June 16
Day….We Finished Fast!
Colbs loads up wood |
Well, today was a little odd. We all quickly got back to our jobs after
devotions, etc. and by break time, we were about done! The last of the blue foam insulation had been
glued to the foundation walls (Rick worked on that) and the foundation trailer
was fully loaded with ALL the wood – the forms, the 2x8s, 1x4s, 2x4s, and
everything in-between! Colbs
masterminded the loading of the trailer top surface with the long boards, while
I worked for awhile loading the back with all the shorter pieces of 2x8 and 2x6’s.
Rick and Cherie finish insulation |
So…we took our break while we waited
for Steve! He had left to make
arrangements for a bobcat (which he returned with) and the gravel….he was still
working on trying to get the guy to deliver around noon. But alas….no such luck.
Clint on the bobcat |
Break kinda morphed into lunch,
although we did get the form trailer moved down the block four houses to where
they will be building next. Steve spent
some time during lunch explaining the value of having CAVs do the foundation
work, as it frees up the money necessary to spend extra on the energy saving
measures taken to make these homes as leak proof as possible. It was an interesting and worthwhile
Watching Clint play! |
A few of us stayed an extra hour to
help spray the dirt while Clint tried to level parts of the property in front
of the garage. The more the dirt is
watered, the easy it is to work with.
Clint was mostly playing – he really wanted to get his hands on the
control of that little cat. But it didn’t
operate like previous ones he had used and it was painful at times to
watch! Tom sat down and started rating
his maneuvers with a chunk of cardboard: 8, 7, etc. I didn't remember to take an end of the day picture from the same spot today. :(
Almost end of the day picture, Day 7 |
Tie-dying! |
Cherie at the dye table |
So….early back to the trailer! Rick took off on a walk and I started right
in getting my dyes prepared for the tie dye party! We moved the time up to 3:30 since everyone
was back and ready. I think all the
women dyed something except for Linda L.
A total of 22 items (of which 5 were mine! J) A successful
endeavor and I think everyone had fun.
We all modeled our aprons…and we especially loved Monica’s Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman! |
We got all cleaned up and Colbs
cooked dinner for everyone! Leftovers
from last Friday night plus eggs! He
used up all the potatoes, pork, and onions, added eggs and grilled it all up. Good!
Most brought over a side dish and we ate well once again!
Did get a chance to talk with Luke
tonight which was nice. He and Kady are
having a good time together.
June 18
Boy Toys!
Steve had us all prepped and ready
for shovels and dirt today – until we saw the size of the boulders in the PIT
Gravel that was delivered right at 8am!
The group was all over the initial work, slowly moving some rock,
compressing it with the compactor, but there weren’t enough shovels for
everyone, nor enough room for everyone to work within the inner garage
space! Cherie manned the hose the entire
time, constantly spraying which would help with the compacting.
How many CAVs does it take to spread a little rock? |
Big Boy toys in action! |
And then,
around 9am, the big boy toys arrived. A
machine (I don’t know what it is called!) that spun around with a big shovel
arm and a snowplow like pusher in front.
The guy working it was soooo smooth.
A younger fellow came in and worked an industrial size compactor (like
the road crews use for asphalt) and for awhile Steve was in the bobcat, they
were both working, and it was fun just to watch. We took our break, but after that, it became
apparent that there wasn’t going to be anything for 18 people to do but
watch. And we certainly appreciated the
job the tractors were doing that saved HOURS (DAYS?) of work and many old
backs! Much of the group headed home at
that point, with four guys remaining to help Steve lay some of the plumbing
when the grade was ready.
Rick and Colbs help with some
plumbing lines |
Rick ended up working with Rusty until 3pm. Val and Colbs got the plumbing done and left
around 1. Rick ran some sort of
compactor that WASN’T fun as parts weren’t working as well as hoped. But, when he got home, he reported that all
the pit gravel was finished, a load of pea gravel had been delivered and things
were looking up! We should be able to
start the insulation and re-bar of the slab sometime tomorrow.
