October 22
City to Brigham City, UT
left Baker as a cold wave came in and it looked like it very well
scatter some snow showers in the morning! Brrr! We drove to the
sunshine during the day! Clouds were awesome across the southern
part of Idaho.
drove us to the rest area past Boise, and then I drove to Snowville
(one of my longer driving stretches!) We stopped in Burley at a
Denny’s for our main meal of the day.
in Snowville and then Rick drove us the remaining hour into Brigham
City. We stayed at the Howard Johnsons down on Main St. Mistake.
OLD motel in disrepair. Not particularly clean, in general unkempt.
a walk upon arrival and then Rick got the tires checked in the Priusl
They were low, so maybe tomorrow will grant us better mileage. The
car is heavy, we had headwinds, and we were driving 75+ mph!! None
of that helps!
October 23
City, UT to Cortez, CO
drive was obviously part of our leisurely pace south for this trip.
We are taking three days to drive it. We avoided Salt Lake City
today and added at least 40 miles by taking the roads out of Ogden to
Heber City, then to Duquesene and back to Price. It was beautiful.
The aspen trees have all passed, so just solid groves of white at the
tops of the hills. The backside of the Wasatch were snow covered and
bright in the morning sun. Not the most direct route, nor the
flattest, as we had to go over the 9100’ pass between Dusquesene
and Price!
drove to Price while I took pictures! We stopped at a Subway for
lunch/dinner and then I drove down to Arches. We figured this was
the time of year to explore a place that we last visited in 1994 on a
108 degree day in the summer time! Ouch! We didn’t have a lot of
time, but we took two hours and hiked the shorter hike out to
Delicate Arch viewpoint, and then another short hike to Tunnel and
PineTree Arches. We saw several others from the road. What we had
forgotten about Arches were the pillars and hoodoo formations. It
was beautiful in the late afternoon sunshine.

the time we drove back out of Arches, gassed up in Moab, ate another
bite of our sandwiches from Subway, it was 4:45 as we headed the last
two hours down to Cortez. I drove to Monticello and then Rick to
Cortez. We arrived just as the sun had set, but it quickly got dark
as we went to three places to find some wine for Rick! Third time
was the charm! (Colorado doesn’t sell anything but low alcohol
beer in stores, but in state run liquor stores – the first one we
went to wasn’t open!)
in Cortez and MUCH nicer (and cheaper).
October 23
CO to Albuquerque, NM
miles (about)
a beautiful morning in Cortez! Sunshine, brisk, but not cold! We
pulled away at a leisurely 9am. This was a MUCH nicer motel and the
lobby was busy with the breakfast crowd.
drove us through the mountains to Durango. The cottonwoods trees
were gorgeous along the hillsides. Aspens pretty well done on the
higher ridges. We MUCH prefer this route to Shiprock and across and
it only adds 5 miles to the trip. High on a plateau above the Animas
River we head south toward Aztec and Bloomfield, NM.
start driving in Bloomfield and head up the hill to the top of the
mesa and the long gradual pull to the top of the Continental Divide,
which we pass at 7300’ just west of Cuba. The NW corner of NM is
fairly barren, high desert scrub brush. In places, however, the side
of the road is lined with the dried white fluff of the rabbitbrush
and some sort of reddish grass that also has white seedhead plumes.
We see Angel Peak in the distance.
stop in Cuba at a Subway for a bite to eat and then Rick drives the
final hour plus on in to Albuquerque. Luke has called and said he
will be later (the hike took longer) and Grandma is playing cards
from 1-3. No rush then, so we pull off at the Coronado Mall to walk
around abit and stretch our legs. We end up finding two pairs of New
Balance shoes for me at the Penny’s store, the second pair half
price. I am set in shoes for awhile!! Yea!
Mom’s apartment by 3:30 to visit and chat until 5:30 when we meet
Luke at Super Salads for dinner. It is 7:15 by the time we are ready
to leave there. We drop Mom off and then follow Luke the 12 minutes
back up Wyoming to Montgomery and his condo near Carlisle. Get set
up with a parking place, parking pass, and wind our way to his third
floor condo overlooking the rec center and pool with a peak to the
east and the Sandias. The balcony actually faces north. (Covered
with his array of baskets, etc. filled with soil and kale, tomatoes,
will unload the car in the morning!!
October 24
a day of rest and relaxation! Folks slept in (well, I was up by
6:30a!) and we eventually got the car unloaded of Luke’s treasures.
Only took two trips! Then Luke had fun remembering what he had put
away to bring down from Moms! I did forget to bring the camera
stuff, but we’ll look at it at Christmas time more. We scavenged
for lunch and then Luke took off for the office.
and I stopped at Walmart to pick up groceries for Luke’s and dinner
at Moms, so we didn’t actually get to Mom’s until 3pm! She was
tired as she had spent the morning doing her laundry. Chit chat and
TV time (I worked on NP angels!) and stir fry dinner using the last
of the veggies I had brought down from the garden. Luke arrived
right around 6 for dinner. Watched World Series game until 8 (I was
happy, they were not as the Dodgers were winning!)
two things today. 1. Grandma does not have a functioning can
opener. The three of them spent 10 minutes trying to open a can of
cranberry sauce. Put it on the list. 2. If you are buying alcohol
in NM, everyone in the checkout must show ID. Bizarre rule. We were
getting me a bottle of wine and naturally my wallet was in the car.
