sinks,
etc. We ran into ‘Speedy’ Steve, one of the frequent HfH
volunteers at WalMart. He hasn’t been working lately because he is
busy building his own house here in Kalispell. Guess that means they
are giving up their beautiful home on the river in Columbia Falls –
downsizing, he said!
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From behind the trailer |
lazy afternoon after we heated up some soup for lunch/dinner (it was
2:30 by then!) I fixed up salad and dippin’ veggies, visited the
office twice to pay and get our site assignments figured out. Walked
around the park again just to relive some memories. The skies are
clearing and it could be a cool night! (In the 30’s! - maybe I
should get my barrier padding out for a little more warmth!) But it
is nearly 8:30pm and the sun has not yet set. You have to love
northern climes that are near the western side of a time zone!
couple from Sandy – the Maltmans – are due to arrive tomorrow
around noon. Everyone else on Sunday, with Gayle arriving on Monday.
We are playing tomorrow by ear in terms of our activity. They have
a huge group building, but we still plan to swing by and see the
progress and talk with Steve!
to be back in this beautiful area!
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Big grassy meadow between park and the Swan Mts. |
May 12
Site Visit; Glacier NP Bike Ride!
was a little chilly last night since the skies cleared off – 32 on
our outside thermometer! But the sun is shining bright and it
promises to warm up. In the meantime, since the trailer was 49
degrees, I cranked up the heater and pulled my fuzzy blanket over me!
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Progress of the Habitat Townhouse |
to head back to the RV park as lunch was arriving for the build crew.
We got to park just a few minutes after the Maltmans had arrived.
They were coming up from Moab area, not directly from Sandy, OR, as
we thought. Confirmed that the Clark Fork was VERY full and brown!
We invited them to join us on a trip up to the park, but they needed
to go grocery shopping, etc. (we understood!) With our trek just
us, we put the bikes in the truck just in case things worked out to
ride up the road aways.
afternoon! Parking was a zoo around McDonald Lake Lodge, as that was
where the road ended for vehicles. As one of the first warm days
with sunshine after the road has been cleared, it seemed like
EVERYONE and their uncle was out hiking or biking. One fellow who
passed Rick said he road 4 ½ miles past The Loop! Our plan was just
to ride to Avalanche. That was far enough for me – 8 miles with
plenty of uphill. It will take my ‘sitter’ time to get
accustomed to biking again.
puffy clouds and plenty of blue sky. The peaks were out in all their
glory. Driving up the reflections in Lake McDonald were fabulous,
but never in a good spot to stop and snap a picture. Driving back
down, the wind was just strong enough to negate any reflections. :(
Rick saw ONE trillium right at the beginning of the ride. Otherwise
the flowers are not out yet.
get the biggest kick out of the families out for the day. Lots of
bicycle trailers, tiny tots on training wheels, one little guy on a
scooter (with a trailer for the uphill portions!) Families were
playing in the river, the snow, and just in general enjoying the
scenery and each other. A great way to spend Mother’s Day weekend!
I’ll let our pictures tell the story!
View up the road toward Brown Mt. and Cannon Mt. |
Quiet roadside pool with south ridge peaks |
Frothy McDonald Creek |
Still a little snow at Avalanche, but I made it! |
From the bridge at Avalanche Campground |
Peak of Brown Mt. near Avalanche |
Heaven's Peak and McDonald Creek |
Horse bridge over McDonald Creek |
Another view of this cute couple in front of falls. |
One last shot looking back at Rick as we head back to lodge. |
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McDonald Lake and peaks from Apgar Village |
evening, beautiful colors on the snowy peaks to the east as the sun
goes down. Tomorrow the real fun begins!
May 13
Mother’s Day and CAV Welcome
Mother’s Day to me! And it looks to be a beautiful day!! I
glanced over to Maltman’s rig at 6:30 when I got up and found their
truck already gone! There early departure for Glacier NP was indeed
a leisurely morning, we head over to Cislo’s at 8:45 for breakfast.
It is located just down Hwy 2 towards Kalispell – huge pancakes
and convenient! What more can we ask for? I have a veggie omelet
and a pancake – don’t know what possessed me to order a pancake,
but it was good. The omelet was very rich with cheese – tasty!