Around the campfire at Katy's. |
In the meantime, I came home around 11:30, got lunch
and then started the rinse out process on the tie dye. Everything looked great and I had plenty of
help to get the garments rinsed outside, rinsed in the wash basin, three
washing loads (two with soap, one on warm) and then a dryer. Kathy took care of the second wash, and I
finished everything up and delivered the folded product to the trailers (at
least those who were here!) Whew! Can’t wait for pictures!
Katy Branston, the volunteer coordinator, invited
everyone up to her place in Whitefish for the evening! Grill ready and I think a fire pit, so we are
taking s’more makings! Bring your own
chair and booze and something to grill!
Several of the gals are already in Whitefish, having taken a shopping
excursion. A pre-Katy event at the
brewery for many, but since Rick and Rusty didn’t get back until nearly 3:20, I
doubt we will make it. More to come
Gayle is laid back and enjoying it all! |
Later….a beautiful evening in
Whitefish! We did make it to the brewery…just
as everyone else was leaving! Ah well,
we stopped for one drink and sat out on the outdoor balcony where we could just
watch the world go by on Main Street of Whitefish. Good views, good conversations. Watched a guy drive up in a green 1937
Packard in impeccable condition. He said
there was a vintage car group meeting at the lodge. Pretty cool.
I liked the 'house rules' posted in
Katy's bathroom! |
Over to Katy and Dyllan’s house –
nice little bungalow right on the Whitefish River. Got there in time for the second round of
Colbs’ onion rings and a spot on the grill for the salmon we picked up
enroute. I had a salmon burger and
thoroughly enjoyed it. Katy went down to
her fire pit and we made a fire to roast some marshmallows and make s’mores! Peaceful setting.
Everyone left around 7:45 to head back
to Kalispell. Clint had asked for a ‘team
meeting’ to appraise everyone on Steve’s wife’s condition. Genia has a fast growing tumor behind her
uterus and will be traveling to Spokane on Friday for evaluation. I knew this had been on Steve’s mind the
entire build and was kinda glad it was out in the open. We will work hard tomorrow and then determine
what happens on Friday. Big prayers for
the family.
I think it is warmer tonight at 9pm
than it was at 2pm this afternoon. We
had cloud cover all day off and on and a brief (very brief) little rain shower
June 18
Preparation; Porches; Plumbing and Re-bar!
Beginning of the day |
A very productive day on the
job! It was amazing to see the job done
by the excavators yesterday when we arrived this morning. But….still PLENTY left to accomplish. Steve announced that he had rescheduled the
concrete finishers for Tuesday, so if we can get the slab READY by the end of
the day Friday, he will be in good shape when he gets back….a time frame that
is unknown until they see the doctor tomorrow in Spokane.
WhackPack Dance! |
Rick and Rusty volunteered for the
plumber assistant crew and they worked with Darrell and his son Peter on the
plumbing trenches, etc. as necessary.
They spent the rest of the day preparing the framing for the concrete on
the porches. I imagine they will finish
that up tomorrow, as re-bar, etc. still needs to be installed. Rick was privileged to use the 'Whacker Packer' again today. What a beast!
Rusty pauses from digging trench. |
I joined a crew of 5 under Val’s
leadership to trench around the outside of the main house portion about 5” deep
in order to install the radon mitigation system. Steve automatically puts this into the slab
so that IF radon is every detected, it is an easy flip of a switch to dissipate
it with a fan through the roof. Very
forward thinking. The pipe was riddled
with holes and covered with mesh to prevent dirt from bleeding in. We trenched
and then buried the pipe.
Another crew worked with Tom to
level and compact the entire garage floor, and then install the re-bar. They nearly finished their job!
After the radon pipe, I worked with
Rick and Rusty briefly before lunch on the front porch. After lunch, Steve started throwing a few
insulation panels down and I got instructed in the installation of those! We got three rows of panels installed and taped
together, as well as the border edge cut and glued in. Colbs learned to bevel the top of the
insulation so the concrete will pour flat clear out to the foundation
edge. That was the step I did in Columbia
Falls, but I couldn’t remember exactly what it was!
End of day progress. |
End of the day, we wished Steve
well, especially those who will not be back in September to reconnect. Our prayers will be with him and Genia
tonight and tomorrow.