She ID’d Rick and then turned to me asking for mine. I said it was
in the car, but Rick was purchasing. Didn’t matter. Had to run to
car and get it.
wasn’t as warm – high 60’s, but it sure felt pleasant. Warming
up again, and then turning MUCH cooler for a few days. I think we
will try for the botanical gardens on Thursday.
October 25
a very exciting day….We hung out with Luke in the am, Rick went to
exercise room. Left around 11:30 to pick up Mom and take her to
Walmart for a haircut. Then Village Inn for lunch/dinner since it
was PIE Day!! Free pie! Lazy afternoon at Mom’s before heading
back to Luke’s at 6. Had to meet him before he left for
volleyball. He only has one key to the apartment building, so we
have to coordinate!!
Dodgers lose in 11 innings. Good game.
October 26
Botanical Garden and Aquarium
beautiful perfect fall weather day! (The last for several from what
the forecasts say!) We pick Mom up around 10 and meet Luke down at
the Botanical Park at 10:30. He had gone in a little early to work
for a bit at his office, which is close to downtown.
zoo is also at this location, but we don’t have time today for an
all-inclusive pass – too much to see at once! We spend three hours
wandering the various niches of the gardens, beginning with the
Fantasy Garden designed especially for kids. Wow! Dragons and giant
rakes, flower pots, a mini ‘Fiery Furnace’ maze of hoodoos, etc.
Fun area. The summer blossoms are past, but there is still plenty of
color, especially with the autumn changing of the leaves.
visit rose gardens and Japanese gardens, memorial gardens, and an
arbor ready for weddings. There
is an heirloom farm with beautiful windmills and animals, squash
gardens and vineyards. An enclosure houses Mediterranean gardens and
SW cacti gardens. There is a Bugarium filled with leaf cutter ants
and tarantulas….and all sorts of other creepy crawly critters.
UGH! Rick pushes Mom in the wheelchair while Luke and I flit from
here to there taking pictures! Near the Bugarium (the Butterfly
house was closed for the season) is a huge model railroad that winds
through the trees. Lights surround trees, animated lit figures lurk
in the woods – they are preparing for ZooBoo this weekend! Luke
and I walked out to the cottonwood grove near the river.

was in the Shark Reef Cafe, watching the sharks and other fish swim
in the giant aquarium. Then we wandered through the Aquarium with
its coral reef fish (brightly colored), ocean fish, turtles, and
jellyfish. Well done and growing. I was amazed to see what looked
like a Washed Ashore sculpture down near the exit with a display of
ocean plastics. (But
in research, I can’t find where Washed Ashore made it!)
in all, a fun day together! We left at 3 so Luke could work and go
to a meeting, and Rick had a 3:45 appointment with Toyota for an oil
change. After dropping Mom off, I walked over to Walmart, Dollar
Tree, and JoAnn’s for some shopping time!!
back at Luke’s. They watched football, I edited pictures!
October 27
Holy Ghost Creek Trail, Pecos Wilderness Area
whole beautiful ‘cool’ day to spend with Luke in the mountains!
Luke drove his car up past Santa Fe to the turnoff for the town of
Pecos, population 6500, located about 5 miles north of I-25 in the
Pecos Valley. We then drove about 20 miles up the valley to the Holy
Ghost Campground, the trailhead for our forest meandering up the
was not a hike for far-expanding views, but a great intro into the
wilderness along a musical flow of water which we must have crossed
6-7 times during the course of our 3 miles up it. We were in forest
– of ponderosa pine, doug fir, juniper, and aspens – multiple
aspen thickets of white trunks, nearly all devoid of leaves. In
places the yellow leaves left a ‘yellow brick road’ along the
trail. Some of the aspens were the largest I’ve ever seen in
regards to trunk diameter. The bark of the biggest ones had shifted
from white to a gray green.
many flowers (a couple dandelions, one aster, and the remains of a
yellow goldenrod), but the trail seemed to be lined with red flowers
– the red palmate leaves of the larkspur seemed to be scattered
along the way. Some aspen leaves were caught in the pine needles of
ponderosa pine seedings.
for a couple stretches away from the creek along a ridge, the water
with its constant mini-falls gurgled its music as we walked – ever
present. Holy Ghost – always with us. The source of this creek is
a tiny lake high up called Spirit Lake. So appropriate.
encountered an older couple hiking down near the end of the main
trail. Surprise! They told us there were no views up on the ridge
of the trail junction, but we would come to an overlook with the best
view possible in about 10 minutes. Good enough! Technically the
trail ‘ended’ at the final creek crossing according to the book,
but we found the overlook just beyond (after starting the tedious
switchbacks of uphill to gain the ridge). We
stopped for our snacks and water, built some inuks (mine was a bit
spastic, so Luke had to construct another smaller one!), took a
selfie, and enjoyed the view overlooking the tree covered valley.
we hiked back out, the sun was lowering enough to filter light
through the trees as it approached the ridgetop. Pretty.