Rick had pancake, eggs, and spicy sausage. A young couple was seated
behind me in Rick’s field of vision. They had a little baby –
maybe 6-9 months – with them. At one point Rick’s attention was
focused on the family. Apparently the baby was choking! A nurse in
the other corner responded and helped the baby recover. The young
mom was obviously upset. I was very proud of Rick when we left and
he paid the bill for the young couple, saying to the clerk ‘Just
tell them Happy Mother’s Day!’
of morning very quiet as I worked on some pictures, organized my
thoughts for the meeting tonight, and waited for the other rigs to
arrive. Laura and Jeff Walker came by after church around noon and
we talked for nearly an hour. They are CAVs we met in Rexburg last
fall and will be work-camping at the KOA in Whitefish again this
summer. They plan to come down and work a few days while we are
Putnams arrived around 1, Maltmans returned from their 30 mile bike
ride shortly after. By 3:30 all were here – Huls, then Hinkles,
then Lee Allem! So we have on site, plus us!:
and Paul Huls (full-timers, originally from Seattle area)
and Charlie Putnam (full-timers, originally from New Jersey)
and Kim Maltman (Sandy, OR)
and Diane Hinkle (Prineville, OR)
Miller (Portland, OR) (To arrive on Monday)
Allem (Salt Lake City, UT)
Munn (Baker City, OR)
called between the arrival of Huls and Hinkles! Good timing!
gathered in front of Hinkle’s 5th wheel for Happy Hour
and meeting. Introductions and by then Rusty and Anne arrived with a
dish of hot chicken skewers from the BBQ! Worth the wait! Covered
details of the build and then enjoyed another hour of fellowship. It
is going to be a good group.
with Jed for about an hour after the meeting – while I walked laps
around the park. (Probably got good mileage in today as I walked
while talking with Luke as well!)
get a brief reprieve in the morning, not meeting until 8:30 at the
job site because Steve has a doctor’s appointment.
May 14
Build Day 1
It is 8:30pm and I think I am already ready for bed! A full day and
we even had a late start time!
Rusty works on roof trim. |
Paula drilled in screws while I cut boards. |
weather is absolutely gorgeous as we head over to the job site this
morning. Nici (and Rusty!) were there to greet us, the coffee was
brewing, and we gathered around for our opening devotion by Rick, and
introductory information from Nici. Just as we were going to start
pulling out some equipment, Steve drove up and the opening started
all over again! Introductions, especially for the newcomers, etc. A
brief safety reminder. We broke into four small groups to begin
tasks: roof, siding nailers in place, mesh installed, and my group
which was finishing off the
Charlie was busy putting up nailing strips for siding. |
the afternoon Andrea joined Diane and I as we checked and fixed the
rebar in the two house sides, installed (no glue yet) the blue foam
along the sides of the foundation, and then helped unload the tables
and stone. Rick and Rusty helped Steve cut and deliver the foam and
then went with him over to the ReStore to pick up the tables and the
boxes of stone leftover from the previous homes. That is exciting to
see because it means MAYBE I will at least get to work a little with
the rock before we leave! The concrete truck is coming on Wednesday
to pour the inside of the house. We have a lot to do tomorrow to be
ready for them!
Steve sets up concrete for Wednesday! |
to the RV park for showers and a little relaxing time before we head
back over for our welcome dinner and a chance to visit with the
homeowners, both old and new! Shultze’s, Davidsons, and Ashleys
(later) were there from the old subdivision, and the Botts and
Horshmans from this house. So many children’s names to learn or
remember! The Davidson kids were so thrilled to see everyone – you
can’t help but feel special with the greetings we received.
Mahrias, Ethan, Bree, Brendan, Ryan, and then we met Jason and
Arianna Horshman, and Sarah and Ryan Botts. We met Erik Botts on
Saturday, the 16 yr old son. Nici also had her two kids there, so it
was quite a zoo of adrenalin! Rusty brough Cheryl, a good friend
of Anne’s who has been volunteering regularly with the affiliate
since Rusty introduced her to it last fall. It was fun to meet her.
Anne couldn’t come.
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Habitat kids gather around the cake |
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The baby whisperer manages some time with Arianna. |
chocolate cake, lots of good salads, and it all disappeared! There
were probably 35-40 people there at one time or another.
to camp to find Gayle has arrived and moved into the P site! She
said she requested it because the internet is better and she needs it
for some app that has to be sent for her sleep apnea. Something like
that! Several of us went down to visit with her upon our return,
but sleep and rest overruled eventually!