Foundation Prayer picture |
Rick and I stopped at Lowe’s enroute
home to purchase our miter saw! When we
got there….good news – the saw was on sale for only $99 instead of $139! Bad news – because of the sale, there weren’t
any left! Rick went to find a clerk to
see about more in stock, and we ended up with a very nice guy (who has
participated in Cycle Oregon and remembers Baker City!) who ordered the saw for
us on-line and it will be delivered to the house free shipping! What a deal!
And today, Coldstone Creamery
finally called to us! Nothing too
decadent – although Rick enjoyed a SMALL Mudpie Mojo and I had a Fruit Smoothie
of mango and pineapple. That was very
Happy Hour with friends, a beautiful
evening, and I finished reading a book tonight outside. Tomorrow is our last day on the build.
Note: During morning break I left briefly to call
Mom to see if she had heard from Liz and Mac.
Mac had arrived with Liz in Portland, so all was going well on that
front. Whew.
June 19
Day of the Build
A beautiful sunrise this morning as
there are some clouds in the sky. No
rain is forecast today, but you wouldn’t know it from looking up!
One accomplishment...I measured
and cut out the penetrations
for this foam board. |
We are flying ‘solo’ today, although
Katy, volunteer coordinator, will be on site.
Steve is with Genia in Spokane (and we later learn he won’t be returning
until Thursday….prayers for them both).
Everyone more or less had a job to do and go busy, but my crew had a
slow start as we couldn’t move forward until the rest of the area got
completely level….and we struggled with it abit. Finally Tom came over and gave some advice
based on what he learned doing the garage.
Somewhat a problem of too many cooks in the kitchen, and the main chef
was out of the restaurant to be the final decision maker! But we made it. Lynn came and worked with me for awhile
glueing the side panels in (which Clint cut the bevels on with the table saw,
so that part was EASY!)
Rick helps Peter put in some water lines |
We expected the plumbers first
thing, but when they hadn’t shown up by break, we got Katy on the phone. She finally got through and they were on
another job, thinking we weren’t working today!
Won’t be here until later this afternoon, but we got a text from Steve
saying to just leave the bathroom uncovered and go from there. So we did.
End result? We got all the rebar laid and tied, the wall
support cut-outs made and dug, foam all laid, EXCEPT in the bathroom area. Peter the plumber came around 2:30 and
finished up with Rick’s help. I would
have liked to have stayed for an extra hour and finished the job, but Hinkles
and Norrells are going in tomorrow morning to finish it up. Since Steve will be cancelling Tuesday’s
scheduled pour, there really isn’t a push except for the knowledge we finished
the prep for the pour.
Final Build photo. |
Katy in a Steve style
'power stance' |
During lunch, Katy casually said she
had a Habitat warm-fuzzy story (as Steve often does) and then said she had to ‘get
ready’. She put on a yellow hard-hat
like Steve’s and then said, “now the power stance!” which cracked us all
up. She had a great story about Lexie
and her family, whom we met last spring and fall.
Tonight was our farewell dinner down
at the pavilion. Jersey Boys in
Whitefish was supplying the pizzas (8 of them!)
I took the last loaf of cranberry nut bread I had been keeping in the
freezer (Swanson recipe!) It went well
with the strawberry rhubarb pie and watermelon for dessert! Jason and one of the daughters were there (I
also presented them with a tie dye shirt for mom Angela), plus Katy and
Erin. Good time, good sharing of what
the build meant to us and what we learned. Brooks had commented to Katy that we spent two weeks working on something that no one will ever see when the house is finished. Katy had a great quote to read about the value of strong foundations! I read my TieDying Habitat poem and we took our TieDye picture, plus
another group photo!
Group photo with tie dye shirts galore. Jason and one of his daughter in the middle (with Angela's shirt on!) |
Informal Happy Hour afterward at the
Norrells, but I spent most of the time working on sending out an album of
pictures. A beautiful evening with a
gentle breeze.
Today was a Montana sky day – deep blue
with big puffy white clouds. So
Daily Progress Collage of pictures |
TieDye Collage of Pictures |
June 20
We decided today would be a relaxing
day in Whitefish! Had thoughts of
signing up for the zip line while it is discounted, but decided we will save
that for the fall (discounts again right at the end of the season!) Colbs and Jo went and we saw some great
Quilts in the shop I like! |
So, around 9 we head north for
breakfast at the Buffalo Café, a favorite little Whitefish diner. We have to wait about 15 minutes as it is
always crowded on a Saturday morning.