Pecos around 4:20 hoping to visit the Pecos National Monument south
of town. I feared it would have closed at 4 remembering the winter
hours of everything in Arches. And….it did! We arrived right at
4:30 as the rangers were preparing to leave for the day. They did
tell us we could drive up to the church ruins briefly and then warned
us how to exit from the automatic gate. The ruins were from early
mission/native periods and quite extensive, especially the main
building. We took a couple quick pictures, but didn’t explore as
it was really closed.
to find a restaurant open! The first two appeared closed, so when we
came to Mayelas we stopped! We were hungry! We were the only ones
there, but the food was good (fairly simple Mexican fare, but
filling!) and we didn’t have to wait long to get it!
to mention an adrenaline-producing event enroute up to the trailhead
this morning. As Luke went to turn a corner on the narrow hwy 63
north out of Pecos, a truck approached from the opposite direction,
but the trailer broke loose right in front of us and went careening
across the road and into the ditch on the right side. No safety
chains there! It was an empty flatbed trailer about 15 long
probably, not huge. Still scary! It was gone when we came back in
the afternoon, so the driver must have stopped and gone back for it.
home to Albuquerque by the light of the setting sun (beautiful, but
not easy driving for Luke!) and at the condo by 7ish. Load of
laundry and ball game for the evening.
October 28
definite day of relaxation! For all parties! I was up at my usual
6:30ish, but I don’t think we saw Luke until nearly 10!! Laundry,
house cleaning (prep work to be ready for Kate’s arrival),
football, etc. We didn’t get to Mom’s until 3pm!! Luke came
over at 5:30 and we had Taco Salad together! Back to condo to watch
the Dodgers WIN game four! Hurray!
October 29
LONG day!! Or so it seemed! Up early and then went to church with
Luke at 9 – Shepherd of the Valley Presbyterian Church west of here
on Montana – about 10 minute drive. Larger church than Baker City,
so more on the LaGrande, Pendleton lines. New sanctuary with windows
that face east to the Sandias. Nice. Still had a really neat
Pentecost hanger of flames in front. Good Praise Band and a great
organist. I enjoyed the service, and especially enjoyed hearing the
words of praise from the new Presbytery Moderator about Luke’s role
last week at the Presbytery meeting. Words that would have made his
Grandma and Grandpa Mac proud! (And made his mom cry!)
church we soon left to pick up Mom and meet Randy, Patty, and Rachael
at the Golden Pride restaurant on Central. Luke drove separately as
he had a ecumenical Reformation celebration to attend at 2:30. Good
time together as Randy just flew back from Norway yesterday and
leaves again for Washington DC on Wednesday! Does he ever have a
chance to stay home??? We chilled with Mom after leaving the
restaurant until Luke called to say he was home. Then hustle back as
the YAVS were arriving at 5 for Tie Dye Party!!
what a good time! I met Audrey from Oregon (who is pre-med), Ana
from Wisconsin (youngest of group just a year out of high school),
Taylor from Ohio (with family ties to the Greenville, PA Presby
church!), Bethany, education from the Virginias, and Claire,
marketing from Texas. A really good group of YAVs! Since our pizza
arrived sooner than anticipated, we ate first….which prove to make
life a little more complicated as it got DARK outside before we
finished tie dying! Oh well. The girls all got their stuff soaking,
including a set of sheets from Claire, we ate, and then moved
everything out to the concrete tables in the sandy playground area
just outside of Luke’s building.
warned me that we might pick up a few ‘onlookers’ and we surely
did! Three grade school kids joined us, the little girl most
actively wanting to participate. Luke interacted with the boys
mostly, who just wanted a lot of attention and told a litany of
riddles and stories! The YAVS were incredibly generous in allowing
others to help dye their projects. I was so impressed. I had to run
back upstairs once to
mix a little more dye, but overall everything went well. The YAVs
took all their projects home (plus hopefully two of Luke’s
shirts...we aren’t sure who really ending up dying them!) and will
wash them out Monday night after returning from their Community Day
up at Chimayo (north of Santa Fe).
all was cleaned up from Tie Dye, we washed the Dodger-Astro game
until 11:45!! It was an incredibly long game with multiple lead
changes and homeruns all over the place. But, unfortunately, the
Dodgers ended up losing in the 10th
inning, 13-12.
October 30
garbage truck
comes at 6:30 here!! And it isn’t real quiet (especially since the
backup beeps sound!) So,...I am up soon thereafter! Luke had to get
up early today and be down at Menaul at 8 to pick up the YAVs for
their adventure at Chimayo. Rick and I left a little before 10 to
pick up Mom for our day down in Old Town.
parked next to the BackStreet Grill and discovered you can get free
parking vouchers from the restaurant (even if you don’t end up
eating there!) We then wandered the shops for nearly two hours.