Diane glues down foam. |
May 15
Day 2
We worked a full over-time day today! Regular start time with the
roof crew continuing on top, Lee and Charlie working on plumbing
bracing, etc. in anticipation of tomorrow’s concrete pour. Our
foam crew began the task of gluing all the foam we had cut yesterday
into place. That was more labor intensive than we expected as the
glue was cold at first and VERY hard to push through the caulk gun.
Sweep, glue, hold, trim was our business! I worked with Gayle,
Diane, Andrea, and Paula, but Gayle had to leave to visit ER with ear
drum problems. She was gone for a couple hours.
Tom puts up roof trim. |
and Tom were finishing up roof metal edging, and by day’s end
Rick’s crew on top has ¾ of the roof covered with the wrap
surface. We are almost
ordered a load of gravel to arrive around 2pm and that hastened
action all around to clear the garages of everything, plus all the
piles of wood in front had to be restacked and moved. That effort
was exhausting! We moved
1x4s. 2X4s, 2x6s, soffits, trim, rebar, sheetrock, ….you name it!
Site is much more organized now!
Gravel truck in operation |
Kim up on roof. |
The gravel truck was fascinating to watch! The young operator backed in partially and then got out his remote and proceeded to operate both the truck itself and the gravel dispenser part by remote. Odd watching the truck shift positions with no one at the wheel! Both garages were given an additional layer of rock in prep for the concrete. Tom and Rusty immediately set to work measuring and laying out a pattern for concrete holes to be drilled to pound rebar into. Fortunately Rick came to help Rusty with the drilling (at that point we were past cleanup time and the roof crew decided they were done up in the heat!) I pounded in rebar and eventually we all placed and tied rebar as fast as we could! The right side garage had to be concrete ready!!! We wrapped up at 3:30, cleanup happening by half the team while the garage was finished.
hit 80 today so warm! We took our break in the shade of the west
house – all lined up with the picnic tables out in the sun! By
lunch, everyone
All lined up for break time. |
The roof crew has way too good a time! |
Hour was very staggered. A few (3!) arrived at 4:45 and more an hour
later. Some never made it out of their recliner or bed! Naps! Folks
were tired! I stayed the whole time finally making it back to the
trailer by 7:15. Rusty came by right after work and visited with
Rick for an hour with a beer. I
had taken some of my books over to share and Lee surprised me by
purchasing 9 of them! Nine!
beautiful evening, but the storms are coming! :(
Status of house end of Day 2 |
May 16
Day 3
for rains and storms that held off until 8pm – plenty of time for
finishing up at the job site AND a tie dye party in the garage at
Ashley’s house!
fact, the slight cloud cover at times made for a more enjoyable day
in terms of heat. Rick’s crew up on the roof finished all the
prewrap by day’s end – ready for the shingles that the local
volunteers Pete, Jim, and Terry brought over from the Re-Store!
the windows in the east side were installed today – the west side
will have to wait until Friday when the concrete that was poured
today will be dry enough. Now that the roof is watertight, the
painting rack can be set up inside and painting begin!
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Team Photo after lunch! |
helped Steve cut the foam to finish up the east side and ended up
totally covered in foam snow. What a mess – but Diane, Gayle, and
Paula got that house finished up with the glue. I went in to the
garage to help Lee and Charlie finish the rebar layout and tying. We
also had to remove some of the gravel from the west side prior to the
arrival of the cement truck!
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I made an inuk while we were installing windows. |
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Rick and Scott up on the roof! |
provided by a couple from the Methodist church – baked beans, tater
salad, and sandwich fixings, PLUS chocolate cake and punch. A good
meal and much appreciated.
gave me the keys to the trailers so we could lock up. He was headed
up to Columbia Falls to pick up some materials we needed for
tomorrow. I gave them to Rick who stayed and locked up while I took
the truck and went over to Ashley’s place for the second half of
today: Tie Dye Party!