Not bad. Rick has his blueberry
pancakes and I try a veggie breakfast burrito.
Both good!
A walk-out Center Street poking into
all the shops. There are some great ones
here! We pick up a new toothbrush holder
for home in the pottery store (yes, I know I could make one, but it wasn’t
getting done very fast!) And then a stop
in the quilt shop. I bought a pattern
for a hummingbird wall hanging – should look awesome under my finally finished
Quick view of Whitefish Mountains from bike trail |
Then a bike ride! We brought our bikes all this way and have
used them ONCE! Had a little trouble
finding where to park to get on the trail, but we parked south of town and rode
through town along the river, over the railroad tracks and down and up a big
hill near the turn to Big Mountain. The
map made it look like the path went all the way to the state park another two
miles further, but no….we would have had to go on the road. I didn’t have my helmet, so that made me a
little nervous. So we turned around. The hills gave enough of a workout!
Field of yellow near F2M Road and Reserve |
To come home we decided to take Farm
to Market Road, which runs WEST of Hwy 93 on the other side of the Stillwater
River. Had to drive about 10 miles NW on
93 to the junction, through some gorgeous open grassy valleys, but we found the
turn and enjoyed the back road twisting of F2M along the Stillwater, past
ranches and farms, a pig farm, wood operation, and fields of yellow. We came out on Reserve and drove straight
east to the campground.
Rick took a nap and relaxed for the
rest of the afternoon. Gradually
everyone returned from their days’ adventures.
Several went out to HuHut for dinner, but we had already eaten. Gathered for a wine recap goodbye around 8pm
when all were back! Goodbyes…..always
the hardest part of the trip. But with
these folks, you can bet tour paths will cross again!
We have the trailer all hitched up
and the front folded up. Ready for a
quick get-away!
June 21
MT to Wallowa, OR
Birthday to Bryan and Matt! Happy Father’s
Day, Rick!
Classic farm scene west of Elmo, MT |
Route for today |
We are off at 7:10, quick stop at
Town Pump at the corner for coffee, and out of the Kalispell area by 7:30am
heading south on US93 along the west shore of Flathead Lake. A beautiful day outside! To top off our departure, Rick saw a fox in
the field this morning and I woke up to witness a glorious night sky of stars
last night. I wanted to go out and try out
my new StarView app, but sleep was more important.
Dropping down into Plains |
We head down 93 to the town of Elmo
where we head west on Rte 28 to connect with the Interstate at St. Regis. It is a beautiful drive UP and over the crest
of a ridge and through rolling hills of green grasslands and forest. Rick spied a big horn sheep in one
pasture. We gassed up in Plains and then
wound down the St. Regis River through a narrow gap in the mountains to
St. Regis River as we near I-90 |
I drove the Interstate section today
up and over the pass and into Idaho….through three different sections of
construction! Ugh! We veered off the interstate on Rte 3 south
toward St. Maries at the southern tip of Couer d’Alene Lake. Planned to get gas in Medimont, ID on the way
to St. Maries, but it was nearly 50 cents more per gallon than Gas Buddy had
indicated. So I drove on to St. Maries,
where we filled up no matter what! I had
driven my 100 miles by then, so Rick took over!
Route 3 (and then 6) over to 95 was
not the fastest route in the world!
Scenic vistas of wheat fields, forests, and vast grasslands, quaint
little farms and ranches, but a very curvy, winding road!! We’ve traveled at a quicker pace before! Stopped on a turnout for a brief lunch break
and I smelled the fragrant aroma of the mock orange syringa bushes all
Into Lewiston where we planned to
get gas again before heading the 100 miles south to Enterprise on a ‘no
services’ road. But we couldn’t find a
gas station! Over the Snake River into
Washington and still no gas station. We
finally turned off our intended route and headed west until we found ‘Rick’s
Foods and Gas’ at the top of the hill.