Picked up a few gifts, a new nativity laser cut, etc. Rick was
hoping to get the Sunshine Water cup to give to Steve, but we
couldn’t find another one. The pan flute group was playing the
plaza area, we enjoyed looking for some specific ideas for Luke
(unsuccessfully), and, of course, I enjoyed my visit to the Christmas
shop and the nativity scenes found there.
wind was picking up and it was definitely cooling off by the time we
got back to Backstreet for lunch (1pm!) Ate inside this time around!
A good meal.
off to the Coronado Mall to take Mom to Penny’s for a little
clothing shopping. Successfully.
Back to Mom’s to await Luke’s call that he was back from his
day. We
got back to his place around 7. - Just in time to rinse out the tie
dye and carve a pumpkin with kokopelli figures and the Zia Symbol! A
real New Mexico Halloween pumpkin!!
October 31
I couldn’t get into my journal entry on the laptop for a few days,
so this will be short and sweet….and what I can remember! Luke had
a full day of meetings, etc., so Rick and I got a few things done
around his place and then picked up Mom to meet Randy at Costco at
1pm. Mom needed a few things for her hearing aids before she leaves
for Pennsylvania next week. I picked up a few things as well. Then
a trip over to Barnes and Noble so Mom could get her Nook reset. She
hasn’t been able to read anything because she ‘lost’ her
library. The nice Nook people at B&N found it, plus loaded one
of her gift cards onto her account for her.
stayed at mom’s for dinner, cooking up some soup and grilled cheese
sandwiches! Tasted so good!! Back to Luke’s around 7pm to watch
the ball game, draw some pictures, and visit.
November 1
arrives; Goodbyes!
Luke’s schedule changed over and over today! He was supposed to
have a dentist appointment this morning, but a call from the office
that (malfunction of equipment). Then his scheduled meeting with the
man who directs the agency Kate is working for called in sick with
the flu today, so that was also
We did laundry in the am and then got to Mom’s around noon, ready
to meet Kate and Luke at Olive Garden for lunch at 1.
a nice visit and meal at OG. I
love their lunchtime soup and salad unlimited. We went back to Mom’s
for the afternoon and did a few final chores (Rick scrubbed the
bathtub and fixed her doorbell.) We brought her two plants back with
us to Luke’s as he will be plant sitting while Mom is in PA. We
did some packing, and watched Game 7 of the World Series while Luke
and Kate went to play volleyball.
November 2
to Boulder City, NV
a good day of travel! We left Luke’s in Albuquerque at 7:30am,
found heavy traffic on I-25
south, so we kept going on Montana. Rick had looked at the map and
we could hit Rio Grande south to I-40. But….we missed that turn
and cross the river and went south on Coors. THAT was NOT such a
great idea….probably more traffic than we would have encountered on
the interstate and more stop lights! But….we pulled on to I-40
westbound at 8am and then set sail for Las Vegas!
spite of a head wind, we made good time passing through the red
cliffs and broad vistas enroute to Gallup. We stopped in Grants for
some coffee, then again at the border rest area to switch drivers. I
drove from the border to Williams, west of Flagstaff – or about 190
miles. We stopped in Winslow at a Subway to grab some sandwiches.
No snow on the mountains of Flagstaff. We waved at Pam Vanderweele
who is working at Petrified Forest National Park. Hoped to make
connections, but she was working at the south end of the park, so not
easily accessible
on an otherwise long day of driving.
the vistas between Flagstaff and Kingman, but not the road conditions
nor the constant construction to counteract the poor roads! Then
north on 93 toward Hoover Dam and Boulder City, just 30 miles south
of Vegas. I had booked The Sands Motel online, hoping for better
luck than we had in Brigham City! We scored! Found the place –
obviously an older model motel – we still had an actual room key!
But the owner has totally remodeled the rooms and I walked in to
towels folded like love swans on the bed! A modern, somewhat Asian,
décor and all the electric
you could possibly want! Microwave, fridge, mini-kerig coffee
machines. And
I found it comforting to be checked in by the owner’s mom! (Who
was struggling with the technology involved, but very nice and
helpful!) Super cute laser cute gourds in the reception area cut
like pumpkins.
walked about a mile wandering the main street of Historic Boulder
City, “The City That Built Hoover Dam”. A very quaint downtown
area, lined with well kept palm trees, tons of antique shops,
restaurants, etc. We were impressed! Much nicer than staying in Las
we walked the half block to a Mexican Cafe recommended by ‘Check-in
Mom’. We had decided to save the other half of our Sub sandwiches
for lunch tomorrow while we are in Death Valley.
and good night. BTW….the moon is just two days from full and it
was beautiful as we walked home from dinner!!