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End of Day 3 Photos - front of duplex. |
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Surrounded by kids, I demo the tiedye! |
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My washed out hankies hang from back of trailer. |
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Liesel concentrates on her masterpiece! |
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Allison sent me a picture of the successful "Drip" Shirts! (Brie and Isabelle) |
Allison helped set things up in her garage on her dining room table (we covered it!) and a tarp on the floor. We actually tied on the ground on the tarp, using the table for the dye trays. Lisel helped me mix the dyes, fetching water and shaking for me. All in all, Davida came over with her three kids, Mary and her four all dyed, the three Ashley kids, and Nici came by with her two children. Highlights were those who wanted to try the heart design, plus we drip dyed rainbows, and a dress with a crochet top that we striped the top and swirled the bottom. Great fun – and I don’t have to wash any of it out! (Except for my four little hankerchiefs!)
stop at Dollar Tree enroute home, then half hour with the Happy Hour
group, shower, light dinner, and
now listen to a gentle rain off and on!
to mention – George and Bobbi Neason stopped by with their grandson
Travis after lunch to say hi. Fun to see them, and we will see them
again when we head to Bandon in a few weeks.
May 17
Day 4: Rain Shortened!
was rather short! We gathered and I led devotions, but even then a
light misty rain was falling. The forecast was not great for the
morning. The teams all got started: windows, scaffolding moving for
the cement folks, webbings, siding strips. But shortly after we got
rolling, Steve told me he might cancel as the rain was starting to
come down harder. I said could we work at least to get SOMETHING
down and then quit around break time. Which we did. By then
everyone but Tom and Rusty (working inside on the windows!) was
pretty wet and the ground was very slippery (lots of clay in it!) So
9:30 stop time!!! We cleaned up and made a date for 4pm at Great
Northern Brewery in Whitefish!
and I stopped to top off gas and then just before turning on to
Helena Flats Road and the RV park, Steve called to say he needed his
keys back to get into the trailer because the roof was leaking over
the garage and the fresh cement pour. So we turned around and headed
was feeling somewhat responsible as the head of the roofing crew, but
Steve assured him the job they did was perfect – he thinks it is
the quality of the wrap used – which was a new product for him.
NOT PLEASED! We all three
back on
the roof and I loaded staple guns while Rick and Steve put down 3-4
layers of the NEW wrap (good stuff) fast as lightning! (I will say I
did not JUMP up on the roof since I had to reach from a step bench on
the scaffolding and needed a hand to get up there with my short
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Heater works to dry out our boots. |
have the keys once again to open on Fri morning and are back to the
trailer by 11am. Some relaxing time with the heater cranked up to
dry things out!
2 we drive up to Whitefish for a little time to cruise around the
downtown. I make my annual trip to the Quilt shop to purchase a
couple new cute bear patterns for wall hangings, and
into several other shops. We drop $50 at one purchasing a gift for
Tom and Diane, a shirt, earrings, and a tree topper for our Christmas
tree! The plaque for Hinkles is artwork of a boxer, only all the
white parts are colorful – it looks like someone tie dyed Shane!
but Gayle gathered at Great Northern. Even Rusty had driven up from
BigFork! We ordered 4 plates of nachos for the table. Good time,
good conversation, good fun! I sat between Rusty and Kim and across
from Lee and Rick. The rain had stopped – but it was still
cloudy and threatening for the evening.
will work tomorrow no matter what – we can be inside on the Botts
side of the house!
to mention – Homeowner Teresa Botts came to work this morning,
which had to be frustrating for her to stop early. She home schools
her kids, so it is harder to get away to work to accumulate the hours
needed. She said she’ll be back next week, but it was fun to
install the two back windows in HER house this morning and have a
chance to visit and know her better. Nice gal.
May 18
Day 5
a great day of work! We had our full CAV crew on tap, plus Pete and
Jim, local volunteers, plus Marquis and Allison’s dad, Vic! We got
a lot done with only a sprinkle of a few raindrops in the afternoon.
Hardly noticeable raindrops!
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Kim made cuts for Rick and Scott on roof. |
and his roofing crew got Pete and Jim and split into two groups, each
working on one side of the garage window peak. They nearly reached
the top by day’s end with shingles.