The gas was $3.09, but at that point we didn’t care! (Still less than we
will pay in Baker City!) Went into the
grocery store to find a bathroom and get a drink. While we were getting ice out for Rick’s
drink and in the trailer, I turned to leave and heard this, ‘Ginger?’ out in
the parking lot! It was the ONE person
we knew in Clarkston, Jeanne Kirkpatrick!!
And even more amazing, she is now living most of the time in the
Vancouver area! We stood out in the
parking lot talking for nearly a half hour, catching up on the kids, our lives,
etc. I told Rick it was a ‘God-moment’ –
we couldn’t find gas for a reason! Not
to mention, we were in ‘Rick’s’ parking lot!
Pretty cool.
So….we didn’t get away from
Clarkston until 2 pm, heading south to travel over Rattlesnake Grade, down to
the Grande Ronde River, up again to Zumalt Prairie and the Joseph Canyon area
and into Enterprise. A beautiful drive,
more forested than we remembered, but still….Rattlesnake Grade lives up to its
name and it is 9 grueling miles down hairpin turn after hairpin turn. I just closed my eyes! Once down….back up the other side, but the
curves are a little gentler!
We stopped at Chief Joseph Overlook north of Enterprise. Beautiful canyon. Winter home of Nez Perce. |
We stopped to check out Fields
Spring State Park at the top of Rattlesnake Summit in Washington. But there were no hookups and it was $25 a
night just for a dry camp. Beautiful
wooded setting at the brink of the canyon, but no….we drove on!
Tile in bathroom showers! Posh! |
Wallowa Mountains!!! |
We decided to stop at Wallowa River
RV Park, under 100 miles from home, but it was 4:30pm and we had been on the go
since 7:30. Besides we need to clean out
the sewer tonight so the trailer is ready to pack up for storage when we get
home. Proved to be a good choice. The BEST showers in an RV park I have enjoyed
in ages: clean, tiled with tile pictures embedded in the walls, a drying bath
mat plus a shower mat, handheld shower wand, good pressure and good heat! Nice folks and a reasonable $30. Not a bargain, but reasonable. We are right on the river and enjoy a
gorgeous rainbow and sunset. I called
Dale and Iva Lindsey and we are meeting them for breakfast in the morning!
Wallowa River at RV park |
A complete rainbow, and then.... |
Sunset skies! |
MONDAY, June 22
Home to Baker City, OR!!
89 miles
Some sort of bird was singing a very melodic, but loud, song at 5am this morning! I woke up and kept trying to refigure my watch which is once again an hour off when I return to Pacific time. I really should figure out how to change the settings on it! Alas, alas. I finally roll over and read until 6:15 and then rise and put pictures into my blog until 7 when we really start moving! Quickly clean the toilet, sinks, and Rick catches the shower, so when we get home all are clean because there won't be any water in the system.
Flowers blooming outside RV park bathroom |
We walk down the four blocks to the Main Street Grill to meet Dale and Iva. Arrive a few minutes before opening at 8am, but the owner lets us come in and eventually brings us each a cup of coffee. We browsed the many pictures on the walls until the Lindseys arrive shortly after 8. We enjoy a wonderful hour visiting with them and I consume at least 5 cups of a good quality coffee (no cream necessary even!) - I'll be wired today!!
Snapdragons blooming at park |
Back to finish flushing out the system and hit the road! We only have 90 miles to go! By 9:20 we are out of Wallowa and heading for home.
An uneventful drive home through the beautiful canyons and high plateaus of ranch and farmland. I was working on some needlepoint and about 15 miles from LaGrande thought I had swallowed my needle. (Rick has been warning me over and over to quit holding the needle in my mouth when I switch threads and definitely QUIT TALKING when the needle is in my mouth.) I looked all over and couldn't find it, but also couldn't imagine it going down without any feeling whatsoever. But it scared me! When we stopped for gas in Island City I did a more thorough search and found the needle under the seat on the floor of the truck! Whew!!! I have learned my lesson!
We stopped very briefly at Wal-Mart looking for a sewer connector that will make Rick's life much nicer (recommended by Tom Hinkle) but no such luck. Rick will order it online. Home at 11:30 and all unloaded by 1:30. A GOOD TRIP, but it sure is nice to be home for awhile!