November 3
City, NV to Bishop, CA
and down. Up and down. Repeat. Again. That would sum up today
pretty well!! We didn’t pick the road most traveled and worked
the little Prius hard, but it was worth every minute! Our goal today
was to take some roads that we wouldn’t otherwise take when pulling
the trailer!
began by pulling out of Boulder City around 7:30 and skirting the
south side of Las Vegas (heavy traffic in a few places, but otherwise
not too bad…) and heading west on US Hwy 160 toward Pahrump. Rick
had seen this road previously, but there is a 5,000’ pass and we
were pulling the trailer. No need for unnecessary passes at that
point. We headed out of the Vegas basin and climbed steadily through
vibrant colored cliffs of grays, oranges, and reds. Little
vegetation (in fact, we didn’t see trees on mountains all day long,
unless you count joshua trees and a few junipers!) Up to Mountain
Springs summit at 4950’ and then DOWN to Pahrump, a town of 36,500
of 2700’ - large city based on land coverage! We gassed up the car
(Pahrump has lower gas prices than Vegas) and
I checked with the clerk about a cutoff road we saw on the map that
went directly from Pahrump to the entrance road to Death Valley.
This cutoff can save us about 40 miles.
dropped down into Death Valley, stopping at Zabrinski Point to walk
out to the viewpoint. The multitude of colors and layers, canyons
and washouts is pretty amazing. You can see the salt flats on the
valley floor in the distance and the Panamint Mountains across the
way. The sky is hazy, but seems to be clearing. It is much warmer
at Zabrinski Point than it was in Pahrump (windy there!)
to Furnace Creek and the Visitor Center. We are amazed by the line
up huge motorhomes all along the road. Later find out that a group
called the 49ers comes every year at this time and they can’t get
into the campground until noon! By the time we leave, the last of
the lineup is turning into the campground road! The VC is well done
and answers some of our questions about the whys of this lowest spot
and highest temps. The record temp recorded on earth was in 1913 at
Death Valley – 134 in the shade! Ouch!

‘tailgate’ lunch of our Subway sandwiches and then we head down
road toward Badwater (the lowest point in the US at -282’) but we
don’t plan to go that far. We hit the southern end of the Artist
Drive and then wind the 9 miles back north through the narrow canyons
the one lane road affords. Such an array of colors – all blended
and mixed by waters coursing through the rocks and pulling out
various minerals. What I was sure was copper based green, however,
was green calcite. Rhyolite purples, oranges, reds, whites, etc.
And always the black of random volcanic rocks. Even on Artist Drive
we drove UP into the hills and then wound our way DOWN again to the
valley floor.
Furnace Creek again and north toward Stovepipe Wells (not much
there!) and then west to another 5000’ pass
out of the valley. I told Rick I was amazed that we never got to
tree line, but then joshua trees dotted the landscape forawhile. He
said I just didn’t say what KIND of trees!! (Yes, I was thinking
more on the lines of pines!) The multiple north-south mountain
ranges just keep holding back less and less rainfall, so by the time
the storms reach the valley, they are spent. No water, few trees!
The valley floor gets about 2” a year, mostly during the winter
the pass we drop DOWN 4000’ to the floor of the Panamint Valley and
then climb 5000’ to the top of a large plateau. Eventually we drop
DOWN again to Lone Pine which sits at about 2800’. Mount Whitney,
the highest point on the continental US at 14494’
lies almost directly west of Lone Pine. We were trying to figure out
which peak we could see as we descended was Whitney, and then Rick
saw the East Sierra Visitor Center next to the road. We pulled in
and got our answers! I marked a couple of my pictures!
Lone Pine it is 55 miles up the east side of the Sierras to Bishop
and our final destination for the day. We arrive at a Super 8 around
4 and check in. Nothing as fancy as last night, altho more expensive
since it is a Friday night.
drive down to the other end of town, find a grocery store and pick up
some BBQ Pork, artichoke dip, and crackers for dinner! Healthy!
Microwave the pork and wrap it up in tortillas. Chips and dip round
out our meal! Quiet evening.
November 4
to Carmichael, CA
today was another day of passes….7 of them over 7,000’! We
had some major concerns about weather as a wet storm was rolling in
from the west and major snowfall was predicted for the Sierras. But
as we left shortly after 7am, all we saw in Bishop were clear skies
and a giant full moon just starting to slip down behind the jagged
ridge of the Sierras. It was beautiful!
was hard to believe the weather forecast as we headed up the east
side of the mountains. But then again, I guess it was proof of the
east/west rain shadow concept. Wet on the west, dry on the east! We
enjoyed the rising sun casting a redden glow on the peaks and
ponderosas. The clouds were racing across the sky in places in all
types of formations. We went up and down FOUR times just between
Bishop and Walker, all summits a bit more gradual and less extreme
than the drama of Death Valley! Mostly I just enjoyed reminiscing
about the canyons and openings that I remembered from trails hikes
with Dad in my youth….Lundy Canyon, Virginia Lakes, Hoover
stopped in Bridgeport (High Sierra Bakery and rounds of sourdough
bread memory)
for a refill of coffee (expensive, but then again gas was $4.49!).