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Decked out in my regalia during the morning hours. |
bounced around again today from job to job, mostly working with
Paula. We marked chalk lines on the concrete slabs in both sides for
slits to be cut in the slab for ‘break’ lines (when the concrete
wants to crack, it will do so on these cut lines). We had to wear dust masks while the cuts were being made. After cutting
into the slab, Marquis, his father-in-law Vic, and Andrea began the
process of chalking out the floor plan on the slab. Vic had
experience with this and Andrea later told us it was fascinating to
be a part of.
and I moved piles of 2x4’s into the garages in prep for wall
building. (We had some help from others.) That job took until lunch
and I think I nearly had all my steps for the day by then!
lunch provided by Buffalo Terrace Senior Living – sandwiches,
fruit, and chips. Allison and the kids stopped by to show off their
tiedye shirts! The hearts came out wonderfully! I can’t wait to
see pictures
of the rainbow drips!
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Rusty & Tom install windows. |
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My completed cut! |
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End of Day 5 picture, NW corner. |
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End of Day picture, NE corner |
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Lunchtime picture with the Ashley kids - showing off their tie dye! |
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Nici's daughter, Lila, in her dress! Happy girl! |
are ALL descending on Anne’s place Saturday night for a BBQ! I
sent out emails with directions late Friday night.
May 19
Cleaning and Laundry; BBQ in
Big Fork!
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The apple trees behind our RVs are in blossom! |
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Apple blossoms! |
the meantime, I got started cleaning and sorting and re-organizing.
With the team leadership responsibilities, I had a few more piles of
stuff on the front bed shelf that needed a little cleaning up.
Bathroom scrubbed, floors swept, dishes done. And then we headed
down to the laundramat. This campground has excellent facilities for
a very reasonable price. Not need to look any further!
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Anne, Rick, RickH, and Scott on front porch. |
has been warmer, but not hot and partly cloudy/partly sunny.
all carpooled to head down to Anne’s place in BigFork – Maltmans
invited us to ride with them which was nice. Gayle took Hinkles and
Lee, and Putnams drove the Huls. Worked out well. Beautiful evening
drive through the vast green waves of fields and classic barns that
dot Hwy 35
between Kalispell and BigFork. We turned off on Swan
River Road and in a couple miles found Anne’s place on the right
back in the trees. Neat house which Anne has remodeled extensively
since moving in two years ago. Now she is looking to put it on the
market in July, pending the new place she and Rusty are building in
Joseph. (Hopefully!)
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Rusty visits with Gayle. |
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Diane and Charlie |
shrimp, and a vast array of salads, coupled with brownies, ice cream,
and Baileys for dessert. (I skipped the Baileys!) We didn’t get
home until 10 pm! It is misleading because it stays light so long!
May 20
Fork Road and Hidden Meadow Hike
Waterfall along side of road between Col Falls and Camas Rd |
Vulture along the way. |
North Fork Flathead River with 'non-Glacier NP" peaks in background |
Looking across valley to Livingston Ridge in Glacier NP |
North Fork Flathead and Glacier peaks |
Closeup of peaks - don't ask which ones! |
Just south of Polebridge you pass multiple ranches with lush fields and incredible views! |
The entry point for this remote section of Glacier NP |
One of many deer we saw during the day along the road. |
meadow had a large pond in it, ground squirrel holes, and a towering
Douglas Fir tree with beautiful bright green aspens surrounding it.
One other couple was on the trail and we ran into them at the meadow.
A mini-meadow of lush grasses and aspens right before Hidden Meadow. |
Towering Doug Fir tree at the meadow entrance. |
Southern tip of pond with western peaks in background |
Northern end of pond with peaks |
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Happy Hikers at the pond |
The Loons! |
Back to the truck around 2pm and we headed back to Polebridge to purchase some treats for the Happy Hour crew! One huckleberry bearclaw, a huckleberry croissant, and a couple of day old fruit frittos. The bakery is awesome here!
Views into the Kintla peaks |
More deer on road! |
to the RV park around 5pm, having stopped in Columbia Falls for gas
and a car wash – the truck was filthy from the dirt roads.
Eventually much of the group gathered to enjoy our treats as we all
shared our adventures for the day. Kim and Scott hiked over 12 miles
up and around Sperry Chalet and Fish Lake (very ambitious!). Hinkles
went canoeing up on Thompson Lake, Gayle and the Putnams went to the
Conrad House Museum. Huls went exploring south on Flathead Lake. I
think Lee was the only one who stayed close to camp!