Forty miles further after winding through Walker River canyon we
turned to climb up Monitor Pass at 8314’. The sign said open and
the skies were still sunny (mostly!) but we could see cloud banks to
the west!
Pass is a trip! We began winding through a little narrow canyon and
then climbed up and up through a RECENT (end of Aug) fire. I felt
like we were going to the top of the mountain rather than a pass
through it! It was pretty amazing. From
the top we dropped down again, eventually into the town of
Markleeville (rope black licorice from the General Store for 10 cents
memory) with its population of 200, and to Luther Pass at 7700’.
We were up and over Luther before we realized it, but we did
encounter our first flakes of snow drifting into the window
there….while the sun was shining as well! That was the ONLY snow
we saw, other than the obvious fresh stuff on the hills above us as
we dropped down US 50.
rain? That we did encounter in full force as we completely crossed
to the west side and descended into the Sacramento Valley. At times
light, other times hard with thick foggy clouds and mists.
arrived at Margaret’s around 12:30, much to her relief. (I think
she had been more worried about the forecast than we were!) We say
it went well because Rick was pro-active….before we left Bishop he
transferred the winter clothes and tire chains to the back seat of
the car….ready!! If you are prepared, you won’t need it!!
afternoon chatting with Marg, Rick watched football games. Jen came
over for a couple hours before she headed out to a Dia de los Muertos
event in Old Town. Marg made Rick’s day with stuffing and chicken
for dinner!
get an extra hour of sleep with the time change tonight!
the forecast, it didn’t rain at all once we arrived in Sacramento.
In fact, we had a gorgeous sunset and a stumpy rainbow!
November 5
and Tea Party at Tom and Heather’s
It was lighter this morning when 6:30 rolled around! Marg was up
and making coffee cake for breakfast. What a gal! Rick will enjoy
it. Rick was opting to skip church (he doesn’t know anyone
anyway!) and take a nice walk. Marg left just before 9 and I took
off around 9:20. Drove down past the old house and along Country
Club Lane because it is such a pretty street in the fall with the big
trees. I was greeted immediately by Lynne Cunningham with an amazed
face and a hug! I wondered around the church a little, noting
changes and familiar sights, and then went in to sit down where I
thought Ron would be showing up with his mom. But, Alice Pyers and
others joined me instead, which was JUST FINE! Had a good visit with
Alice, and then after the service with Shirley
Duncan. All wanted to know about the boys, our Habitat endeavors,
etc. Marg had bell rehearsal (or was it choir?) after church so I
drove home to pick up Rick.
quick bite to eat (just in case we weren’t eating much at the Tea
Party!), pick up Marg at the church, and we head out to Tom and
Heather’s place. I had only been there once before, and Rick
never, so we used Marg for our navigator.
had invited us, her sister Kristy and niece Mila, her grandmother,
and fellow PE teacher Darcie to the Tea Party. (Ron and Kenny stayed
home.) Evidently Matty had been talking about the upcoming visit of
Grandpa Ring all week and had worked himself up to quite the
expectations! First on the agenda? Blocks! He marched right past
Rick into the playroom and pulled out the blocks! Rick very
obediently followed!!
had a wonderful time! Five different kinds of teas, scones, pumpkin
cookies, quiche, artichoke dip, rice pudding, smoked salmon and
cucumber appetizers (Jen’s doings!), apple cake. Everyone brought
something except….us! :( Heather had mini pumpkins the kids had
decorated with our names on them, huge pumpkins scattered around the
house for décor, all the good china out, as well as serving pieces.
Matty and Mila had their own little treats (PB&J mini rollups!)
and pretend tea cups. Dani was taking a short nap. Rick joined the
‘girls’ at the table briefly and then returned to Matty and Mila.
Eventually everyone ended up outside in the yard and I monster
chased Matty around (on a very full stomach!) After her nap, Dani
was much more responsive to the strangers in the house! And she is
walking so it was a fun time.
went back to the church with Jen for
another rehearsal, while Rick and I managed to find our way home by
ourselves. We stopped and filled the gas tank with some 2.79 gas,
which we thought was a good price, considering the average in
California is around $3.10.
turned in early, while I stayed and visited with Marg some about the
finances and house after she got home at 8:45pm.
November 6
CA to Eureka, CA
are up early! It’s not so dark! And therefore on our way out the
door BEFORE 7am!! We stop at the gas station at the corner of Watt
and Whitney to grab some coffee (Marg’s coffee maker didn’t work
this morning after functioning fine yesterday!) No
cappachino machine, just coffee. But then again, it was only 50¢
cup! I
drove the first few hours from Sacramento up to Redding – all
freeway!! I
can’t say it was overly scenic, but we sure did see plenty of nut
and olive orchards! A few quick glimpses of patches of snow on a
high peak to the west, and the Sutter Buttes rose sharply in the
distance to the east. We never saw Lassen, but Shasta was clearly
visible to the north as we neared Redding.
opted to go all the way north to Hwy 299 out of Redding rather than
Clear Lake or Route 36. New road. Probably SHOULD have checked road
reports first as 299 was closed earlier in September for a wildfire,
Clear Lake road had portions of the Napa Valley fires, and Route 36
was to
be closed
much of the week due to extensive construction improvement projects!