May 21
Day 6
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This was an old devotion picture, but.... |
I gave the devotion using the Ripples of Change (Fall, Columbia
Falls, 2014) picture and prose, we broke back up into our groups.
Rick was back up on the roof, with Jeff Walker, who came down from
Whitefish and the KOA summer job he has there, taking the place of
Pete on the second crew. Homeowner Justin was back as well for that
crew. Rick was still working with Scott and Kim from Sandy. By
day’s end they had the entire garage section shingled, their valley
finished, and part of the north side of the house roof completed.
Whew! Those crews have been awesome.
Lee, and Tom worked all day on the doors, although Lee helped Diane
and Homeowner Amber set up the paint station in Amber’s side of the
house. Amber and Diane painted all day siding panels! Getting ahead
of the game for the siding crews.
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Charlie installs a final screw in the siding strips. |
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Our wall!! |
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NE End of Day 6 shot ....with Rick during cleanup. Look how much is shingled! |
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NW corner - End of Day 6....Front door, windows trimmed. garage shingled! |
May 22
Day 7
couldn’t get a grip on the forecast for today, but the morning has
dawned beautifully bright and sunny – let’s hope it stays that
did! In fact, it got downright warmer than we anticipated – Rick
found the roof shingle work hot and a bit frustrating. Today they
were having problems getting things lined up to match up with the
other side. Justin, his friend James, and Rick H were on the other
side. My Rick and the Maltmans have teamed up since Day 3 I think!
They are making good progress in spite of some frustrations!
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Paula anchors the wall to the cement. |
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Success by lunchtime! |
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Two walls up by days' end! |
Teresa spent all day on the other side of the house painting siding
with Diane. Tom, Charlie and Lee were working on garage door trim,
having finished installing exterior doors.
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End of Day 7 NE Corner |
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Tie Dye Fun at campground |
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Kim and Lee go to it! |
dyed our way right through Happy Hour, but it worked out just fine.
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Beautiful clouds to close out the evening. |
May 23
Build Day 8
for today is for afternoon showers, but the morning is glorious! We
gain Jim and Pete and Karen, Jenn’s mom, for the day. Homeowner
Amber was also back! Devotions by Paul and Rick. I am on for the
final two days.
crews have a better day! Things are lining up and Rick’s group has
started on the long east side – no valley so much easier! The
RickH side had shifting personnel – Pete today plus Karen.
Progress is happening!
was back inside with our interior wall team – we got the
frustrations today as we had to ask more questions in terms of top
plates. Almost had a wall installed by break, but it had some
problems to be resolved in the top plate installation. At that point
Steve pulled me from the team, just as screws had to be pulled. :(
I felt bad, but it meant that we were ready to start installing the
mesh for the rockwork! Tom and team had completed the garage
trimwork and were busy putting up the waterproofed plywood backing
for the rock. Yea! Amber is pulled from the paint crew and Jim
joins Diane at that point.
and I move the cement (80lb bags) from Steve’s truck to the garage,
set it on a rack we made, and then begin cutting mesh. We finally
borrow Steve’s coil roofing nailer and get the mesh up on Amber’s
side and across the front. It still needs installation on the Bott’s
side, but I was tired of cutting that heavy mesh with wire cutters!
moved boxes of rock over to the center of the house and set it all up
on a big table. Still more to move as Steve would like to get an
estimate of how much we have before having to purchase more. It is
at least two different colors (subtle differences) so we want to
blend them as much as possible. And if he has to buy more, we want
to be able to blend that in as well. We got our bottom support in
place for the garage center and will be ready to begin rocking in the
morning! Unfortunately, Amber cannot come the next two days as I was
hoping to teach her how to rock her house!