So I guess the two or three times we had to stop for construction on
299 was the best choice!
I think both of us expected to see more of the Trinity Alps
Wilderness area from this route as it was directly north of us. But
other than a short view of some snow ridges right near Weaver Lake,
we were along rivers or over passes that were mostly scrub oak,
madrone, and pines. It wasn’t until we neared the coast that I saw
truly GREEN tree covered slopes.
August 30
wildfire (amazingly the same day the Monitor Pass fire started!)
burned over 6000 acres on both sides of the highway near F…...,
just south of Trinity Lake. The highway was closed for several days,
and it was obvious that considerable work has been done already to
control erosion along the road.
went over 3 summits, but at 2800 to 3000’, none of them were THAT
noteworthy considering what we have driven over heading north so far!
The last one brought us down to hillsides COVERED with wild pampas
grass. Obviously some seeds have gotten started and continue to
spread rapidly!
arrived at the Days Inn in Eureka around 1:30pm, too early to check
in as the room wasn’t ready yet. So we parked and took off on a
walk along the Boardwalk and around the historic area of Eureka (in
which the motel is located!) Since neither of us had overly eaten
breakfast, we found the Lost Coast Restaurant, which had come highly
recommended by Tom and Heather. (Heather went to college at Humbolt
State in Arcata, just north of here). We enjoyed halibut sliders
(Rick) and shrimp tacos (Ginger)! More wandering to walk it off abit
and then we are able to get into our room and relax! I’ll hope for
no fires in town tonight, because we are right next to the fire
station….those sirens could be loud!
November 7
CA to Bandon, OR
Redwoods National
WAS a quiet night! We are up and raring to go early, so finished with
breakfast (one of the better ones we have encountered – hot oatmeal
and not a mix!) and on the road by 7:20am. We find gas as we leave
Arcata at a little 76 station – coffee is under a dollar!
Expensive gas, but Rick only puts 2 ½ gallons into the tank –
enough to get us up to Oregon and cheaper prices.
of Trinidad, we come to our first views of the coastline and then
meander on up toward the Redwoods National and State Parks. Pampas
grass continues to line the road and cover the hillsides. Amazing.
pulls off at Lady Bird Johnson Grove and we drive the 2 ½ miles UP
the hillside to the parking area and a 1 ½ mile interpretive
loop trail through
a thick grove of redwood trees. We were the only ones in the forest,
it was cool and damp and quiet, and quite inspiring. You could get a
crink in your neck from looking UP so much!
stopped again at Prairie City Campground and State Park – I figured
I could get my stamp and a pin here. Well, I got my stamp, but the
gift shop was closed – they were having a planned power outage.
Couldn’t even pay cash. She said I could order online, but when I
later checked, it would cost me more in shipping than the price of
the pin! Rats, as the visitor center at the north end of the park is
also closed on Tuesdays, and I wasn’t driving back south to the one
15 minutes away which we had already passed!
then drove an alternate bypass through multiple groves of trees
before rejoining 101 and continuing on up to Crescent City, Smith
River, and the Oregon border! Whew! It took up four hours to travel
100 miles this morning….with a few stops along the way!
in Brookings at the Fred Meyer for gas and a bite to eat. Found a
cafe inside with hot soups. Since I drained the clam chowder bucket,
Rick had chili. He also bought a baguet of French bread which we
devoured half of along with our soups. A good stop!
up the coast and then into Bandon. We found the house in good order,
glad Marg had given me the keys from the safe deposit box so I didn’t
have to worry about finding the hidden one! (I had forgotten to
bring my Bandon key!) One of my missions this week is to send Marg a
complete set of keys and label the ones I have accurately!
unload, do a load of washing, I take a walk on the beach now as the
forecast is for heavy rain much of the week. Sabra has left muffins
and some cookies on the counter for us. That woman is amazing. I
feel so welcome and wanted!
spend most of the evening getting caught up on photographs and
journaling from the trip. Whew. In the am I shall catch up on my
Picasso prayers and wrap that book up. Good night!!
November 8
spent most of today getting caught up with computer work, but by 9pm
I had both blogs up to date, all pictures for Picasso done, contact
made with Morgan and Sabra (Friday night and Saturday dates!), and
groceries in the fridge.
Rick and I took a walk this morning, he on road, I on beach, before
the rain REALLY began to fall around 11am. It rained HARD all
afternoon, but then stopped just before sunset.
still haven’t found the button for the garage opener.
tonight uses up two boxes from the cupboard, plus some fresh snapper.
Also made cookies from mix in cupboard and made rice pudding with
the opened box of white rice.