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End of Day 8 - NW corner - you can see the rock backboard wood is installed! |
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End of Day 8 - NE Corner - check out Lee's table lined with rock (and boxes of rock in center of picture!) |
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We dressed Shane after the dryer was done! |
for our Tie-Dye wash out!! Scott grabbed us a hose to run out to the
back fence and we pre-rinsed out on the lawn. Lots of success and
happy artists! The boys (except Lee) all went out to the brewery
together while the rest of us stayed and ran the washing machined,
rinsed, and then had our own Happy Hour together in the shade of
Maltman’s trailer. A fun time. I didn't get any pictures. :(
started falling around 7:30 lightly, and then a good downpour by
May 24
Day 9
are still falling off and on this morning! There are a few
(very few) small patches of blue sky showing! I give my TieDying
Habitat devotion in the morning – finally figuring it was
appropriate after our party earlier in the week.
is an exciting day! We get to start ROCKIN’!!! (And roofin’ and
and all that other stuff!) Crews pretty much return to
their former jobs, with Lee so very graciously agreeing to stay
working with Andrea and Gayle on the interior walls of Botts side. I
think RickH was joining that group at some point. Tom and Charlie
were laying out walls and beginning framing on the Horstman side of
the duplex. Diane and Paula were reassigned to the Rock Crew –
Steve said I had lots of ‘wants’ when I wanted Diane as well to
mix mortar and find rocks! She is so good at it!! And Paula really
wanted to learn a few tricks because she wants to rock the front of
their Sequim house when they return from the nomadic life.
Basically, we had three sections, including two corners, to finish if possible in the one and half days. It took us a little time to get back into the rhythm of what worked before – spray bottles, wet the rock, etc. But by lunch we had the center section between the garages done. By day’s end, half of the first corner on the Horstman side. Maybe, just maybe, we can finish tomorrow by noon!
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Break time! We are started! |
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End of Day on Thursday progress. |
Basically, we had three sections, including two corners, to finish if possible in the one and half days. It took us a little time to get back into the rhythm of what worked before – spray bottles, wet the rock, etc. But by lunch we had the center section between the garages done. By day’s end, half of the first corner on the Horstman side. Maybe, just maybe, we can finish tomorrow by noon!
Right after lunch everyone had to go indoors for abit as the skies opened, a little thunder roared, and the rain came down – big fat drops and lots of them! The roof crew called it quits and went inside to help the wall teams. I think they enjoyed doing something a little different for an afternoon. But the rain was short and rocks were able to return to the job! We wrapped it up early around 2 for cleanup partly because Steve needed to get home and prepare a few things for his party!
The group gathers in Steve's yard: Huls and Walkers |
Jayson Hortsman and his balloons |
Rick and Kim fill their plates. |
The Signpost Garden |
Tour of the new boat barn! |
Rick with baby Oliver - son of one of many friends! |
Oliver's Mom and Lisa, Steve's gal from Missoula. |
around 8:45 after a full day. I think the group is growing a little
tired – physically, not emotionally! Half day tomorrow!
Steve addresses the group. |
May 25
Build Day 10
a beautiful morning for our final day. The meadow behind us is
layered with a fine mist of dew – my clothes didn’t exactly dry
overnight hanging from the back!
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A COLORFUL CREW! FRONT: Paula, Diane, Ginger, Lee, Gayle, Andrea BACK: RickH, Charlie, Tom, Scott, Kim, Rick |
had devotions again this morning and had worked briefly yesterday
afternoon to write a little rhyme to thank everyone:
to the Care-a-Vanners, an incredible team
gather together to build trusses and beam.
Charlie, and Tom, our Engineers three
and measure - What a sight to see!
every group should have well-tucked in their purses
and Andrea, our resident nurses.
Scott and Rick it is easy to tell
their thing - They reveal it well.
techo help is needed Lee is quick to the aid
Diane is a mother to all this parade!
Paula's always ready with a laugh, gun or tape.
is so generous with praise or a grape.
don’t forget Rusty who made his escape.
roofed and we shingled, we hammered and nailed,
painted and rocked, and nobody failed!
when it is finished two families will be,
and happy In their own residency.
Leader Ginger offers heartfelt thanks
all of your labors - even the pranks!
we must remember the leader of us all,
a super Super - We answer your call!