Bandon sunset vistas from the house. |
November 9
would say today was more laid back than yesterday since we didn’t
even drive anywhere, but Rick did complete a few chores around the
place, and I investigated some of the book shelves in the living
room. It was a beautiful morning on the beach and I got in a good
walk clear down to Coquille Point. I read the entire John Branston book on Katy when I first got up this morning. Sabra came over for a visit
during the afternoon. We ate leftovers for dinner. That’s all! Oh...and
found the garage door opener!
November 10
date with Kachleins
Strider's paper ornament! |
blustery day, but we managed to get in walks….barely avoiding the
rain and wind, but able! I went downtown to pick up some groceries
for dinner, make key copies and get new batteries for smoke alarms.
Ended up at the Farmer’s Market for a few trinkets. We
are depositing our garbage a small grocery bag sack at a time in
various public cans...but by separating out the food garbage (it can
go down into the pit) and the paper (we can burn it!) from the rest,
there isn’t much to throw away over a four day period. Maybe two
bags total. I’ll take everything recycling nature to the dropoff
tomorrow here in town.
Sabra, and Strider came over around 5:15 and stayed until nearly
9:45! Sabra brought french apple cake and homemade cinnamon ice
cream for dessert, plus a bottle of wine. I had made fresh bread,
salad, and spaghetti. We had a wonderful evening! After dinner
craft time to make some rolled paper ornaments. Sabra made a star
and Strider created his own gingerbread man masterpiece. Mark opted
to watch football and kibbutz with Rick. We then played a round of
Spite and Malice and Quiddler, just for Mom! A good time, although
Strider won BOTH games!
November 11
is a beautiful morning out, and promises to be perfect for a beach
walk when Morgan arrives around 11:30! Low tide even! I spend the
morning drawing my first devotion in the new book of Christmas
carols, and then head for the recycling center and fish market at
10am. Everything recycled and a quart of clam chowder purchased for
our lunch (to go with bread and salad leftovers!)
and I walked the beach from 11:45 to 12:45 – the south wind was
blowing pretty strong, but it was still beautiful. Morgan has only
been in Coos Bay for about 10 days, so she hadn’t gotten to the
beach yet! Enjoyed it! We
came back and had our lunch, and then headed down to Old Town for an
hour/half or so – taking in The Farmer’s Market, Wheelhouse,
Cranberry Sweets, Washed Ashore, and Creamery (cheese). Morgan just
enjoyed seeing familiar faces!
of leftovers, conversation with Kirsty, and puttering around getting
ready to leave tomorrow.
November 12
to Troutdale, via stop in Eugene
250 miles
was probably a good thing that Rick and I made the decision Friday
night (?) to get a hotel reservation in Troutdale. We were making
sure the homing pidgeon, ‘horse to the barn’ mentality wouldn’t
kick in and we would stupidly decide to drive ALL the way home
Sunday, even with stops for church and Kirsty. It would have been a
dark, rainy drive!
didn’t have to worry if church went a little late (and in Bandon it
ALWAYS does!) or that we spent 2 ½ hours at Kirsty’s….we knew we
only had to get to Troutdale, where we would leave all the traffic in
the morning!
was a misty morning, with patches of sunshine. Waves were beautiful
as always as we shut down the house, locked it up tight, and made our
way to church with a few minutes to spare, so I had time to greet a
few people before the service. Sabra kindly acknowledged our
presence during the introductions. We were on our way north by
drove until Florence, where we swapped drivers, got a drink and a
bathroom at the Safeway store and headed east on 126 to Eugene. Got
cell LTE service just outside Eugene so I could figure out the best
way to get to Kirsty’s house! We arrived just fine at 2:40! Kaila
had selected our options for dinner, but we got a tour of the house,
a little chat time, a walk to see the wild turkeys, and then a
fabulous pasta dinner with sausage, zucchini, onion, and wild
mushrooms …. and plenty of mozzarella cheese!
was dark and wet when we left at 5:15….and rained all the way up
I-5, with plenty of truck traffic. Glad Rick was driving. Stopped
in Donald to gas up the Prius and then head over 205 to 84 and our
hotel in
– the Quality Inn. We signed up for Choice Hotels when we made the
reservation. Ready to pay an extra $10-$15 dollars for a nicer stay.
You know you are in a nicer hotel when your room is on the third
floor, the fireplace is blazing in the lobby, and you have a “real”
hotel desk. (However, Kirsty told us about their AirBnB BUS while in
Astoria which was way cool. We still have to try AirBnB!)
evening. Home tomorrow noonish, so we can give blood at 3pm!
November 13
to Baker City, OR
at 12:15. Wet drive. Rick drove in rain until Celilo. I drove dry
until Stanfield (more or less). Rick drove rain until LaGrande and
then it was WINDY!! Otherwise smooth trip. Just glad to BE
Quality Inn in Gresham was high class….all the aforementioned merits but also a full HOT breakfast (including eggs,
sausage and bacon, etc.!!) in what seemed like a cafe setting. NICE!
Blood given, car unloaded, mail retrieved. A fun trip to explore roads we don't take with trailer. A good visit with family and friends. But it is time to stay home for awhile!