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Noontime - we have the right side finished as well! Paula did around the corner work. |
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Rick and Lee chat during lunch. |
long interior wall is now standing on the Horstman side, both back
bedrooms up in the Botts side. The roof is nearly shingled on three
sides, with just the south side to go. Rock in three places in
front. Add to that, in the two weeks, all the doors and windows are
installed, windows trimmed, garage trimmed, concrete poured in both
sides. Siding is partly pre-painted, and all the siding strips are
in place to begin that process. Steve said we have exceeded his
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Rick and Paula in their colorful shirts! |
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Nici models her new 'duds' |
to trailer around 1:45 to relax (fall asleep), shower, and order
pizzas for tonight! I placed the order for 5 smalls and Rick and
Scott went to pick them up.
evening cleared and was warm and very nice. A good breeze at times
kept things from getting too hot. We pretty well devoured all the
leftover salads and all the pizza but one piece. I suspect it was a
case of no one wanting to take the last piece!! Around 7 we watched
a big 5th wheel pull in, only to discover it was Don
Rigby, the Habitat leader from Libby, MT!! He and his wife came over
to chat for awhile….(Don is a great talker, so it was mostly Don
talking and the rest of us listening….but he had good tales!) We
got all our thank you’s signed and later I went down and put them
all in the mail. That job is finished (almost!) Everyone is going
to write a personal note to Steve individually – both for his
construction leadership and also for the party Thursday evening at
his house.
into bed, only to have the full force of wind and storm blowing in
hit the trailer around 10:30pm. Once we got up and battened things
down for the wind, the rain began and pretty much continued all
night. Still didn’t cool down that much because of the clouds.
May 26
Somers Cafe, and Packing Up
all gather around 8am out in the road to send Kim and Scott off with
our best wishes! They are bound for Pinedale, WY and a summer
volunteer gig with the National Forest Service to count hikers in the
Wind River backcountry! Maybe we should check out volunteer.gov
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Rick takes my picture in front of the garage wall section of rock. |
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Rick signed for both the Maltmans and himself. |
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My wall blessings for Amber & Justin. |
relaxing and packing up. Tom and Diane took off to have dinner with
Steve and Lisa – a chance to quietly get to know Lisa! Huls were
off exploring wildlife parks, and Putnams ventured to Home Depot for
an outing. Hmmmm….a quiet camp! We went down and visited Lee to
tour his new motorhome – a nice size for a single person and well
equipped for someone who loves to cook!
evening an informal time of chitchat and watching over the meadow
(deer, eagle, pheasants!) Andrea joined us, then Huls came home,
then Hinkles. We sat and talked way too long (easy to do since it
doesn’t get dark until after 10!) Hence it was nearly dark when
Rick and I got the trailer hitched up. Hoses all put away and we are
ready for a quick get-away in the morning. Lots of goodbyes,
especially with Tom and Diane.
May 27
MT to Baker City, OR
at few minutes before 6am and we are pulling out of the campground by
6:25! A stop at the Town Pump on the corner of US2 to grab a coffee.
While I am getting my drink, I hear a “Hello, Ginger!” Not what
I expect in a strange town! It is Kiana Kearney who is manning the
cash register on the night shift! Guess it paid off to have an early
departure! She gave us big hugs and we caught up on the family
briefly. So nice to be recognized!! (Kearneys were the first Habitat family home built across road from current site.)
My favorite house and barn with the green rolling hills - between Dayton and Plains. |
Steptoe Butte north of Colfax. |
drove the next stretch, clear to Plummer, ID! It was a long 155
miles, but I figured Rick never gets to really look around along the
Clark Fork as we drive to St. Regis, then the freeway section over
Lookout Pass and down to Cour d’Alene. My leg was getting very
stiff and I needed a bathroom when we arrived in Plummer!
Unfortunately, the station was closed although the pump was open. We
got gas and used the trailer bathroom! Raided the trailer for food
for lunch.
drove the Eastern Washington stretch through the wheat fields to
Milton-Freewater. Such pretty country, especially this time of year.
In a couple of places I couldn’t even count the variety of tints
of green we saw. We suspect more wind turbines are added daily, and
it appeared there must have been some photo shoot of Eastern
Washington today as we saw 4 different groups of people stopped and
taking tripod pictures!
Country Bible Church south of Colfax |
Classic paloose - wind turbines and green and brown fields |
around 4pm Pacific Time – About 10.5 hours of driving time. The
hour gained makes a difference! We are all unpacked by 6 and ready
to drop dead!
good trip. I have received great feedback from several of the team
as to the good vibes as team leader, the fun, the activities, etc.
It WAS a good build with a great group. But I’m tired! This team leading business takes time when combined with the other things I like to do (like tie dye parties) just as a team member!
Welcome home! The Elkhorn Mts. greet us as we drop down into Baker Valley. |
Trip Miles: 1612
Miles: 1034
Nights: 17